RAIDframe: A Rapid
Prototyping Tool for
RAID Systems
Version 1.0, 29 August 1996
William V. Courtright II
Garth Gibson
Mark Holland
LeAnn Neal Reilly
Jim Zelenka
Parallel Data Laboratory
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3891
©1995, 1996 Carnegie Mellon University.
All rights reserved.
Author: William V. Courtright II, Garth Gibson, Mark Holland, LeAnn Neal Reilly, Jim Zelenka
Release History
Version 0.9 of the RAIDframe documentation and code distributed August 1996.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both
the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software, derivative works or modified versions,
and any portions thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
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any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon the rights to redistribute these changes.
We wish to thank Rachad Youssef for implementing the simulator version of RAIDframe. Dan Stodolsky assisted in the
implementation of several architectures and components of the system, and lent invaluable moral support. Thanks also to
Khalil Amiri who jumped in as a new graduate student to finish the distributed sparing work and to incorporate the diskoriented
reconstruction algorithm. Paul Mazaitis and Victor Ortega provided invaluable assistance in preparing this
This research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation through the Data Storage Systems Center, an NSFengineering
research center, under grant number ECD-8907068 and an AT&T fellowship. It is also supported in part by
industry members of the Parallel Data Consortium, including: Hewlett-Packard, Data General Corporation, Digital
Equipment Corporation, International Business Machines, Seagate Technology, Storage Technology, and Symbios Logic.
INTRODUCTION The Importance of RAIDframe to the Research and Development
Communities 7
CHAPTER 1 Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview 11
1.1 The Need for Improved Availability in the Storage Subsystem 11
1.1.1 The Widening Access Gap 11
1.1.2 The Downsizing Trend in Disk Drives 12
1.1.3 The Advent of New, I/O-Intensive Applications 13
1.1.4 Why These Trends Necessitate Higher Availability 13
1.2 Technology Background 14
1.2.1 Disk Technology 15
1.2.2 Disk-Array Technology 17 Disk-Array Architecture 18 Defining the RAID Levels: Data Layout and ECC 18 Reading and Writing Data in the Different RAID Levels 23 RAID Level 1 24 RAID Level 3 25 RAID Level 5 26 Comparing the Performance of the RAID Levels 28 On-line Reconstruction 28 Related Work: Variations on These Organizations 29 Multiple-Failure Tolerance 29 Addressing the Small-Write Problem 30 Spare-Space Organizations 32 Distributing the Functionality of the Array Controller 32 Striping Studies 32 Disk-Array Performance Evaluation 34 Reliability Modeling 34 Improving the Write-Performance of RAID Level 1 35 Network File Systems Based on RAID 35
CHAPTER 2 Managing the Complexity of Array Software 37
2.1 Traditional Approaches in Managing Array Software are Suboptimal 38
2.2 Treating RAID Operations as Programs 39 Primitive Operations Commonly Used in Redundant Disk Arrays 40
2.2.1 Creating Pass-Fail Primitive Operations 41
2.2.2 Constructing RAID Operations from a Set of Primitive Operations 42
2.2.3 Summary 42
2.3 Representing RAID Operations as Graphs 42
2.3.1 Directed, Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) 43
2.3.2 Simplifying Constraints for DAGs 44
2.3.3 Incorporating Roll-Away Error Recovery Within DAGs 45
2.3.4 Verifying the Correctness of DAGs 46
2.4 Executing RAID Operations 47
2.4.1 Node States and Transitions 47
2.4.2 Executing DAGs Without Errors 49
2.4.3 Handling Errors When Executing DAGs 49
2.5 Reconstructing Data On-line When a Disk Fails 51
2.5.1 Disk-Oriented Reconstruction 51
2.5.2 Buffer Memory Management 53
2.5.3 Interaction with Writes in the Normal Workload 53
2.5.4 Summary 54
CHAPTER 3 RAIDframe: A Framework for Implementing New
Designs 55
3.1 Features 55
3.1.1 RAIDframe as a Stand-Alone User Application 56
3.1.2 RAIDframe as an Event-Driven Simulator 56
3.1.3 RAIDframe as a Device Driver in the Kernel 57
3.1.4 RAID Architectures Implemented in RAIDframe 57
3.2 Internal Architecture 59
3.2.1 RAIDframe Infrastructure 60 State Machine 60 Graph Execution Engine 62 Disk Interface 63
3.2.2 Configurable RAIDframe Modules 63 Disk-Queue Module 63 Disk-Geometry Database 63 Mapping 63 Graph Selection 64 Graph Library 64 Primitive-Operations Library 64
3.3 Reconstruction Architecture 65
3.3.1 Reconstruction State Machine 65
3.3.2 Reconstruction States 65
3.4 Suite of Test Applications 66
CHAPTER 4 Installing, Configuring, and Using RAIDframe 69
4.1 Installing RAIDframe 69
4.1.1 RAIDframe compilation environment 69
4.1.2 Editing the RAIDframe_site.def File 70
4.1.3 Generating Files Necessary for Compilation 70
4.1.4 Compiling RAIDframe user-level binaries 70
4.1.5 Compiling the Device Driver in a Digital Unix source tree 70
4.2 Configuring RAIDframe 72
4.2.1 RAIDframe’s Configuration File 72 Array (m) 72 Disks (m) 72 Spare 73 Layout (m) 73 Queue (m) 74 Debug 74
4.2.2 Configuring the Device Driver Using Control Programs 75 rf_setconfig 76 rf_ctrl 76
4.3 Testing RAIDframe Operation 77
4.3.1 Running the Test Applications 77 Single-Access Test 77 Loop Test 77 Random Read or Write Test 78 File Write-Read Test 78 Reconstruction Test 78 Write array test 78 Script Test 78 Layout Test 78
4.3.2 Setting Up the Workload File For the Script Test 79 Synthetically Generated Workloads 79 Trace-Driven Workloads 80
4.4 Performance Analysis Tools 81
4.4.1 Preparing to Run the rf_genplot Front End 81
4.4.2 Running the rf_genplot Front End 81
4.5 Accessing Built-in Performance Tracing 82
4.6 Debugging RAIDframe Installations 84
CHAPTER 5 Extending RAIDframe 87
5.1 RAIDframe fundamentals 87
5.1.1 Types and Conventions 87
5.1.2 Return Codes 88
5.1.3 Memory Allocation 88
5.1.4 Memory Allocation Lists 89
5.1.5 Shutdown Lists 89
5.1.6 Threads 90 Thread Types 90 Using mutex variables 91 Using condition variables 92 Creating threads 93 Managing threads 93 Threads in the simulator 96
5.1.7 Creating New Debug Options 96
5.1.8 Timing 96
5.1.9 Built-in Tracing of RAIDframe Performance 97
5.2 Installing a New RAID Architecture 98
5.2.1 parityConfig, configName 99
5.2.2 MakeLayoutSpecific, makeLayoutSpecificArg 99
5.2.3 Configure 100
5.2.4 MapSector, MapParity, MapQ 101
5.2.5 IdentifyStripe 102
5.2.6 SelectionFunc 102
5.2.7 MapSIDToPSID 103
5.2.8 GetDefaultHeadSepLimit 103
5.2.9 GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers 104
5.2.10GetNumSpareRUs 104
5.2.11 InstallSpareTable 104
5.2.12 SubmitReconBuffer 104
5.2.13VerifyParity 105
5.2.14 faultsTolerated 106
5.2.15 states 106
5.2.16 flags 106
5.3 Implementing New RAID Operations 107
5.3.1 DAG Creation 107
5.3.2 Creating New Primitive Operations 107
5.4 Adding a New Disk-Queueing Policy 108
5.4.1 Create Operation 108
5.4.2 Enqueue Operation 109
5.4.3 Dequeue Operation 109
5.4.4 Peek Operation 109
5.4.5 Promote Operation 110
5.5 Porting RAIDframe to Other Systems 110
5.5.1 Basic Types 110
5.5.2 Byte Ordering 111
5.5.3 Word Size 111
5.5.4 Timing 111
5.5.5 SCSI Operations 111
5.5.6 Threads 111
5.5.7 Random Numbers 111
5.5.8 CPU Utilization 111
Appendix A: Graph Library 113
A.1 RAID Level 0 113
A.2 RAID Level 1, Chained Declustering, Interleaved Declustering 114
A.3 RAID Level 4, RAID Level 5, Parity Declustering 115
A.4 RAID Level 6 117
Appendix B: RAIDframe Types 125
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INTRODUCTION The Importance of
RAIDframe to the
Research and Development
The demand for high-capacity, high-performance, and highly available data storage has
increased as information systems have grown to critical importance in business operations.
Given how rapidly the market for Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
(RAID) [Patterson88] is growing [DISK/TREND94], these architectures are clearly the
storage technology of choice for meeting this demand.
The increasing importance of RAID systems has led to a number of proposals for new
architectures and algorithms, for example, designs emphasizing improved write performance
[Menon92, Mogi94, Polyzois93, Solworth91, Stodolsky94]. While many of
these proposals are promising, they have been largely evaluated only by simulation or
analytic modeling. To understand the advantages and limitations of these new designs, it
is essential for RAID architects to experiment with concrete implementations.
However, evaluating new designs by introducing them into the marketplace is expensive,
slow, and too often unenlightening. Using traditional approaches, implementing
redundant disk arrays has been a difficult, manual process. This is evidenced by an
inability to generate code which is reusable, extensible, and easily verifiable as correct.
While these problems prevent RAID researchers and developers from exploring the
design space, they also lead to long development times and uncertain product reliability
for RAID vendors.
In developing RAIDframe, our primary goal was to decrease design-cycle time by simplifying
the process of implementation without sacrificing performance (measured in
terms of storage access and response time). We developed a simple programming
abstraction to which distinct RAID operations (and therefore, architectures) may be easily
implemented in RAIDframe. Once the basic instructions (fewer than a dozen) are
implemented, the time required to implement a new RAID operation is simply the time
required to write a new program. Error recovery is then mechanized without diminishThe
Importance of RAIDframe to the Research and Development Communities
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ing performance or increasing overhead—in contrast to traditional approaches which
were manual and prone to error [Courtright94].
The programming abstraction RAIDframe uses is based on directed acyclic graphs
(DAGs). A designer wishing to introduce a new architecture or optimize an existing
architecture is able to achieve this goal by modifying the library of graphs and graphinvocation
rules implemented in RAIDframe. While graphs and the binding of graphs to
requests varies widely, the majority of the code in RAIDframe is found in the unchanging
DAG interpretation engine. In this way, designers are encouraged to experiment
with and extend various RAID architectures because they can ignore the majority of the
code, which is devoted to device-manipulation details.
A particularly powerful feature of RAIDframe is that it separates error recovery from
array architecture. The mechanism used to recover from failed primitive operations
(such as a disk read) during the execution of an array operation is a part of RAIDframe’s
internal infrastructure. To do this, RAIDframe uses a two-phase approach to error
recovery which we call roll-away error recovery. RAIDframe’s architecture-independent
DAG interpreter handles errors by identifying those nodes in a DAG that commit
data to disk and by specifying the direction of recovery based on when errors occur in
relation to this commit point.
Specifically, if an error occurs before any data has been committed to disk, then the system
rolls back, releasing resources, and retries the operation with a more appropriate
graph. On the other hand, if an error occurs after data has been committed, the system
rolls forward through the remainder of the graph, giving later requests the impression
that this graph completed instantaneously before the error. In either case, this process is
hidden from the user and performed without regard to array architecture. Graph commit
points can be specified so that roll-back is inexpensive (that is, it does not induce additional
device work in preparing for or executing roll-back) and so that roll-forward does
not need to execute any device operation not already coded in the in-progress graph. By
eliminating the need for architecture-specific code for handling errors, roll-away error
recovery further simplifies the process of building new RAID architectures: there is no
need to create or alter thousands of lines of error-recovery code.
Currently, RAIDframe acts as a software-only RAID controller for Alpha-based OSF/1
machines. To emphasize our intent to enable real designers to experiment with and use
RAIDframe, we have implemented the software so that it can be configured to execute
as an event-driven simulator, as a stand-alone application managing disks through the
UNIX raw-disk-interface, or as an OSF/1 device driver through which standard UNIX
file systems can be mounted and accessed.
RAIDframe’s library of architectures includes RAID levels 0 (nonredundant), 1 (mirroring
with shortest-queue selection), 4 (centralized parity), 5 (rotated parity), 6 (Reed-
Solomon double-failure protection), declustered parity, interleaved declustering, and
chained declustering, and others; additionally, variants of some of these support distributed,
on-line spare-disk capacity. Preliminary performance analysis shows that RAIDframe’s
RAID level 0 can keep an array as busy as a much-more-limited direct
implementation of disk striping without substantially increasing response time,
although RAIDframe requires more processing power to achieve this goal [Gibson,
1995]. Moreover, beginning with the RAID level 0 graphs in its library, well over 90%
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and frequently 99% of the lines of code in RAIDframe are unchanged by the modifications
necessary to implement the architectures listed above. Finally, the roll-away error
recovery is fully functional, requiring only that a graph’s commit nodes be marked.
The contents of this document can be roughly divided into two categories: background
and using RAIDframe. Background chapters are Chapter One, Redundant Disk Arrays;
Chapter Two, Theory of Operation; and Chapter Three, RAIDframe: A Framework for
Implementing New Designs. Together, these chapters provide a basic understanding of
RAID technology, explain the programmatic abstraction RAIDframe uses for modeling
RAID operations, and detail RAIDframe’s features, internal architecture, and supporting
libraries. The remaining chapters are Chapter Four, Installing, Configuring, and
Using RAIDframe; and Chapter Five, Extending RAIDframe. These last two chapters
help provide designers and developers with the necessary information for using RAIDframe.
This document, along with the RAIDframe code, will be continually revised and
updated. These updates will be made available on the RAIDframe Web pages at the
URL To be
notified when updates are made available, send mail to
RAIDframe users may wish to subscribe to the RAIDframe mailing list,, by sending mail to
The Importance of RAIDframe to the Research and Development Communities
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RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 11
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CHAPTER 1 Redundant Disk Arrays:
A Brief Overview
Chapter 1 presents a brief overview of redundant disk arrays. The text for this chapter
was excerpted from Chapter 2 of Mark Holland’s thesis, “On-line Data Reconstruction
in Redundant Disk Arrays,” published in 1994 by Carnegie Mellon University. The text
has been updated and edited in minor ways to allow it to fit into the RAIDframe documentation.
For a more thorough description of RAID technology, we recommend The
RAIDbook: A Source Book for Disk Array Technology [RAID96].
1.1 The Need for Improved Availability in the Storage
There exist several trends in the computer industry that are driving the design of storage
subsystems toward higher levels of parallelism. This means that current and future systems
will achieve better I/O performance by increasing the number, rather than the performance,
of the individual disks used [Patterson88, Gibson92]. As will be seen, this
distinction is important in that it implies directly the need for improved data availability.
This section briefly describes these trends (Sections 1.1.1 through 1.1.3), and shows
why they lead to the need for improved availability in the storage subsystem (Section
1.1.1 The Widening Access Gap
First and foremost, processors are increasing in performance at a much faster rate than
disks. Microprocessors are increasing in computational power at a rate between 25 and
30 percent per year [Myers86, Gelsinger89], and projections for future performance
increases range even higher. Gelsinger et al. [Gelsinger 89] predict that the huge transistor
budgets projected for microprocessors in the 1990s will allow on-chip multiprocessRedundant
Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
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ing, yielding a further 20% annual growth rate for microprocessors. Bell [Bell89]
projects supercomputer growth rates of about 150% per year.
Disk drives, by way of contrast, have been increasing in performance at a much slower
rate. Comparing the state of the art in 1981 [Harker81] to that in 1993 [Wood93] shows
that the average seek time1 for a disk drive improved from about 16 ms to about 10 ms,
rotational latency from about 8.5 ms to about 5 ms, and data transfer rate from about 3
MB/sec (which was achieved only in the largest and most expensive disks) to about 5
MB/sec. Combining these, the time taken to perform an average 8 KB access improved
from 27.1 ms to 15.0 ms, or by about 45%, in the twelve-year period. This corresponds
to an annual rate of improvement of less than 5%.
Increased processor performance leads directly to increased demand for I/O bandwidth
[Gibson92, Kung86, Patterson88]. Since disk technology is not keeping pace with processor
technology, it is necessary to use parallelism in the storage subsystem to meet the
increasing demands for I/O bandwidth. This has been, and continues to be, the primary
motivation behind disk-array technology.
1.1.2 The Downsizing Trend in Disk Drives
Prior to the early 1980s, storage technology was driven by the large-diameter (14-inch)
drives [IBM3380, IBM3390] used by mainframes in large-scale computing environments
such as banks, insurance companies, and airlines. These were the only drives that
offered sufficient capacity to meet the requirements of these applications [Wood93].
This changed dramatically with the growth of the personal computer market. The enormous
demand for small-form-factor, relatively inexpensive disks produced an industry
trend toward downsizing, which is defined as the technique of re-implementing existing
disk-drive technology in smaller form factors. This trend was enabled primarily by the
rapid increase in storage density achieved during this period, which allowed the capacity
of small-form-factor drives to increase from a few tens of megabytes when first
introduced to over two gigabytes today [IBM0664]. It was also facilitated by the rapid
growth in VLSI integration levels during this period, which allowed increasingly
sophisticated drive-control electronics to be implemented in smaller packages. Further
impetus for this trend derived from the fact that smaller-form-factor drives have several
inherent advantages over large disks:
• smaller disk platters and smaller, lighter disk arms yield faster seek operations,
• less mass on each disk platter allows faster rotation,
• smaller platters can be made smoother, allowing the heads to fly lower, which
improves storage density,
• lower overall power consumption reduces noise problems.
These advantages, coupled with very aggressive development efforts necessitated by the
highly competitive personal computer market, have caused the gradual demise of the
larger drives. In 1994, the best price/performance ratio was achieved using 3-1/2-inch
disks, and the 14-inch form factor has all but disappeared. The trend is toward even
1. Seek time, rotational latency, and transfer rate are defined in Section 1.2.1.
The Need for Improved Availability in the Storage Subsystem
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smaller form factors: 2-1/2-inch drives are common in laptop computers [ST9096], and
1.3-inch drives are available [HPC3013]. One-inch-diameter disks should appear on the
market by 1995 and should be common by about 1998. At a (conservative) projected
recording density in excess of 1-2 GB per square inch [Wood93], one such disk should
hold well over 2 GB of data.
These tiny disks will enable very-large-scale arrays. For example, a one-inch disk might
be fabricated for surface-mount, rather than using cables for interconnection as is currently
the norm, and thus a single, printed circuit board could easily hold an 80-disk
array. Several such boards could be mounted in a single rack to produce an array containing
on the order of 250 disks. Such an array would store at least 500 GB, and even if
disk performance does not improve at all between now and 1998, could service either
12,500 concurrent I/O operations or deliver 1.25-GB-per-second aggregate bandwidth.
The entire system (disks, controller hardware, power supplies, etc.) would fit in a volume
the size of a filing cabinet.
To summarize, the inherent advantages of small disks, coupled with their ability to provide
very high I/O performance through disk-array technology, leads to the conclusion
that storage subsystems are, and will continue to be, constructed from a large number of
small disks, rather than from a small number of powerful disks. Many trends in the storage
industry substantiate this claim. For example, DISK/TREND predicts that the
redundant-disk-array market will exceed thirteen billion dollars by 1997 [DISK/
TREND94]. Storage Technology Corporation, traditionally a maker of large-form-factor
IBM-compatible disk drives, has stopped developing disks altogether and is replacing
this product line by one based on disk arrays [Rudeseal92].
1.1.3 The Advent of New, I/O-Intensive Applications
Finally, increases in on-line storage capacity and commensurate decreases in per-megabyte
cost enable new technologies that demand even higher levels of I/O performance.
The most visible example of this is in the emergence of digital audio and video applications
such as video-on-demand [Rangan93]. Others include scientific visualization and
large-object servers such as spatial databases [McKeown83, Stonebraker92]. These
applications are all characterized by the fact that, if implemented on a large scale, their
demands for storage and I/O bandwidth will far exceed the ability of current data storage
subsystems to supply them. These applications will drive storage technologies by
consuming as much capacity and bandwidth as can be supplied and hence necessitate
higher levels of parallelism in storage subsystems.
1.1.4 Why These Trends Necessitate Higher Availability
The preceding discussion demonstrated that higher degrees of I/O parallelism (an
increased number of disks in a storage subsystem) are increasingly necessary to meet
the storage demands of current and future systems. The discussion deliberately avoided
identifying the specific organizations to be used in future storage systems but made the
case that such systems will be composed of a relatively large number of independent
disks. However, constructing a storage subsystem from a large number of disks has one
significant drawback: the reliability of such a system will be worse than that of a system
constructed from a small number of disks because the disk array has a much higher
component count.
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
14 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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As the number of disks comprising a system increases, the reliability of that system
falls. Specifically, assuming the failure rates for a set of disks to be identical, independent,
exponentially distributed random variables, a simple reliability calculation shows
that the mean time to data loss for a group of N disks is only 1/N times as long as that of
a single disk [Patterson88]. Gibson analyzed a set of disk-lifetime data to investigate the
accuracy of the assumptions behind this calculation and found “reasonable evidence to
indicate that the lifetimes of the more mature of these products can be modeled by an
exponential distribution” [Gibson92, p. 113]. Working from this assumption, a 100-disk
array composed of disks with a 300,000-hour mean-time-to-failure (typical for current
disks) will experience a failure every 3000 hours, or about once every 125 days. As
disks get smaller and array sizes grow, the problem gets worse: a 600-disk array experiences
a failure approximately once every three weeks.
Disk arrays typically incorporate some form of redundancy in order to protect against
data loss when these failures occur. This is generally achieved either by disk mirroring
[Katzman77, Bitton88, Copeland89, Hsiao91], or by parity encoding [Arulpragasam80,
Kim86, Park86, Patterson88, Gibson93]. In the former, one or more duplicate copies of
each user data unit are stored on separate disks. In the latter, commonly known as
Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive1 Disks (RAID) [Patterson88], a portion of the array’s
physical capacity is used to store an error-correcting code computed over the data stored
in the array. Section 1.2.2 describes both of these approaches in detail. Studies have
shown that, due to superior performance on small read and write operations, a mirrored
array, also known as RAID Level 1, may deliver higher performance to many important
workloads than can a parity-based array [Chen90a, Gray90]. Unfortunately, mirroring is
substantially more expensive—its storage overhead for redundancy is 100%, whereas
the overhead in a parity-encoded array is generally less than 25% and may be less than
10%. Furthermore, several recent studies [Rosenblum91, Menon92a, Stodolsky94]
demonstrated techniques that allow the small-write performance of parity-based arrays
to approach and sometimes exceed that of mirroring.
1.2 Technology Background
This section describes the structure and organization of modern disk drives and disk
arrays; the subsection on disk technology has been kept to a minimum. Product manuals
such as Digital Equipment Corporation’s Mass Storage Handbook [DEC86] provide
more thorough descriptions of disk technology. This section describes disk-array structure
and functionality in more detail because this information is essential to understanding
the RAIDframe prototyping tool.
1. Because of industrial interest in using the RAID acronym and because of their concerns about
the restrictiveness of its “Inexpensive” component, RAID is often reported as an acronym for
Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks [RAID96].
Technology Background
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FIGURE 1 Physical Components of a Disk Drive
1.2.1 Disk Technology
Figure 1 shows the primary components of a typical disk drive. A disk consists of a
stack of platters coated with magnetic media with data stored on all surfaces. The platters
rotate on a common spindle at constant velocity past the read/write heads (one per
surface), each of which is fixed on the end of a disk arm. The arms are connected to a
common shaft called an actuator. Applying a directional current to a positioning motor
causes the actuator to rotate small distances in either direction. Rotating the actuator
causes the disk heads to move, in unison, radially along the platters, thereby allowing
access to a band spanning most of the coated surface of each platter.
Figure 2 illustrates how data is typically organized on a disk. Part (a) shows how a block
of sequential user data (almost always 512 bytes) is collected together and stored in a
sector. A sector is the minimum-sized unit that can be read from or written to a disk . A
header area in front of each sector contains sector identification and clock synchronization
information, and a trailer area contains an error correcting code computed over the
header and data. The set of sectors on a single surface at constant radial distance from
the spindle is called a track, and the set of all tracks at constant radial offset is called a
cylinder. At current densities, a typical 3-1/2-inch disk has 50 to 100 sectors per track,
1000 to 3000 cylinders, and 4 to 20 surfaces.
Drive Motor
(Constant RPM)
Positioning Motor
(Voice Coil)
Arm Read/Write Head
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
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FIGURE 2 Data Layout on a Disk Drive
In order to access a block of data, the drive-control electronics move the actuator to
position the disk heads over the correct cylinder, waits for the desired data to rotate
under the heads, and then reads or writes the indicated sectors. Moving the actuator is
called seeking and takes 1 to 20 ms depending on the seek distance. Current disks rotate
at between 3600 and 7200 RPM, making the expected rotational latency (one half of
one revolution) between 4.2 and 8.3 ms. Thus, for each access, the disk must first seek
to the indicated cylinder and then rotate to the start of the requested data. The combination
of these two operations is referred to as positioning the disk heads.
If a user access requests a full track’s worth of data, the rotational latency can be eliminated
by reading or writing the data in the order that the requested sectors pass under the
heads, rather than waiting until the first sector rotates under the heads to commence the
operation. This is called zero-latency operation or full-track I/O and can be extended to
include the case where the access spans only part of a track.
Note that the tracks near the outside of each surface have greater circumference than
those near the spindle. A technique called zoned bit recording (ZBR) takes advantage of
this and stores more sectors per track in the outer cylinders. This approach groups sets
of 50 to 200 adjacent cylinders into zones with the number of sectors per track being
constant within each zone but successively larger in the outer zones than the inner.
Figure 2b illustrates the assignment of sequential data to sectors, tracks, and cylinders.
Nearly all disks read or write only one head at time, that is, they do not access multiple
heads in parallel,1 and so sequential user data is sequential in any given sector. Thus, as
shown in the figure, sequential data starts at sector zero, proceeds around to the end of
the track, moves to the next track (which is actually on the underside of the first platter),
1. This is because the disk heads cannot be positioned independently, and thermal variations in
the rigidity of the actuator, platters, and spindle make it difficult or impossible to keep all the disk
heads simultaneously positioned over their respective tracks. There do exist a few disks that
access multiple heads in parallel by careful management of head alignment [Fujitsu2360], but
these are not commodity products and typically have lower density and higher cost per megabyte
than standard disks.
2 1 0
3 4 5
Hdr/Sync Data ECC
(a) Grouping data into sectors, tracks, and cylinders (b) Sequential sector layout
0 1
5 4 3
15 8
12 11 10
22 23
19 18 17
28 29
25 24 31
Technology Background
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continues this way to the end of the cylinder, and then moves to the next cylinder and
starts again. Note that in this example, a rotational distance equal to one sector is
skipped upon crossing a track boundary (moving from sector 7 to 8), and two sectors are
skipped upon crossing a cylinder boundary (moving from sector 23 to 24). These gaps
are called the track skew and cylinder skew. The data is laid out in this manner to assure
that the drive-control electronics will have time to reposition the actuator when a user
access spans a track or cylinder boundary. The track skew is shorter than the cylinder
skew because only fine adjustments are necessary when switching to a new track within
one cylinder, whereas switching to a new cylinder requires the actuator to be moved one
full cylinder width and then fine-adjusted over the new track. Typical values for track
and cylinder skew in current technology are about 0.5 and 1.5 ms, respectively.
The interface electronics in a disk drive typically contain a buffer memory, varying in
size from about 32 KB to about 1 MB, which serves two purposes. First, several disks
may share a single path to the CPU, and the memory serves to speed-match the disks to
the bus. In order to avoid holding the bus for long periods of time, a disk will typically
read data into the buffer and then burst-transfer it to the CPU. The buffer serves the
same purpose on a write operation: the CPU burst-transfers the data to the drive’s
buffer, and the drive writes it to the media at its own rate. Reading and writing to and
from the buffer, instead of directly between the media and the bus, also eliminates rotational-
position-sensing (RPS) misses [Buzen87], which occur in bufferless disks when
the transfer path to the CPU is not available at the time the data arrives under the disk
heads. The second purpose served by the buffer is as a cache memory [IBM0661,
Maxtor89]. Applications typically access files sequentially, and so the disks comprising
a storage subsystem typically observe a sequential access pattern as well. Thus after
each read operation, the disk controller will continue to read sequential data from the
media into the buffer. If the next block of requested data is sequential with respect to the
previous block, the disk can often service it directly from the buffer instead of accessing
the media. This yields both higher throughput and lower latency. Many disks generalize
this readahead function so that the buffer becomes a full-fledged cache memory.
1.2.2 Disk-Array Technology
This section describes the structure and operation of disk arrays in detail.
FIGURE 3 Disk-Array Architectures
Array Controller (Hardware or Host Software)
(a) Bus-connected (b) High-bandwidth serial connected
Port(s) to host computer(s)
Disk Disk
••• Disk
Port(s) to host computer(s)
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
18 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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Figure 3 illustrates two possible disk-array-subsystem architectures. Today’s systems
use the architecture of Figure 3a in which the disks are connected via inexpensive, lowbandwidth
(e.g., SCSI [ANSI86]) links to an array controller, which is connected via
one or more high-bandwidth parallel buses (e.g., HIPPI [ANSI91]) to one or more host
computers. Array controllers and disk buses are often duplicated (indicated by the dotted
lines in the figure) so that they do not represent a single point of failure [Katzman77,
Menon93]. The controller functionality can also be distributed among the disks of the
array [Cao93].
As disks get smaller [Gibson92], the large cables used by SCSI and other bus interfaces
become increasingly unattractive. The system sketched in Figure 3b offers an alternative.
It uses high-bandwidth, bidirectional serial links for disk interconnection. This
architecture scales to large arrays more easily because it eliminates the need for the
array controller to incorporate a large number of string controllers. Further, by making
each link bidirectional, it provides two paths to each disk without duplicating buses.
Standards for serial-interface disks have emerged (P1394 [IEEE93], Fibre Channel
Fibre91], DQDB [IEEE89]) and Seagate has begun shipping drives with serial interfaces.
As the cost of high-bandwidth serial connectivity is reduced, architectures similar
to that of Figure 3b may supplant today’s short, parallel bus-based arrays.
In both organizations, the array controller is responsible for all system-related activity:
controlling individual disks, maintaining redundant information, executing requested
transfers, and recovering from disk or link failures. The functionality of an array controller
can also be implemented in software executing on the subsystem’s host or hosts. Defining the RAID Levels: Data Layout and ECC
An array controller implements the abstraction of a linear address space. The array
appears to the host as a linear sequence of data units, numbered 0 through N·B - 1,
where N is the number of disks in the array and B is the number of units of user data on
a disk. Units holding ECC do not appear in the address space exported by the array controller;
they are not addressable by the application program. The array controller translates
addresses in this linear space into physical disk locations (disk identifiers and disk
offsets) as it performs requested accesses. It is also responsible for performing the
redundancy-maintenance accesses implied by application write operations. We refer to
the mapping of an application’s logical unit of stored data to physical disk locations and
associated ECC locations as the disk array’s layout.
Fundamental to all disk arrays is the concept of striping consecutive units of user data
across the disks of the array [Kim86, Livny87, Patterson88, Gibson92, Merchant92].
Striping is defined as breaking up the linear address space exported by the array controller
into blocks of some size and assigning the consecutive blocks to consecutive disks
rather than filling each disk with consecutive data before switching to the next. The
striping unit (or stripe unit) [Chen90b] is the maximum amount of consecutive data
assigned to a single disk. The array controller has the freedom to set the striping unit
arbitrarily; the unit can be as small as a single bit or byte, or as large as an entire disk.
Striping has two benefits: automatic load balancing in concurrent workloads and high
bandwidth for large sequential transfers by a single process.
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Disk arrays achieve load balance in concurrent workloads (those that have many processes
concurrently accessing the stored data) by selecting the stripe unit to be large
enough that most small accesses are serviced by a single disk. This allows the independent
processes to perform small accesses concurrently in the array, and as long as the
processes’ access patterns are not pathologically regular with respect to the striping
unit, it assures that the load will be approximately evenly balanced over the disks. Thus,
an N-disk coarse-grain striped array can service N I/O requests in parallel, but each of
them occurs at the bandwidth of a single disk.
Arrays achieve high data rates in low-concurrency workloads by striping at a finer
grain, for example, one byte or one sector. Such arrays are used when the expected
workload is a single process requesting data in very large blocks. Fine-grain striping
assures that each access uses all the disks in the array, which maximizes performance
when the workload concurrency (number of processes) is one1. After the initial seek and
rotational delay penalties associated with each access, a fine-grain-striped array transfers
data to or from the CPU at N times the rate of a single disk. Therefore, a fine-grainstriped
array can service only one I/O at any one time but is capable of reading or writing
the data at a very high rate.
Patterson, Gibson, and Katz [Patterson88] classified redundant disk arrays into five
types, called RAID Levels 1 through 5, based on the organization of redundant information
and the layout of user data on the disks. This terminology has gained wide acceptance
[RAID93] and is used throughout this document. The term “RAID Level 0” has
since entered common usage to indicate a non-redundant array. Figure 4 illustrates the
layout of data and redundant information for the six RAID levels. The remainder of this
section briefly introduces each of the levels, and subsequent sections provide additional
RAID Level 1, also called mirroring or shadowing, is the standard technique used to
achieve fault-tolerance in traditional data-storage subsystems [Katzman77, Bitton88].
The disks are grouped into mirror pairs, and one copy of each data block is stored on
each of the disks in the pair. To unify the taxonomy, RAID Level 1 defines the user data
to be block-striped across the mirror pairs, but traditional mirrored systems instead fill
each disk with consecutive user data before switching to the next. This can be thought
of as setting the stripe unit to the size of one disk. RAID Level 1 is a highly reliable
organization since the system can tolerate multiple disk failures (up to N/2) without losing
data, so long as no two disks in a mirror pair fail. It can be generalized to provide
multiple-failure tolerance by maintaining more than two copies of each data unit. Its
drawback is that its cost per megabyte of storage is at least double that of RAID Level 0.
RAID Level 2 provides high availability at lower cost per megabyte by utilizing wellknown
techniques used to protect main memory against transient data loss. The disks
1. Since the host views the array as one large disk, it never attempts to read or write less than one
sector, and hence every user access uses all the disks in the array. Note that one sector is the minimum
unit that can be read from or written to an individual disk, and so a fine-grain-striped array
typically disallows accesses that are smaller than N times the size of one sector, where N is the
number of disks in the array. This rarely poses a problem since fine-grain striped arrays are typically
used in applications where the average request size is very large.
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20 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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comprising the array are divided into data disks and check disks. User data is bit- or
byte-striped across the data disks, and the check disks hold a Hamming error correcting
code [Peterson72, Gibson92] computed over the data in the corresponding bits or bytes
on the data disks. This reduces the storage overhead for redundancy from 100% in mirroring
to a value in the approximate range of 25-40% (depending on the number of data
disks) in RAID Level 2 but reduces the number of failures that can be tolerated without
data loss. As will be seen, the reliability and performance of such a system can still be
very high. It can be extended to support multiple-failure toleration by using an n-failuretolerating
Hamming code, which of course increases the capacity overhead for redundancy
and the computational overhead for computing the codes.
Thinking Machines Corporation’s Data Vault storage subsystem [TMC87] employed
RAID Level 2, but this organization ignores an important fact about failure modes in
disk drives. Since disks contain extensive error-detection and error-correction functionality,
and since they communicate with the outside world via complex protocols, the
array controller can directly identify failed disks from their status information or by
their failure to adhere to the communications protocol. A system in which failed components
are self-identifying is called an erasure channel, to distinguish it from an error
channel, in which the locations of the errors are not known. An n-failure-detecting code
for an error channel becomes an n-failure-correcting code when applied to an erasure
channel [Gibson89, Peterson72]. RAID Level 3 takes advantage of this fact to reduce
the storage overhead for redundancy still further.
In RAID Level 3, user data is bit- or byte-striped across the data disks, and a simple parity
code is used to protect against data loss. A single check disk (called the parity disk)
stores the parity (cumulative exclusive-or) over the corresponding bits on the data disks.
This reduces the capacity overhead for redundancy to 1/N. When the controller identifies
a disk as failed, it can recover any unit of lost data by reading the corresponding
units from all the surviving disks, including the parity disk and XORing them together.
To see this, assume that disk 2 in the RAID Level 3 diagram within Figure 4 has failed,
and note that
Multiple-failure tolerance can be achieved in RAID Level 3 by using more than one
check disk and a more complex error-detecting/correcting code such as a Reed-
Solomon [Peterson72] or MDS code [Burkhard93, Blaum94]. RAID Level 3 has very
low storage overhead and provides very high data-transfer rates. Since user data is
striped on a fine grain, each user access uses all the disks in the array, and hence only
one access can be serviced at any one time. Thus this organization is best suited for
applications such as scientific computation, in which a single process requests a large
amount of sequential data from the array.
Because all accesses use all disks in RAID Level 3, the disk heads move in unison, and
so the cylinder over which the heads are currently located is always the same for all
disks in the array. This assures that the seek time for an access will be the same on all
disks, which avoids the condition in which some disks are idle waiting for others to finish
their portion of an access. In order to assure that rotational latency is also the same
for each access on each disk, systems using RAID Level 3 typically use phase-locked
p0 4 – d0 d1 d2 d3 = Å Å Å Åd4 è ø
æ ö d2 d0 d1 p0 4 – d3 d4 = Å Å Å Å è ø
Þæ ö
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FIGURE 4 Data and Redundancy Organization in RAID Levels 0 through 5
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3
D0 D1 D2 D3
D6 D7 D8 D9
D12 D13 D14 D15
RAID Level 0: Nonredundant
Disk 4
Disk 5
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3
D0 D0 D1 D1
D3 D3 D4 D4
D6 D6 D7 D7
RAID Level 1: Mirroring
Disk 4
Disk 5
D9 D9 D10 D10 D11 3 D11
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3
d0 d1 d2 d3
d4 d5 d6 d7
d8 d9 d10 d11
RAID Level 2: Hamming-Code ECC
Disk 4
Disk 5
d12 d13 d14 d15
3 h12-15
3 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23
RAID Level 3: Byte-Interleaved Parity
Disk 5
3 p15-19
Disk 4
Disk 3
Disk 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
The figure shows the first few units on each disk in each of the RAID levels.
“D” represents a block of user data (of unspecified size, but some multiple of
one sector), “d” a bit or byte of user data, “hx-y” a Hamming code computed
over user data bits/bytes x through y, “px-y” a parity (exclusive-or) bit/byte
computed over data blocks x through y, and “Px-y” a parity block over user
data blocks x through y. Note from these definitions that the number of bytes
represented by each individual box and label in the above diagrams varies with
the RAID level. The numbers on the left indicate the offset into the disk,
expressed in stripe units. Shaded blocks represent redundant information, and
non-shaded blocks represent user data.
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
22 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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FIGURE 4 Cont. Data and Redundancy Organization in RAID Levels 0 through 5
loop circuitry to synchronize the rotation of the spindles of the disks comprising the
array. Many disks currently on the market support this spindle synchronization.
RAID Level 4 is identical to Level 3 except that the striping unit is relatively coarsegrained
(perhaps 32KB or larger [Chen90b]), rather than a single bit or byte. The block
of parity that protects a set of data units is called a parity unit. A set of data units and
their corresponding parity unit is called a parity stripe. RAID Level 4 is targeted at
applications like on-line transaction processing (OLTP), in which a large number of
independent processes concurrently request relatively small units of data from the array.
Since the striping unit is large, the probability that a single small access will use more
than one disk is low, and hence the array can service a large number of accesses concurrently.
This organization is also effective for workloads that are predominantly small
accesses but contain some fraction of larger accesses. The array services concurrent
Level 0 is non-redundant and therefore not fault-tolerant. Level 1 is simple mirroring
in which two copies of each data block are maintained. Level 2 uses a Hamming
error-correction code to achieve fault tolerance at a lower capacity overhead than
Level 1. Levels 3 through 5 exploit the fact that failed disks are self-identifying.
Thus Levels 3 through 5 achieve fault tolerance using a simple parity (exclusive-or)
code, lowering the capacity overhead to only one disk out of six in this example.
Levels 3 and 4 are distinguished only by the size of the striping unit: one bit or one
byte in Level 3 and one block in Level 4. In Level 5, the parity blocks rotate through
the array rather than being concentrated on a single disk to avoid throughput loss
due to contention for the parity drive.
RAID Level 5: Rotated Block-Interleaved Parity
Disk 5
3 D17
Disk 4
Disk 3
Disk 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
4 D23
5 D29
RAID Level 4: Block-Interleaved Parity
Disk 5
3 P15-19
Disk 4
Disk 3
Disk 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
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small accesses in parallel but achieves a high data rate on the occasional large access by
utilizing many disk arms.
In RAID Level 4, each disk typically services a different access, and so, unless the
workload applied contains a significant fraction of large accesses, the heads do not
remain synchronized. Consequently, there is no compelling reason to synchronize the
spindles either. However, spindle synchronization never degrades performance and can
improve it on large accesses; disks arrays typically use it whenever the component disks
support it.
The problem with RAID Level 4 is that the parity disk can be a bottleneck in workloads
containing a significant fraction of small write operations. Each update to a unit of user
data implies that the corresponding parity unit must be updated to reflect the change.
Thus the parity disk sees one update operation for every update to every data disk, and
its utilization due to write operations is N-1 times larger than that of the data disks. This
does not occur in RAID Level 3, since every access uses every disk. To solve this problem,
RAID Level 5 distributes the parity across the disks of the array. This assures that
the parity-update workload is as well balanced across the disks as the data-update workload.
In RAID Level 5, there are a variety of ways to lay out data and parity such that parity is
evenly distributed over the disks [Lee91]. The structure shown in Figure 4 is called the
left-symmetric organization and is formed by first placing the parity units along the
diagonal and then placing the consecutive user data units on consecutive disks at the
lowest available offset on each disk. This method for assigning data units to disks
assures that, if there are any accesses in the workload large enough to span many stripe
units, the maximum possible number of disks will be used to service them.
RAID Levels 2 and 4 are of less interest than the others because levels 3 and 5 provide
better solutions, respectively. We omit Levels 2 and 4 from the remaining discussion. Reading and Writing Data in the Different RAID Levels
This section describes the techniques used to read and write data in the different RAID
levels, both when the array is fault-free (“fault-free mode”) and when it contains a single
failed disk (“degraded mode”). The focus is on the techniques used to maintain parity
and to continue operation in the presence of failure. This section uses the terms “read
throughput” and “write throughput” to indicate the maximum rates at which data can be
read from or written to the array.
In all cases, the array controller maps the linear array address and access type supplied
by the host (the “user” read or write) to the indicated set of operations on physical disks
(the corresponding “disk” reads and/or writes). In RAID Level 0, the set of reads or
writes so generated can be immediately and concurrently initiated since there is no parity
to maintain and no possibility of continuing operation in the presence of failure.
Thus the read throughput and write throughput of a RAID Level 0 array are both N
times the throughput of a single disk. In Levels 1, 3, and 5, the disk operations triggered
by a user read or write operation are more complex, especially in the presence of a disk
failure, and often must be sequenced appropriately.
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
24 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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Figure 5 illustrates the different read and write operations in RAID Level 1. In fault-free
mode, the controller must send user write operations to both disks. This reduces the
maximum possible write throughput to 50% of that of RAID Level 0. The two write
operations can, in general, occur concurrently, but some systems perform them sequentially
in order to guarantee that the old data will be recoverable should the first write
FIGURE 5 Read and Write Operations in RAID Level 1 (mirroring)
Typically, read requests are sent to only one of the two disks in the pair so that the other
will be free to service other read operations. The controller can service user reads in
fault-free mode from either copy of the data. This flexibility allows the controller to
improve throughput by selecting, for each user read operation, the disk that will incur
the least positioning overhead [Bitton88, Bitton89]. This is frequently called the shortest-
seek optimization and can improve read throughput by up to about 15% over RAID
Level 0 [Chen90a].
In degraded mode, the controller sends user write operations that target a unit with one
copy on the failed disk only to the surviving disk in the pair instead of to both. This does
not affect the utilization on the surviving disk because it does not absorb any write traffic
that it would not otherwise encounter. However, in the presence of a disk failure, the
surviving disk must absorb, in addition to its regular workload, all the read traffic targeted
at the failed drive in fault-free mode. In read-intensive workloads, this can cause
the utilization on the surviving disk to double. User reads and writes that do not target
any units on the failed disk occur as if the array were fault-free.
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FIGURE 6 Read and Write Operations in RAID Level 3 (bit-interleaved parity) RAID Level 3
Figure 6 illustrates reads and writes in RAID Level 3. The following discussion
assumes that each user access is some multiple of (N-1)·S in size, where N is the number
of disks in the array and S is the number of bytes in a sector (almost always 512). This is
because each access uses all data disks, and the minimum sized unit that can be read
from or written to a disk is one sector. If the array is to support accesses that are not a
multiple of this size, the controller must handle any partial-sector updates via read-modify-
write operations, which can degrade write performance.
In fault-free mode, user write operations update the old data in place. The controller
updates the parity disk by computing the cumulative XOR of the data being written to
each drive and writing the result to the parity disk concurrently with the write of the user
data to the data disks. The controller may perform this XOR operation before the write
is initiated or as the data flows down to the disks [Katz93]. Because the XOR happens at
electronic speeds (a few microseconds per complete user access) but the disk runs at
mechanical speeds (milliseconds per access), this computation typically has no measur-
The diagonal lines in the figure indicate that when the host accesses (reads or writes) a
block of data consisting of bits 0 through n-1, disk 0 services bits 0, 3, 6, …, n-3, disk
1 services bits 1, 4, 7, …, n-2, and disk 2 services bits 2, 5, 8, …, n-1. The array controller
arranges for the correct bits to read from or write to the correct drive. On a write
operation, the controller writes to disk 3 a block containing the following bits:
(0Å1Å2), (3Å4Å5), (6Å7Å8), …, ((n-3)Å(n-2)Å(n-1)). Note that the controller
implements this bit-level parity operation using only sector-sized accesses on the
disks; so n must be a multiple of 8·N·S, where N is the number of disks in the array and
S is the number of bytes in a sector. The controller typically enforces this condition
since the only alternative is to use read-modify-write operations on the individual
disks, which drastically reduces efficiency.
d d d p
d d d p
d d d p
d d d p
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
26 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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able effect on the performance of the array. User read operations simply stream the data
into the controller; the parity disk remains idle during this time.
A degraded-mode user write operation in RAID Level 3 occurs in exactly the same
manner as in fault-free mode except that the controller suppresses the write to the failed
disk. A degraded-mode user read is serviced by reading the parity and the surviving data
and XORing them together to reconstruct the data on the failed drive. Disk arrays that
stripe data on a fine grain (a bit or a byte) have the property that their performance in
degraded mode is not significantly different than their performance in fault-free mode.
This is because the controller accesses all disks during every access in any case, and so
supporting degraded-mode operation simply amounts to modifying the bit streams sent
to and from each drive. The XOR operations that occur in degraded mode are typically
performed as the data streams into or out of the controller, and so they do not significantly
increase access times. RAID Level 5
Figure 7 illustrates the various translations of user accesses to disk accesses in RAID
Level 5. User write operations in fault-free mode are handled in one of three ways,
depending on the number of units being updated. In all cases, the update mechanisms
are designed to guarantee the property that after the write completes, the parity unit
holds the cumulative XOR over the corresponding data units, or
If the update affects only one data unit, the prior content of that unit is read and XORed
with the new data about to be written. This produces a map of the bit positions that need
to be toggled in the parity unit in order that the parity unit should reflect the new data.
These changes are applied to the parity unit by reading its old contents, XORing in the
previously generated map, and writing the result back to the parity unit. The correctness
of this transformation is shown as follows where a new data block D2,new is being written
to a unit on disk number 2 in an N-disk array:
This parity-update operation is called a read-modify-write and is easily generalized to
the case where the user access targets more than one data unit. In this case, the controller
reads the previous contents of all data units to be updated and then XORs them
together with the new data prior to reading, XORing, and re-writing the parity unit.
Read-modify-write updates are used for all fault-free user write operations in which the
number of data units being updated is less than half the number of data units in a parity
D1 D2 D3
... D
N – 1 = Å Å Å Å
D2, old Dè Å 2, newø
= Åæ öÞ
D1 D2, old Dè Å 2, oldø
æ ö D2, new D3
... D
N = Å Å Å Å Å Þ
D1 D2, new D3
... D
N = Å Å Å Å
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FIGURE 7 Read and Write Operations in RAID Level 5 (rotated parity)
The preread-and-then-write operation performed on the data unit is typically done atomically
to minimize the positioning overhead incurred by the access [Stodolsky94]. This
is also true for the parity unit. Since the old data must be available to perform the parity
update, the data preread-and-write is typically allowed to complete (atomically) before
the parity preread-and-write is started.
In applications that tend to read blocks of data shortly before writing them, the performance
of the read-modify-write operation can be improved by acquiring the old contents
of the data unit to be updated from the system’s buffer cache rather than reading it
from disk. This reduces the number of disk operations required from four to three. This
situation is very common in OLTP environments [TPCA89, Menon92c].
When the number of data units being updated exceeds half of one parity stripe, there is a
more efficient mechanism for updating the parity. In this case, the controller writes the
new data without pre-reading the old contents of the written unit, reads and XORs
together all of the data units in the parity stripe that are not being updated, XORs into
this result each of the new data units to be written, and writes the result to the parity
unit. The new parity that is written is therefore the cumulative XOR of the new data
units and the data units not being updated, which is correct. This is called a reconstructwrite
operation because of its similarity to the way failed data is recovered.
2 1 3 4
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
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The final mechanism used to update parity in a fault-free RAID Level 5 array is the
degenerate case of the reconstruct-write that occurs when a user access updates all data
units in a parity stripe. In this case, the controller does not need to read any old data, but
instead simply updates each data unit in place and then XORs together all the new data
units in buffer memory and writes the result to the parity unit. This is often called a
large write and is the most efficient form of update.
In degraded mode, a user read requesting data on the failed disk is serviced by reading
all the units in the parity stripe, including the parity unit, and XORing them together to
reconstruct the requested data unit(s). User reads that do not request data on the failed
disk are serviced normally. User write requests updating data on the failed drive are serviced
via reconstruct-writes, independently of the number of units being updated, with
the write to the failed disk suppressed. Since the data cannot be written, this method of
update causes the new data to be reflected in the parity so that the next read will return
the correct data. User write requests not updating data on the failed drive are serviced
normally except in the reconstruct-write case where the parity needs to be read. When a
user write request updates data for which the parity has failed, the data is simply written
in place since no parity-maintenance operations are possible. Comparing the Performance of the RAID Levels
Table 1, adapted from Patterson, Gibson, and Katz [Patterson88], compares the faultfree
performance and capacity overhead of the RAID levels. The values are all firstorder
approximations since there are a wide variety of effects related to seek distance,
head synchronization, access patterns, etc., that influence performance, but the table
provides a baseline comparison. It’s clear that RAID Level 1 offers better performance
on concurrent, small-access workloads but does so at a high cost in capacity overhead. On-line Reconstruction
The preceding has shown how a disk array operates, and how it may continue to operate
in the presence of a single disk failure. The next step to take is that the array should have
the ability to recover from the failure, that is, restore itself to the fault-free state.1 Further,
a disk array should be able to effect this recovery without taking the system offline.
This is implemented by maintaining one or more on-line spare disks in the array.
When a disk fails, the array switches to degraded mode as described above but also
invokes a background reconstruction process to recover from the failure. This process
successively reconstructs the data and parity units that were lost when the disk failed
and stores them on the spare disk. The mechanism by which this is accomplished is
called the reconstruction algorithm. Once all the units have been recovered, the array
returns to normal performance, and so the recovery is complete.
1. Editor’s Note: The term “recovery” traditionally encompasses more than the process of the
array restoring itself to the fault-free state following a disk failure: it also includes the process by
which the array controller handles software errors during operation. Mark Holland limited the
term here, however, to the specific case of reconstructing data lost on a failed disk. To clarify this
distinction further: recovering from the physical loss of a disk can take the array anywhere from
several minutes to several hours. Handling errors, on the other hand, will take the array milliseconds,
occurring transparently to the host or user. Automating error recovery is central to our
design of RAIDframe and is covered in greater detail in Chapter 2. To lessen confusion, we will
use the term “recovery” in its broader sense throughout the rest of the document.
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The table reports performance numbers as percentages of RAID Level 0 performance.
The “RMW” column gives the performance of the array when the application reads
each data unit before writing it, which eliminates the need for the data preread. The
capacity overheads are expressed as a percentage of the user data capacity of the array.
The concurrency figures indicate the maximum number of user I/Os that can be simultaneously
executed. The table reports the maximum concurrency numbers for Levels 1
and 5 as N because such arrays can support N concurrent reads but writes involve multiple
I/O operations, and this reduces the maximum supportable concurrency. Related Work: Variations on These Organizations
This section summarizes industrial and academic research on disk arrays. It defines nine
categories of investigation and presents brief summaries of some papers in each. These
studies serve as background in the area of redundant disk arrays. Multiple-Failure Tolerance
Each of the RAID levels defined above is only single-failure tolerant; in each organization
there exist pairs of disks such that the simultaneous failure of both disks results in
irretrievable data loss. This is adequate in most environments because the reliability of
the component disks is high enough that the probability of incurring a second failure
before a first is repaired is low. There are, however, three reasons why single-failure tolerance
may not be adequate for all systems. First, recalling that the reliability of the
array falls as the number of disks increases, the reliability of very large single-failure
tolerating arrays may be unacceptable [Burkhard93]. Second, applications in which data
loss has catastrophic consequences may mandate a higher degree of reliability than can
be delivered using the RAID architectures described above. Finally, disk drives sometimes
exhibit latent sector failures in which the contents of a sector or group of sectors
are irretrievably lost, but the failure is not detected because the data is never accessed.
The rate at which this occurs is very low, but if a latent sector failure is detected on a
surviving disk during the process of reconstructing the contents of a failed disk, the corresponding
data becomes unrecoverable. Multiple-failure toleration allows recovery
even in the presence of latent sector failures.
The drawback of multiple-failure toleration is that it degrades write performance: in an
n-failure-tolerating array, every write operation must update at least n+1 disks so that
some record of the write will remain should n of those n+1 disks fail [Gibson89]. Thus
the write performance of the array decreases in proportion to any increase in n.
TABLE 1. Performance of RAID levels relative to that of RAID level 0
Level Large Accesses Small Accesses Capacity
Read Write RMW Read Write RMW Concurrency
0 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 N
1 100+ 50 66 100+ 50 66 100 N
3 100 100 100 n/a n/a n/a 100/N 1
5 100 100 100 100 25 33 100/N N
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Gibson et al. [Gibson89] treated multiple-fault tolerance as an error-control coding
problem [Peterson72]. They restricted consideration to the class of codes that (1) do not
encode user data but instead simply store additional “check” information in each parity
stripe, (2) use only parity operations (modulo-2 arithmetic) in the computation of the
check information, and (3) incur exactly n+1 disk writes per user write. They defined
three primary figures of merit on the codes used to protect against data loss: the meantime-
to-data-loss, which is the expected time until unrecoverable failure in an array
using the indicated code, the check-disk overhead, which is the ratio of disks containing
ECC to disks containing user data, and the group size, which is the number of units in a
parity stripe, including check units, supportable by the code. They demonstrated codes
for double- and triple-error toleration based on three primary techniques, which they
call N-dimensional parity, full-n codes, and the additive-3 code. Each of these is a technique
for defining the equations that relate each check bit to a set of information bits. In
comparing the techniques according to the figures of merit, they show multiple-orderof-
magnitude reliability enhancements in moving from single- to multiple-fault toleration
and achieve this using relatively low check-disk overheads ranging from 2% to
Burkhard and Menon [Burkhard93] described two multiple-fault tolerating schemes as
examples of maximum-distance-separable (MDS) codes [MacWilliams78]. The first
uses a file-dispersal matrix to distribute a block of data (a file in their terminology) into
n fragments such that any m < n of them suffice to reconstruct the entire file. An array
constructed using such a code can tolerate (n-m) concurrent failures without losing data.
The second, described fully by Blaum et al. [Blaum94], clusters together sets of N-1
parity stripes where N is the number of disks in the array and stores two parity units per
parity stripe. The first parity unit holds the same information as in RAID Level 5, and
the second holds parity computed using one data unit from each of the parity stripes in
the cluster. Blaum et. al. showed that this scheme tolerates two simultaneous failures, is
optimal with respect to check-disk overhead and update penalty, and uses only XOR
operations in the computation of the parity units. Addressing the Small-Write Problem
Recall from Section that small write operations in RAID Level 5 incur up to
four disk operations: data preread, data write, parity preread, and parity write. This
degrades the performance of small write operations by a factor of four when compared
to RAID Level 0. Several organizations have been proposed to address this problem.
Menon and Kasson [Menon89, Menon92a] proposed a technique based on floating the
data and/or parity units to different disk locations upon each update. Normally, the controller
services a small write operation by pre-reading the old data, waiting for the disk
to spin through one revolution, writing the new data back to the original location, and
then repeating this process for the parity unit. In the floating data/parity scheme, the
controller reserves (leaves unoccupied) some number of data units on each track of each
disk. After each preread operation, the array controller writes the new data to a rotationally
convenient free location rather than writing it in place. This saves up to one full
rotation (10-17 milliseconds of disk time) per preread-write pair. An analytical model in
the paper shows that a free unit can typically be found within about two units of the
location of the old data. This makes each preread/write pair take only slightly longer
than a single access and thus can potentially nearly double the small-write performance
of the array. Menon and Kasson concluded that the best capacity-performance tradeoff
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is achieved by applying this floating only to the parity unit rather than to both data and
parity. A potential problem with this approach is that the array controller must be intimately
familiar with the geometry and performance characteristics of the component
disks as well as the latencies involved in communicating with them. This requires a high
degree of predictability from the disks and makes the design difficult to verify, tune, and
Another technique proposed to address the small-write problem is to eliminate them
from the workload. The Log-Structured File System (LFS) [Rosenblum91, Seltzer93]
has the potential to achieve this by organizing the file system as an append-only log.
The motivation behind this file system is that a disk drive is able to service sequential
accesses at about twenty times the bandwidth of random accesses. All user writes are
held in memory until enough have accumulated to allow them to be written to disk using
a single large update. Over time, this causes the disk to fill with dead data, and so a
cleaner process periodically sweeps through the disk, compacts live files into sequential
extents, and reclaims dead space. This technique improves write performance by causing
all writes to be sequential and can potentially improve read performance by causing
files written contiguously to end up contiguous on the disk. When the underlying storage
mechanism is a disk array, the only writes that are encountered are large enough to
span entire parity stripes, and thus the large-write optimization always applies.
Stodolsky et. al. [Stodolsky94] adapted the ideas behind LFS to the problem of parity
maintenance and proposed an approach based on logging the parity changes generated
by each write operation rather than immediately updating the parity upon each user
write. In this scheme, the controller reads the old data (or acquires it from the buffer
cache) and writes the new data as before. It then XORs together the old and new data to
produce a parity-update record, which it appends to a write-only buffer rather XORing
it with the old parity. The controller spills the entire buffer to disk when it becomes full.
No parity operations are performed for each user write, but some of the array’s capacity
(about one disk’s worth) must be reserved to hold the parity update logs. Eventually the
log space in the array becomes full, at which time the controller empties it by reading
the log records and the corresponding parity units, XORing them together, and writing
the result back out to the parity locations. Note that the controller buffers only parity
information and so is not vulnerable to data loss due to power failure. While in RAID
Level 5 parity is updated using a large number of small, random accesses, in parity logging
it is updated using a smaller number of large, sequential accesses. The paper
showed simulation results indicating that this technique can allow the performance of
RAID Level 5 arrays to approach, or under certain conditions even exceed, that of mirroring.
Menon and Cortney [Menon93] described the architecture of a controller that improves
small-write performance by deferring the actual update operations for some period of
time after the application performs the write. In this approach, the controller stores the
data associated with a write in a nonvolatile, fault-tolerant cache memory in the array
controller. Immediately upon storing the data in the cache, the host computer is told that
the write is complete even though the data has not yet been sent to disk. The controller
maintains the data block in the cache until another block replaces it, at which time it is
written (“destaged”) to disk using the four-operation RAID Level 5 update. This
improves write performance in two ways. First, if the host performs another write to the
same unit prior to destage, the new data can simply replace the old in the cache, and the
Redundant Disk Arrays: A Brief Overview
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first write need not occur at all. Second, if the host writes several units in the same track,
they are all destaged at the same time, which greatly improves disk efficiency. This is an
expensive solution, suitable only for large-scale systems because of the necessity of
incorporating the large, nonvolatile, fault-tolerant cache. Spare-Space Organizations
RAID Level 5 arrays typically maintain one or more on-line spare disks so that reconstruction
can be immediately initiated should one of the primary disks fail. This spare
disk can be viewed as a system resource that is grossly underutilized; the throughput of
the array could be increased if this disk is used to service user requests.
Menon and Kasson [Menon92b] described and evaluated three alternatives for organizing
the spare space in a RAID Level 5 disk array. The first, dedicated sparing, is the
default approach of dedicating a single disk as the spare. In the second, called distributed
sparing, the spare space is distributed among the disks of the array, much in the
same manner as parity is distributed in RAID Level 5. In the third technique, parity
sparing, the array is divided into at least two independent groups, and when a failure
occurs the affected group is merged into another with the parity space in the surviving
group serving as the spare space for the group containing the failure. In the latter two
organizations, the completion of reconstruction returns the array to fault-free mode, but
in a different configuration than before the failure. For this reason, they require a separate
copyback phase in the reconstruction process to restore the array to the original configuration
when the failed disk has been physically replaced. The paper concluded that
distributed sparing was preferable to parity sparing due to improved reconstructionmode
performance. Distributing the Functionality of the Array Controller
The existence of a centralized array controller in both of the architectures shown in
Figure 2 has two disadvantages: It constitutes either a single point of failure or an
expensive system resource that must be duplicated, and its performance and connectivity
limit the scalability of the array to larger numbers of disks. Cao et al. [Cao93]
described a disk-array architecture they call TickerTAIP that distributes the controller
functionality among several loosely coupled controller nodes. Each node controls a relatively
small set of disks (one SCSI string, for example) and communicates with the
other nodes via a small, dedicated interconnect network. Under the direction of the distributed
controllers, data and parity units as well as control information pass through the
interconnect to effect the RAID read and write algorithms. The paper demonstrated the
elimination of several performance bottlenecks through the use of the distributed-control
architecture. Striping Studies
A variety of studies have looked at how to select the striping unit in a redundant disk
array. The choice is always made based on the characteristics of the expected workload.
Gray, Horst, and Walker [Gray90] objected to the notion of striping the data across the
disks comprising an array, arguing that fine-grain striping is inappropriate for transaction
processing systems because it causes more than one arm to be used per disk request
and that coarse-grain striping has several drawbacks when compared to non-striped
arrays. These drawbacks stem primarily from the inability to address individual disks
directly from software. They include the inability to archive and restore a single disk,
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the software problems inherent in re-coding existing device drivers to enable them to
handle the abstraction of one very large, highly concurrent disk, the problem of designing
single channels fast enough to absorb all bandwidth produced by the array, etc. They
proposed instead an organization in which the parity is striped across the array in large
contiguous extents at the end of each disk. The data is not striped at all; the controller
allocates sequential user data sequentially on each disk and fills each disk with data
before using the next. This is essentially equivalent to RAID Level 5 with a very large
striping unit, but it allows each disk to be addressed individually. The paper conceded
that none of these problems are insurmountable in RAID arrays but asserted that designers
cannot ignore the problem of retrofitting existing systems to use disk arrays.
Chen and Patterson [Chen90b] developed simple rules of thumb for selecting the striping
unit in a nonredundant disk array. They expect that these rules will hold, perhaps
with some modification, for redundant arrays as well. The study used simulations to
evaluate the performance of a block-striped RAID Level 0 on many different, synthetically
generated workloads and then investigated choices of the striping unit that maximize
the minimum observed throughput across all these workloads. They found that a
good rule of thumb is to select the striping unit according to the formula
where S is a constant typically around 1/4. Note that the stripe-unit size takes on its minimum
value (one sector) at concurrency one in order to assure that the single requesting
process is able to utilize all the disks. The size of the striping unit increases as the concurrency
rises in order to gradually reduce the probability that any particular access will
use more than one disk arm.
Lee and Katz [Lee91] described several different strategies for placing the parity units
among the striped data units. They found that the most significant performance effect of
varying parity placement was the number of disks used for large reads and writes; some
placement strategies caused fewer than the maximum number of possible disks to be
used on large accesses, and these suffered in performance. The left-symmetric parity
placement illustrated in the RAID Level 5 case of Figure 4 was among the best of the
Merchant and Yu [Merchant92] noted that it is common for a database workload to consist
of two components: transactions and ad hoc, read-only queries into the database.
Transactions generate small, randomly distributed accesses into the array, whereas the
ad hoc queries often scan significant portions of the database. To efficiently handle this
workload combination, they proposed a dual striping strategy for mirrored arrays where
the size of the stripe unit is small in one copy (4 KB) and large in the other (32 KB). The
authors note that using a large stripe unit is efficient for relatively large accesses because
it reduces the number of actuators used, but under a small-access model it can cause
workload imbalance among the disks. They assert that the converse is true as well: a
small stripe unit achieves good workload balance but causes too many actuators to be
used per large access. Thus they service the transactions using the small-stripe-unit copy
of the data and the ad hoc queries with the large-stripe-unit copy. Merchant and Yu evaluated
this organization, using both analytical modeling and simulation, with a synthetically
generated workload that adhered to the assumptions made in designing the striping
strategy. They found substantial benefits to this approach.
Size S avg positioning time disk xfer rate = × × ×(concurrency – 1)+ 1 sector
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34 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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Chen et al. [Chen90a] tackled the thorny problem of comparing RAID Level 5 to RAID
Level 1. The comparison is difficult to make because equating the number of actuators
causes the array capacities to differ and vice versa. The authors addressed this problem
by choosing to equate user data capacity and reporting two metrics: throughput at a
fixed 90th-percentile response time and throughput per disk at a fixed 90th-percentile
response time. Their motivation for this decision was the assumption that systems will
dictate a minimum acceptable capacity and level of responsiveness and will require the
maximum possible throughput subject to these constraints. The authors evaluated the
architectures by implementing them in real hardware and applying synthetically generated
workloads that varied in the parameters of interest. The results largely validated the
simple model of Patterson et al. [Patterson88], which is approximated in Table 1. They
further showed that due to the shortest-seek optimization, the RAID Level 1 outperformed
the RAID Level 5 on small-access-dominated-workloads, whereas the reverse
was true on large-access workloads due to more efficient write operations in RAID
Level 5. Reliability Modeling
Patterson et. al. [Patterson88] derived a simple expression for the mean time to data loss
(MTTDL) in a redundant disk array:
where MTTFdisk is the mean time to failure of a component disk; Ngroups is the number
of independent groups in the array, each of which contains Ndiskspergroup disks, including
the (possibly distributed) parity disk; and MTTRdisk is the mean time to repair
(reconstruct) a disk failure. This model assumes that disk failure rates are identical,
independent, exponentially distributed random variables. In arrays that maintain one or
more on-line spare disks, the repair time can be very short, a few minutes to half an
hour, and so the mean time to data loss can be very long.
Schulze et. al. [Schulze89] noted that the time until data loss due to multiple simultaneous
disk failures, which is the only failure mode modeled by the above equation, is
not an adequate measure of true reliability because the failure of other system components
(array controllers, string controllers, cabling, air conditioning, etc.) can equally
well cause data to be lost or become temporarily inaccessible. This paper estimated the
reliability of each such component and derived simple techniques for building redundancy
into the controllers, cabling, cooling, etc. so as to maximize the overall system
Modeling the reliability of disk arrays was one of the primary topics of Gibson’s Ph.D.
dissertation [Gibson92, Gibson93]. He analyzed all of the assumptions behind the simple
equation given above, identified the conditions under which they do and do not hold,
and derived new reliability models for conditions not previously covered. Specifically,
he investigated whether disk failure rates are truly exponentially distributed, derived
reliability models for disk arrays with dependent failure modes, extended these models
to take into account the possibility of spare-pool exhaustion, and investigated the reliability
implications of both the number and the connectivity of the spare drives. He ver-
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ified the models using Monte Carlo simulation of disk lifetimes and found good
agreement between the two. This work theoretically and empirically validated the use of
the models and disk-array structures described above. Improving the Write-Performance of RAID Level 1
As shown in Table 1, mirrored systems achieve only 50% of the write performance of
nonredundant arrays because each write must be sent to two disks. This section
describes several studies intended to improve this performance. Most of the ideas here
relate to caching and deferring updates and so apply to parity-encoded arrays as well.
Solworth and Orji proposed several variations on an organization to improve mirroredarray
write performance. They first proposed implementing a large, nonvolatile, possibly
fault-tolerant write-only disk cache dedicated exclusively to write operations
[Solworth90]. In this scheme, the controller defers user write operations by holding the
corresponding data in the cache until a user read operation moves the disk heads to the
vicinity of the data to be written, at which time it destages the data to disk. In this sense,
this scheme is similar to the deferred-update techniques described by Menon and Corney
[Menon93] with the primary difference being that reads are not cached in Solworth
and Orji’s proposal, and the cache replacement policies are adapted to account for this.
The authors do not address the question of whether some of the memory used for writecaching
would be better used for read-caching.
In two follow-up studies, Solworth and Orji proposed distorted mirrors [Solworth91]
and doubly distorted mirrors [Orji93]. In the former, the controller updates data in place
on the primary disk in a mirror pair but writes the data to any convenient location on the
secondary drive. The controller maintains a data structure in memory describing the
location of each block on the secondary drive. This approach reduces the total disk-arm
time consumed in servicing a write request. The controller services small reads from
either copy but services large reads from the primary copy only since consecutive
blocks on the secondary are not, in general, sequential on the disk. In the latter (doubly
distorted mirrors), the authors combined the ideas of a write-only cache and write-anywhere
semantics on the secondary drive to eliminate the necessity that the cache be nonvolatile
and fault-tolerant.
Polyzois, Bhide, and Dias [Polyzois93] proposed a modification to the deferred-write
technique in which the two disk arms in a mirror pair alternate between reading and
writing. Deferred writes accumulate in the cache for some period of time, and then the
controller batches them together and writes them out to one drive. During this period,
the other drive services all read operations. The two drives then switch roles: the first
services reads, and the second destages deferred writes. This scheme yields very low
latency access to data for moderate workloads because there is always one disk arm
available to service user read requests, and write operations incur only the latency
required to install the data in the cache. Network File Systems Based on RAID
Several studies have looked at extending the ideas of striping and parity protection to
network file systems. This allows the file system to operate in the presence of server
and/or network failures and provides for disaster recovery should all data stored at one
site be permanently destroyed. It achieves this at lower disk cost than the standard
approach of file duplication on multiple servers.
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Stonebraker and Schloss [Stonebraker90] proposed an organization that is essentially
identical to RAID Level 5 with each disk replaced by a server in a network file system.
They evaluated the performance, overhead, and reliability of several variations on this
idea and concluded that distributed RAID has many reliability advantages but performs
poorly in the presence of failures. Other studies [Cabrera91, Hartman93] have extended
this idea to network file systems that stripe data for performance.
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CHAPTER 2 Managing the Complexity
of Array Software
In Chapter 1, we described the need for improved availability in the storage subsystem
due to the widening access gap, the downsizing trend in disk drives, and the advent of
new I/O-intensive applications. We discussed the structure and operation of disk arrays
in some detail, explaining the different data layouts and fault tolerance for each of the
original RAID levels. We also summarized some of the related work done on variations
of these RAID organizations, most of which looks at improving performance by identifying
the best techniques for laying out and writing data.
What should be clear from our description of disk arrays in Chapter 1 is the complexity
of the array software used to control the disks in the array. What may not be clear from
our discussion is that most of the related work has approached the task of managing this
complexity on a case-by-case basis. What we mean by this is that researchers have
looked at specific contexts for using redundant arrays and have proposed ways to optimize
the software based on the specific needs of expected workloads. This ad hoc
approach to designing and implementing array software means that there is little code
reused between RAID organizations. It also means that each architecture handles any
errors that occur during operation in a specific, limited way, adding to the complexity of
the array software.
Our goal is to simplify the process of designing and implementing array software that
performs optimally for a particular situation. To do this, we have aimed to increase the
amount of code reused between RAID designs, to enable a means for verifying the correctness
of designs before they are implemented, to generalize an error-recovery mechanism,
and to provide a mechanism for reconstructing data on-line when a disk fails.
Achieving these four things, we believe, will lead to shorter design-cycle times, software
that performs as it was designed to do, mechanized error recovery, and highly
available and reliable systems.
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In this chapter, we introduce a structured method for implementing array software,
based on a graphical programming abstraction. This abstraction allows many RAID
operations to be composed quickly from a relatively small set of primitive operations.
We begin in Section 2.1 by looking in more detail at traditional approaches to managing
array software. Section 2.2 describes the concept underlying our own structured
approach. Next, we describe how to compose these RAID operations, or programs, with
graphs in Section 2.3 before discussing how to execute them in Section 2.4. Finally, in
Section 2.5 we discuss an algorithm for reconstructing data when a disk fails.
2.1 Traditional Approaches in Managing Array
Software are Suboptimal
As we have already said, redundant arrays have typically been designed in an ad hoc
fashion, each organization developed to address particular needs and each customized to
handle specific error conditions. It is this customized error recovery that has particularly
added to the complexity of array software and that has contributed to the difficulty in
managing array software. Traditionally, array designers have adopted one of two
approaches to error recovery: forward error recovery and backward error recovery.
Briefly, forward error recovery requires anticipating all possible errors and manually
coding actions for completing operations once an error has occurred. This approach
requires hundreds of thousands of lines of code with the possibility of overlooked
errors. While custom-designed code from a complete understanding of all error vectors
allows the software to achieve near-optimal performance, the error-recovery code must
be re-written to handle a new set of error vectors if the code is to be reused for a similar
but distinct application. As long as the set of vectors is relatively small, this task is not
too difficult and, in fact, this approach is the dominant method of error recovery in general-
production software.
Of course, many of the error vectors may be consolidated and treated similarly, reducing
the number of unique cases which must be handled. For example, if parity has failed in
the middle of a large write operation, the remaining data writes may continue unaffected,
regardless of their current disk state (old or new). However, this does not eliminate
the problem of extending existing code to support new array operations. This is
because the remaining error vectors are still a function of error context, and as new
array operations are introduced, that context will change, thereby requiring changes in
error-recovery code.
Finally, verifying code constructed in this fashion can be tedious and prone to mistakes.
To demonstrate that it is correctly implemented, each RAID operation must satisfy a set
of invariants, rules which are always true for a consistent array. Ensuring correctness
requires identifying each error scenario and demonstrating that the code correctly handles
each error vector. Automating this process is possible if the code structure is well
defined, perhaps in the form of a state machine [Clarke82, Clarke94]. However, because
of the ad hoc nature of code using forward error recovery, hand analysis is required.
Ideally, redundant-disk-array software would be constructed without regard for the context
in which errors occur. This implies that when, for example, a disk read fails, only
Treating RAID Operations as Programs
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the very general process of recording the fact that a disk has failed would need to be
implemented. The implications of the error (e.g., failure to read non-overwrite data during
a “reconstruct write”) would be irrelevant, making the software completely independent
of array architecture.
Database systems have achieved this simplicity, allowing programmers to create new
transactions with little regard for error recovery. This is accomplished by guaranteeing
that the operations that compose the transaction are atomic and undoable. When an error
that causes an atomic operation to fail occurs, the programmer is presented with the illusion
that the operation never occurred. Furthermore, the system undoes the effects of the
previously completed operations, completely removing all effects of the failed transaction.
With the burden of detecting and recovering from errors delegated to the underlying
system, the programmer is left with the relatively straightforward task of creating
transactions that begin in a consistent system and commit only consistent state changes
to the system.
The approach used to achieve this simplicity, backward error recovery, requires a durable
log which records the effects of operations as they complete. When it is determined
that a transaction has failed, the contents of the log are used to undo the previously completed
operations. Unfortunately, maintaining this log may be expensive—in addition to
the resources required to store the log, additional work may be required to create the
information which is stored in the log.
For example, consider a large write operation in a RAID level 5 array that overwrites
data and parity with new information. To guarantee that each of these write operations is
undoable, the previous contents of the data and parity must be stored in the log. Instead
of just overwriting each one, each disk operation must now read and write data and parity,
doubling the total workload of the disks and decreasing the response time and
throughput of the system. If a disk operation fails, then the saved state is restored; and,
while the system restores state, processing stops.
Our strategy is to address the limitations of both forward error recovery and backward
error recovery and to provide criteria for using each, thereby enabling error recovery to
be automated, transparent, and verifiably correct. Specifically, forward error recovery is
easy if no case analysis is required; backward error recovery is easy if there is no state to
save and restore. We call our approach roll-away error recovery because it is a hybrid
approach. We will describe how roll-away error recovery works in more detail in
Section 2.4.3 on page 49
2.2 Treating RAID Operations as Programs
As we discussed in Section on page 22, the array controller—however implemented—
maps user read and write operations (such as small write and degraded-mode
read) to a relatively small set of corresponding disk operations. These operations, which
we will refer to as primitive operations throughout the remainder of this document,
include operations for disk access (such as disk read and exclusive-or), redundancy
computation, and resource allocation (such as memory buffers). Because primitive
operations are the basic actions used by the array software to control disks, they can be
Managing the Complexity of Array Software
40 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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thought of as instructions or steps, and when constraints upon their sequencing are
imposed, they can be used to construct RAID operations in a programmatic fashion.
By treating RAID operations as programs, we are able to minimize the number of code
changes required to extend the software. The best-known method for doing this is to
create modular code which isolates functions that are known to change orthogonally
with architecture [Meyers78].
FIGURE 8 Isolating Common Infrastructure
As Figure 8 shows, the most obvious functions that vary with array architecture are data
encoding, information layout, and operation structure. For example, recall from Chapter
1 that the only difference between RAID levels 4 and 5 is the manner in which information
is distributed across the disks in the array. By isolating device-specific code from
the code that defines the array architecture and by requiring that the device software
handle all device-specific errors, we are able to provide an infrastructure which allows
array designers to build a variety of architectures without having to consider the details
of the underlying device actions.
In order to understand how primitive operations can be used to compose RAID operations,
we will first look at the set of primitive operations most commonly used. In
Section 2.2.1 through Section 2.2.2 we will then describe how to create pass-fail primitives
and how to create RAID operations from primitive operations. Primitive Operations Commonly Used in Redundant Disk Arrays
In addition to disk drives, the most popular devices sold today for array construction
include: memory managers, lock managers, arithmetic units, and parity logs. Table 2
summarizes the primitive operations provided by these devices and the effects of the
Infrastructure code, which provides the primitive operations from which array operations
are implemented, appears in the lower half of the diagram. Architecture-specific
code, such as data encoding, appears in the upper half. When a new architecture
is implemented, the infrastructure is unchanged, restricting changes to modules that
contain array-specific code.
disk I/O
lock parity
arithmetic manager log
layout array operations
Treating RAID Operations as Programs
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operations. These devices may be constructed from hardware, software, or some combination.
A memory manager is used to negotiate the use of buffers from a shared pool. Similarly,
the lock manager maintains a set of locks, granting either shared or exclusive ownership
to competing processes. The arithmetic unit provides operations that perform data
encoding and decoding functions, such as bitwise exclusive-or, which is used in parity
encodings, and nonbinary polynomial multiplication, which is used in Reed-Solomon
2.2.1 Creating Pass-Fail Primitive Operations
Before we can automate array error recovery transparently, it is necessary for us to distinguish
between errors at the device level and those at the array level. Isolating devicespecific
recovery from array-specific error recovery enables us to create RAID operations
without regard for the internal details of the devices. To do this, we abstract primitive
operations with a wrapper that is responsible for creating the illusion of pass-fail
devices, in which pass implies successful completion and fail implies the presence of a
permanent fault [Courtright94].
By allowing primitive operations to return fail only when an unrecoverable device fault
is detected, we are further able to restrict the class of errors observable by RAID operations
to those that require handling at the array level. Otherwise, primitive operations
return pass, completely hiding from RAID operations the effects of any device faults
that may have been detected. When primitive operations do fail, we want them to fail
atomically (i.e., all-or-nothing state changes), but we don’t require it. We will defer discussing
how nonatomic failure is handled until Section 2.4.3, which describes error
To ensure that pass implies that a primitive operation has successfully completed, we
allow primitive operations to commit only those state changes that are consistent with
TABLE 2. Primitive RAID operations
Device Primitive Operation Effect
disk Rd copy data from disk to buffer
disk Wr copy data from buffer to disk
memory manager MemA acquire a buffer
memory manager MemD release a buffer
lock manager Lock acquire a lock
lock manager Unlock release a lock
arithmetic XOR xor contents of buffers
arithmetic Q generate a Reed-Solomon code
arithmetic Q Reed-Solomon decode
read cache probe if hit, return shared lock and pointer
read cache copy copy data from cache to a buffer
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their behavior. For example, a disk write is required to write the correct ECC information
to disk when writing data to a sector.
2.2.2 Constructing RAID Operations from a Set of Primitive Operations
As we have already said, RAID operations are composed from a relatively small set of
primitive operations; the order in which primitive operations are executed is solely a
function of the data and control dependencies that exist between them. Therefore, it is
important for the array designer to know the location of necessary dependencies that
exist between primitive operations in order to design RAID operations well. Omitting
dependencies will result in erroneous behavior, while extra dependencies may reduce
concurrency and unnecessarily degrade performance. Table 3 lists the four basic types
of dependencies that may exist between primitive operations.
2.2.3 Summary
Defining an array operation is a straightforward process: our primary concern is to
abstract device-specific operation from the array-specific operation, which is the external
interface of the operation. To do this, we have required that primitive operations be
responsible for detecting all faults and for tolerating those faults which are specified to
be tolerable by the device fault model. Primitive operations which complete successfully,
either by avoiding or tolerating a device fault, return pass to indicate success.
Primitive operations return fail only when they are unable to recover from a fault. To
compose RAID operations, the array designer must know where dependencies exist
between primitive operations.
2.3 Representing RAID Operations as Graphs
Creating storage operations from a set of primitive operations is a technique that has
been used for more than twenty years. The best-known example of this is the channelprogram
approach used in the IBM System/370 architecture [Brown72]. At the time it
was introduced, much of the internal workings of a disk drive were exposed to the system,
requiring external control of arm positioning, sector searching, and data transfer.
Channel programs isolated these details from users by providing an abstract interface
that was closer to that found in today’s SCSI drives [ANSI91]. The programs are represented
as a linear array of sequentially parsed primitive operations.
Similar methods for abstracting the details of storage operations were recently proposed
in the distributed, redundant-disk-array architecture called TickerTAIP [Cao94]. In
Dependence Explanation
True read after write data dependence
Anti write after read data dependence
Output write after write data dependence
Control dependence of a primitive operation upon the completion
of another
Representing RAID Operations as Graphs
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TickerTAIP, the work required to maintain valid data encodings is performed by workers,
which are distributed throughout the array. To simplify managing simultaneous
primitive operations occurring across the array, TickerTAIP uses a centralized table in
which each entry contains a list of operations for a worker to execute. Once an array
operation is initiated, each worker is responsible for sequencing its own activities.
Unlike channel programs, TickerTAIP achieves parallelism within an array operation
because multiple workers may execute primitive operations concurrently.
These two examples clearly show that it is possible to construct RAID operations from a
set of primitive operations using tables. However, we believe that there is a better
approach based upon directed, acyclic graphs (DAGs), which will allow designers to
reason about the ordering of primitive operations. Because we have decided to treat
RAID operations as programs, we are able to use DAGs to model primitive operations
and the ordering constraints that bind them together—the visual information supplied
by DAGs is intuitive and aids in analyzing the design of RAID operations. The following
subsection describes how DAGs are created.
2.3.1 Directed, Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
When using DAGs to model RAID operations, the primitive operations described in
Table 2 on page 41 are represented as the nodes of the graph. Figure 9 illustrates a small
write operation represented as a directed acyclic graph. Each primitive operation is represented
by a single node, and therefore the properties of a node (e.g., atomic failure)
are inherited from the defining properties of the primitive operations.
Notice that the nodes in the graph of Figure 9 do not convey the context (e.g., “read old
parity”) of each primitive operation. This is because the context is known only by the
designer of the graph. Section 2.4.3 shows how we capitalize upon this independence of
context to achieve mechanized execution.
As we already said in Section 2.2.2 on page 42, executing primitive operations within
an array operation is constrained by the presence of control and data dependencies.
Dependencies are represented in a DAG by the directed arcs which connect the nodes of
the DAG. An arc is drawn from a parent node to a child node if executing the child is
dependent upon the parent node. Because the type of dependence represented by the
arcs will not be used to control execution, the arcs are left unlabeled. Furthermore, a single
arc may represent the presence of one or more data or control dependencies. We
defer discussing further the rules for executing DAGs until Section 2.4 on page 47.
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FIGURE 9 RAID Level 4/5 Small-Write Graph
2.3.2 Simplifying Constraints for DAGs
We have imposed a number of constraints on DAGs to simplify executing them. First, a
node that is a direct descendent of a predicate node may have no parents other than the
predicate node. Second, because DAGs are by definition acyclic, there cannot be any
cycles in RAID operations; eliminating cycles does not eliminate predicate nodes and
conditional execution.1 An array designer can include a node which selectively enables
one or more branches for execution. Finally, all DAGs must be rooted graphs, meaning
that all graphs begin with a single root or source node. The source node has the property
that it has no parents. Similarly, all DAGs must have a single sink node, a node which
has no children. If a graph does not contain a single source or sink node, a NOP (no
operation) node can be inserted. Adding an extra NOP node to create a single source or
sink does not have any effect upon the array operation represented by the graph.
1. The current release of RAIDframe does not contain predicate nodes, nor does it support their
This illustration presents the small write operation. The nodes of the graph are passfail
actions and the arcs represent the presence of control or data dependencies.
In this graph, the Rd-XOR-Wr chain on the far right performs the read-modify-write
of parity. The Rd-Wr chains represent the reading of old data and the overwriting of
new data. The fact that parity is computed from the old data is represented by the
presence of the Rd-XOR arcs (true data dependencies). The Rd-Wr arcs represent
anti (read after write) data dependencies. Finally, a NOP (no-operation) node has
been added to simplify the structure of the graph, guaranteeing a single sink (tail)
Wr Wr
Rd Rd
Wr l l l
l l l
Representing RAID Operations as Graphs
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Besides modeling RAID operations, we have also incorporated automated roll-away
error recovery into the DAG structure. The following section describes the added
requirements for structuring DAGs to enable them to handle errors when the array operates.
2.3.3 Incorporating Roll-Away Error Recovery Within DAGs
As we said earlier, roll-away error recovery is a hybrid approach: when appropriate, it
uses forward error recovery without accounting for all possible error scenarios; when
necessary, it uses backward error recovery without the cost of logging state information.
A more detailed discussion of roll-away error recovery can be found in William V.
Courtright II’s dissertation, which is currently in progress. Here we will explain the
basic method for mechanizing error recovery through the structure and composition of
To understand how roll-away error recovery works, it is important first to recall that
redundant arrays encode data to survive disk faults (See “Why These Trends Necessitate
Higher Availability” on page 11). Codewords are composed of two types of symbols:
one for data, the other for a check (for example parity). In order for redundant arrays to
tolerate faults—meaning the loss of one or more symbols without losing information—
the set of valid codewords is constrained. Primitive operations change data symbols; for
example, they write new data. This in turn requires modifying the corresponding check
symbols; that is, they must then write new parity. If a primitive operation fails before it
has completed—that is, one or more symbols have been modified on disk—the codeword
can be left in one of a large number of states.
Because the direction of error recovery depends upon when a primitive operation fails,
it is essential to determine where in the RAID operation all modified symbols can be
safely committed to disk. To establish this place, which we call the commit barrier, we
have divided RAID operations into two phases in which codewords are modified only in
phase two. Within the DAG structure, we add a Commit node to distinguish between
these two phases.
In the first phase, no existing codewords can be modified; here, nodes within a DAG
represent primitive operations that can generally be undone easily, such as disk read or
XOR. Obviously, the second phase of a RAID operation is where we place those primitive
operations that modify symbols—however, not all RAID operations have two
phases. For example, because a read operation does not modify any codewords, it does
not have a phase two. On the other hand, a write operation (shown in Figure 10) clearly
modifies codewords; in order for the write operation to progress to phase two, all symbols
that are to be updated must be available. Section 2.4.3 on page 49, which follows a
discussion of how DAGs are executed, explains how the error-recovery mechanism
automatically executes when an error is detected.
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FIGURE 10 RAID Level 4/5 Small-Write Graph with Commit Node
To establish the commit barrier when constructing a DAG for a RAID operation, the
array designer must first identify all those nodes that modify a symbol. Next, the
designer must create control dependencies from the nodes’ parents to the nodes themselves.
This will guarantee that no symbols will be modified until all modified symbols
can be safely committed to disk. In short, commit nodes are generally the sink node of
read operations and the parent of all symbol update actions that are found in write operations.
2.3.4 Verifying the Correctness of DAGs
Because we model RAID operations as well-structured graphs, correctness verification—
that is, the process of demonstrating that an array’s behavior is consistent with its
specified behavior—is greatly simplified. Furthermore, automating this task is now possible.
Given that DAGs consist of well-defined primitives, it is possible to think of them
as state machines. Through model checking, used to verify the correctness of state
machines [Clarke82, Clarke94], RAID designs can be verified immediately, long before
actual implementation begins [Wing96].
Verifying that RAID operations are correctly implemented requires that graphs meet
three criteria. First, primitive operations must be valid. Second, valid codewords for
Wr Wr
Rd Rd
Wr l l l
l l l
A Commit node was inserted to prevent writes of new data from proceeding until all
reads of old data and the computation parity have been completed.
Executing RAID Operations
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RAID operations must be maintained; for example, to maintain valid parity for RAID
Level 5, the sum of the parity bits must always equal 0. Third, graphs must recover from
errors using roll-away handling, which we describe briefly in Section 2.4.3.
2.4 Executing RAID Operations
Array operations modeled as DAGs may be executed directly without first being translated
into an intermediate form. More importantly, modeling with graphs has enabled us
to simplify and automate error recovery. To do this, we employ an undo-redo error
recovery scheme, similar to the one used in the System R recovery manager [Gray81].
In our approach, if a primitive operation fails at any time during the execution of a
graph, the execution mechanism will automatically undo the effects of the previously
completed primitives.
In this section, we describe node states and their transitions, how to execute a graph, and
how to structure graphs to incorporate roll-away error recovery. To guarantee correct
operation in the first two subsections, we assume that all primitive operations are atomic
and undoable. We relax these requirements in Section 2.4.3 on error recovery, which
allows elimination of much of the overhead (both performance and storage) required to
achieve undoable atomic primitives. .
2.4.1 Node States and Transitions
In addition to a primitive, each node in a graph has three other fields, summarized in
Table 4: do action, undo action and state. The do action is used during normal execution
and the undo action is used during error recovery. Each of these fields contains the
name and parameters of an action.
Each node in a graph may be in one of the seven states summarized in Table 5. The
allowable transitions between these states are illustrated in Figure 11.
Node Field Description
do action function executed during normal processing
undo action function which removes the effects of the do action
state current state of the node
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FIGURE 11 Node State Transitions
When a graph is initially submitted for execution, all nodes are in the wait state. A node
enters the skip state if its parent is a predicate node which determines that the branch
that contains the node will not be executed. Once entered, a node will never leave the
skip state.
Node State Description
wait blocked, waiting on parents to complete
fired execution of do action in progress
pass execution of do action completed successfully
fail execution of do action failed
skip node will not be executed
error recovery execution of undo action in progress
undone previously executed node has since been undone
All nodes in a graph begin in the wait state. When a graph successfully completes
execution, all nodes are in either the pass or skipped states. The error
recovery and undone states, described later in Section 2.5, are reached only if
the operation fails.
fired skipped
fail pass
branch not taken
node ready to be executed
execution failed
execution successful
execute node’s undo action
node undo complete
Executing RAID Operations
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The fired state is entered if at least one of its parents is in the pass state and the remainder
of its parents is in either the skip or pass state. When a node enters the fired state,
its do action is executed. The node remains in the fired state until the do action completes.
The node then enters either the pass or fail state, depending upon the outcome of
this execution. If a completed node must be undone, the node first enters the error
recovery state which indicates that the node’s undo action is being executed. Once the
undo action completes, the node enters the undone state. The error-recovery procedure,
which is responsible for moving nodes to the undone state, is described in further detail
in Section 2.4.3.
2.4.2 Executing DAGs Without Errors
Executing a graph, for example the graph shown in Figure 9 on page 44, begins with the
source (head) node and completes with the sink (tail) node. This direction of execution,
from source to sink, is referred to as forward execution throughout the remainder of this
document. The source node is executed and, assuming it completes successfully (that is,
it returns pass), the node enters the pass state.
If the graph does not contain predicate nodes (which is the case with the current RAIDframe
release), any node can be executed (i.e., enter the fired state) once all of its parents
have reached the pass state. Assuming all nodes complete successfully, this
process continues until the sink node enters the pass state; at this point, the execution
of the graph is complete and the RAID operation is declared to be successful.
2.4.3 Handling Errors When Executing DAGs
Because device-specific error recovery is removed from the structure of the graph, we
were able to define a general execution mechanism which automates handling of errors
due to failed primitives. This mechanism, together with a library of RAID operations,
will allow array architectures to be implemented rapidly.
As we explained in Section 2.3.3, we have divided RAID operations into two phases to
determine the direction of roll-away error recovery. If an error occurs during phase one
of a RAID operation, as shown in Figure 12, the error-recovery mechanism rolls backward,
releasing resources. At this point, the system substitutes a new graph for the failed
graph and retries the operation. If an error is detected during phase two, as shown in
Figure 13, the error-recovery mechanism completes the RAID operation—when this
happens, all symbols are simultaneously updated. To an outside observer, it would
appear as if the failure(s) occured after the RAID operation completed.
In the next section, we describe the mechanism we have developed that the array uses to
recover from a disk failure. We present the library of DAGs provided in the current
release of RAIDframe, and the prototyping framework that incorporates our approach to
modeling and executing RAID operations, in Appendix A.
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FIGURE 12 Handling Errors Prior to Commit Point
The failure of the Rd node (indicated in bold) occurs prior to the commit point. This
causes forward execution to halt and roll back to begin. Roll back works backward
through the graph from the point of failure, undoing the previously completed
nodes. If a failure occurs prior to the commit point, the system appears as if the
graph never executed.
forward execution
roll back
Reconstructing Data On-line When a Disk Fails
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FIGURE 13 Handling Errors After Commit Point
2.5 Reconstructing Data On-line When a Disk Fails
In Chapter 1 we introduced the need for a process in which the array restores itself to the
fault-free state following a disk failure. In this section, we provide a brief description of
a disk-oriented algorithm (taken from [Holland94]) for reconstructing lost data into
spare disk space. For a more complete discussion of reconstruction algorithms, including
performance evaluations and optimizations of the disk-oriented algorithm, please
refer to Chapter 4 in [Holland94].
2.5.1 Disk-Oriented Reconstruction
Not only must a single-fault-tolerant disk array recover from the loss of a disk, it should
be able to effect this recovery without taking the system off-line. This is implemented
by maintaining one or more on-line spare disks in the array. When a disk fails, the array
switches to degraded mode as described in Chapter 1; at the same time, it also invokes a
background reconstruction process to recover from the failure. This process successively
reconstructs the data and parity units that were lost when the disk failed and
stores them on the spare disk. The mechanism by which this is accomplished is called
Because the leftmost Wr node failed after the commit point had been reached, forward
execution continues. The rightmost Wr node completes successfully as does the sink
(NOP) node. If a failure occurs after a commit point, the sink node is always reached
and the system appears as if the successful completion of the graph was followed by a
forward execution
roll forward
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the reconstruction algorithm. Once all the units have been recovered, the array returns to
normal performance and is once again single-failure tolerant, and so the recovery is
complete. Prior to Mark Holland’s thesis work, the default algorithm for reconstructing
data from a failed disk was stripe-oriented; in his thesis, Mark demonstrated a disk-oriented
algorithm that performs substantially better than the stripe-oriented one. The diskoriented
algorithm creates C reconstruction processes, where C represents the number
of disks in the array not including the spare. Each of the C-1 processes associated with a
surviving disk execute the following loop:
1. Find lowest-numbered unit on this disk that is needed for reconstruction.
2. Issue a low-priority request to read the indicated unit into a buffer.
3. Wait for the read to complete.
4. Submit the unit’s data to a centralized buffer manager for XOR or block the process
if buffer manager has no memory to accept the unit.
until (all necessary units have been read)
The process associated with the replacement disk executes:
1. Request the next sequential full buffer from the buffer manager.
2. Block the process if none are available.
3. Issue a low-priority write of the buffer to the replacement disk.
4. Wait for the write to complete.
until (the failed disk has been reconstructed)
The buffer manager provides a central repository for data and parity from parity stripes
that are currently “under reconstruction.” When a new buffer arrives from a survivingdisk
process, the manager XORs the data into an accumulating “sum” for that parity
stripe and notes the arrival of a unit for the indicated parity stripe from the indicated
disk. When it receives a request from the replacement-disk process, it searches its data
structures for a parity stripe for which all units have arrived, deletes the corresponding
buffer from the active list, and returns it to the replacement-disk process.
The advantage of this approach is that it is able to maintain one low-priority request in
the queue for each disk at all times, which means that it will absorb a significant portion
of the array’s bandwidth that is not absorbed by users. This approach yields substantially
faster reconstruction than alternative approaches.
There are two implementation issues that need to be addressed in order for the above
algorithm to perform as expected. The first relates to the amount of memory needed, and
the second to the interaction of reconstruction accesses with updates in the normal
workload. The following two sections discuss these implementation issues.
Reconstructing Data On-line When a Disk Fails
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2.5.2 Buffer Memory Management
In the disk-oriented algorithm, transient fluctuations in the arrival rate of user requests
at various disks can cause some reconstruction processes to read data more rapidly than
others. The buffer manager must store this information until the corresponding data or
parity arrives from slower reconstruction processes, and thus the buffering requirements
of each individual reconstruction process vary over time. It’s possible to construct
pathological conditions in which a substantial fraction of the data space of the array
needs to be buffered in memory, and so it’s necessary to define a buffer memory management
policy for the disk-oriented algorithm.
The amount of memory needed for disk-oriented reconstruction can be bounded by
enforcing a limit on the number of buffers employed. If no buffers are available, a
requesting process blocks until a buffer is freed by some other process. We have divided
the buffer pool into two parts: each surviving-disk reconstruction process has one buffer
assigned for its exclusive use, and all remaining buffers are assigned to a “free buffer
pool.” A surviving-disk process always reads units into its exclusive buffer, but then
upon submission to the buffer manager, the buffer manager transfers the data to a buffer
from the free pool, and then installs this buffer in its data structures. This division of
buffers simplifies the code by assuring that there is always a free buffer into which to
read data or parity when a reconstruction access arrives at the head of a disk queue. A
buffer stall condition occurs only when there are no free buffers available into which to
transfer the incoming unit, at which point the corresponding reconstruction process has
no outstanding I/O requests. Only the first process submitting data for a particular parity
stripe must acquire a free buffer because subsequent submissions for that parity stripe
can be XORed into this buffer. Thus this approach is able to maintain as many parity
stripes under reconstruction as there are buffers in the free buffer pool.
Forcing reconstruction processes to stall when there are no available free buffers causes
the corresponding disks to idle respecting reconstruction. For our purposes, a relatively
small number of free buffers suffices to achieve good reconstruction performance.
There should be at least as many free buffers as there are surviving disks, so that in the
worst case each reconstruction process can have one access in progress and one buffer
submitted to the buffer manager.
2.5.3 Interaction with Writes in the Normal Workload
The reconstruction accesses for a particular parity stripe must be interlocked with user
writes to that parity stripe because a user write can potentially invalidate data that has
been previously read by a reconstruction process. This problem applies only to user
writes to parity stripes for which some (but not all) data units have already been fetched;
if the parity stripe is not currently “under reconstruction,” then the user write can proceed
We handle this problem by beginning a conflicting user write only after the desired
stripe’s reconstruction is complete. This approach is memory-efficient and does not
waste disk bandwidth, but if it is implemented as stated, a user write may experience a
very long latency when it is forced to wait for a number of low-priority accesses to complete.
The disk-oriented algorithm overcomes this drawback by expediting the reconstruction
of a parity stripe containing the data unit that is about to be written by the user.
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When the algorithm detects a user write to a data unit in a parity stripe that is currently
under reconstruction, it elevates all pending accesses for that reconstruction to the priority
of user accesses. If there are any reconstruction accesses for the indicated parity
stripe that have not yet been issued, the algorithm issues them immediately, at regular
priority rather than low priority. The user write triggering the re-prioritization stalls
until the expedited reconstruction is complete, and the algorithm allows it to proceed
Note that a user write to a lost and as-yet unreconstructed data unit implies that an onthe-
fly reconstruction operation must occur because the written data must be incorporated
into the parity and there is no way to do this without the previous value of the
affected disk unit. Thus, this approach to interlocking reconstruction with user writes
does not incur any avoidable disk accesses. Also, forcing the user write to wait for an
expedited reconstruction does not significantly elevate average user response time,
because the number of parity stripes that are under reconstruction at any given moment
(typically less than about 3C) is small with respect to the total number of parity stripes
in the array (many thousand).
A potential problem arises if a free reconstruction buffer has not yet been acquired for
the parity stripe whose reconstruction is to be expedited, and none are available. The
algorithm simply allocates a new buffer and frees it when the reconstruction is complete.
This may not be acceptable for some implementations because the amount of
buffer memory available may be strictly limited and completely in use. There are a
number of potential solutions to this problem, ranging from reserving a few buffers for
this purpose, to stealing an in-use buffer and forcing the reconstruction of the corresponding
parity stripe to be restarted. We did not pursue these avenues as the problem is
minor and highly transient.
2.5.4 Summary
This section describes the disk-oriented reconstruction algorithm which is designed to
absorb for reconstruction all of the disk-array bandwidth not absorbed by the users. The
algorithm keeps every surviving disk busy with reconstruction reads at all times, unless
blocked by the inability to acquire a buffer to hold the reconstruction unit. Splitting the
buffer pool into “exclusive” and “free” parts and forcing processes to block only at
buffer submission time assures maximally efficient buffer usage because a reconstruction
process cannot block unless there are zero free buffers in the system. Expediting the
reconstruction of parity stripes for which a user write is pending preserves software
boundaries in that the code controlling the user write operations is maintained separately
from the code controlling the reconstruction process. The only modification
required to the user-write code is that it must make a single call into the reconstruction
module prior to initiating a write operation so that a pending reconstruction operation, if
any, can be forced to complete before the write occurs.
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Framework for
Implementing New
We now describe RAIDframe, a framework for implementing RAID designs, intended
for use in researching, verifying, testing and producing RAID systems. This chapter
presents an overview of RAIDframe features and the RAID architectures implemented
in the current release, then describes its internal architecture and the accompanying
reconstruction architecture, and concludes by briefly describing the suite of test applications
packaged with the RAIDframe release which can be used to create a variety of
workloads for controlled testing.
3.1 Features
RAIDframe has a number of features that support experimenting and verifying
advanced disk-array designs, including:
• extensibility
• correctness verification
• mechanized error recovery
• disk-oriented reconstruction
• applications for controlled testing of workloads
• synthetic workload generation
• trace playback
• performance monitoring
• debugging facilities
• multiple front ends for the user level
Array architectures implemented in RAIDframe can be evaluated in three distinct execution
environments: a stand-alone application controlling UNIX “raw” disks, an eventRAIDframe:
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driven simulator, and a Digital UNIX device driver capable of performing block and
character operations (and thus, capable of mounting a standard file system on a set of
disks). In all three environments, the code unique to a disk-array architecture (mapping,
caching, DAGs, primitive operations, and disk queueing) is reused without change. In
the following sections, we describe each of these environments, the types of uses each
one is intended to support, and the limitations of each. Then we list the RAID architectures
currently implemented in the RAIDframe. We end the section with a figure showing
a case study of the performance of microbenchmarks in RAIDframe.
3.1.1 RAIDframe as a Stand-Alone User Application
As a stand-alone user application, RAIDframe is a process that accesses real disks
through the UNIX “raw” device interface. RAIDframe itself is provided as a library,
libraidframe.a. Applications may link this library into their address space and
treat RAIDframe as a flat, addressable storage space (much like a single large file). This
enables users to verify and benchmark their work without modifying the kernel, which
can greatly reduce time for developing and evaluating new RAID architectures, diskqueueing
policies, DAG constructs, et cetera.
There are several front ends to this user-level library available with RAIDframe. One
such (driver) can accept either a synthetic workload from a workload generator or a
trace file of I/O activities. Because the parameters of the synthetic workload are precisely
controllable, array architects can investigate specific array-performance effects.
This front end also provides various debugging and stress tests for architectures and policies,
including forced reconstruction, constant workload, and layout checking.
The stand-alone user application shares another front end, rf_genplot, with the
event-driven simulator (described in the next section). The rf_genplot front end
provides array architects with a means for comparing how different RAID architectures
perform running a simulated workload: it runs workload scripts against various RAID
configurations and outputs results into a file. Additionally, options allow users to graph
the results, either from a current stand-alone run or using results from a previous run to
generate graphs in multiuser mode.
Developing, testing, and instrumenting a RAID architecture at the user level enhances
portability and extensibility. Moreover, as shown in Figure 14, there is almost no difference
in the measurements between in-kernel and stand-alone user-level RAIDframe
performance [Gibson95]—which means that array designers unable or unwilling to port
RAIDframe’s in-kernel implementation to their operating system can be confident of the
validity of user-level performance results. The main drawback of running RAIDframe
as a stand-alone user application is that only a single application may be run against the
disk array, and in doing so, may not have an access pattern identical to what it would be
if it were running through a file system (and, thus, potentially performing additional
meta-data accesses).
3.1.2 RAIDframe as an Event-Driven Simulator
The RAIDframe simulator exists to support analyses of configurations for which the
user has no hardware (for example, a new disk) or no interest in building (for example,
hundreds of disks in an array). The RAIDframe simulator is built on top of the Berkeley
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RaidSim simulator [Chen90b, Lee91], which was further modified at CMU. In the simulator,
the low-level disk operations are simulated by a configurable disk-geometry
model instead of being executed by a real disk; the geometry model is configurable to a
wide range of disks. The simulator, like the stand-alone application, uses either a synthetic
workload generator or a trace file for replay. Because it runs a synthetic workload
against simulated disks, the simulator provides results quickly—more quickly than the
versions running against real disks.
The simulator runs as a single-threaded, event-driven program that tracks disk-I/O time.
However, there are several disadvantages in using it. First, it is more difficult to run an
application against this simulator because it does not actually transfer data, and its
event-driven nature causes “virtual time” to pass more quickly than “wall time.” Next,
while the geometry model provides seek, rotate, and transfer information for each SCSI
I/O sent to any drive, it does not account for bus overhead or disk caching. Also, support
for verifying data correctness is not provided. The lack of support for bus overhead and
data verification can have significant impact on user results.
Like the previous configuration, the simulator provides its functionality in a library
(libraidframe_sim.a) which applications may link against. This enables many of
the same front ends to the real-disk user-level configuration to be used with this simulator
(with the caveat that the simulator is single-threaded and its routines are not reentrant;
therefore, multithreaded tests are not supported).
3.1.3 RAIDframe as a Device Driver in the Kernel
RAIDframe also runs as a Digital Unix device driver capable of mounting a standard
file system on a set of disks (and supports standard file system operations, such as
newfs). This allows RAIDframe users to measure the performance of a disk array when
it is running a real workload (as opposed to the trace-driven or synthetic versions at the
user level). At this level, RAIDframe represents disks as either a raw or block device.
Because the device driver must be compiled in the kernel, any unstable code—such as a
bad memory access—can cause a machine crash. Therefore, it is recommended that new
disk-array architectures be developed in user mode before being installed in the kernel.
3.1.4 RAID Architectures Implemented in RAIDframe
RAIDframe is released with a variety of disk-array architectures that include not only
the basic RAID architectures that are in production today but also a number of experimental
architectures that are proposed by the research community. Table 6 lists the
architectures that have been implemented in RAIDframe. See Chapter 1, “Redundant
Arrays: A Brief Overview,” for descriptions of these architectures.
TABLE 6. RAID architectures and their support levels
Architecture Support Level
RAID level 0 Full
RAID level 1 Full
RAID level 4 Full
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RAID level 5 Full
RAID level 5 + Distributed sparing Full
Parity declustering Full
Distributed sparing Full
Parity declustering + Distributed sparing Full
Chained declustering Full
Interleaved declustering + Distributed sparing Full
EvenOdd no reconstruction
EvenOdd (declustered) no reconstruction
TABLE 6. RAID architectures and their support levels
Architecture Support Level
Internal Architecture
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FIGURE 14 Case-Study Peformance of Microbenchmarks in RAIDframe
3.2 Internal Architecture
RAIDframe’s internal architecture is partitioned into a relatively small set of modules; it
separates infrastructure, which does not need to change for users to add new array archi-
Random 4 KB Reads Random 4 KB Writes
0 200 400 600 800
Throughput (IO/sec)
Response time (ms)
Kernel Process: Real Disks
0 200 400 600 800
Throughput (IO/sec)
Kernel Process: Real Disks
0 200 400 600 800
Throughput (IO/sec)
Response time (ms)
User Process: Real Disks
0 200 400 600 800
Throughput (IO/sec)
Response time (ms)
User Process: Real Disks
RAID Level 0
RAID Level 1
RAID Level 4
RAID Level 5
RAID Level 6
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tectures, from the remainder of the system, which users are expected to modify to create
and test new disk-array architectures.
As Figure 15 illustrates, RAIDframe is composed of eleven independent modules,
seven of which may be modified to support new architectures.
FIGURE 15 RAIDframe Modules
3.2.1 RAIDframe Infrastructure
This section describes modules which we consider to be infrastructure and do not intend
to be modified. State Machine
User requests are processed by a central state machine, which is responsible for creating
graphs, submitting them for execution, et cetera. While the state machine is configurable,
most architectures use a machine similar to the one illustrated in Figure 16 on
page 62. The following table lists the access states controlled by the state machine.
TABLE 7. States of the RAIDframe state machine
State Function
rf_MapState map user access
rf_LockState acquire stripe locks
rf_CreatDAGState select and create DAG(s)
rf_ExecuteDAGState execute DAG(s) that are ready
rf_ProcessDAGState postprocess completed DAGs
DAG Creation
Graph Disk-Queue
(expected to be modified)
State Machine
Access States
Management Database
Internal Architecture
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It is important to note that RAIDframe performs stripe locking and memory allocation
prior to creating a DAG.
rf_CleanupDAGState free a graph and stripe locks
rf_LastState null state (indicates end of sequence)
rf_IncrAccessCountState increase count of graphs in flight
rf_DecrAccessCountState decrease count of graphs in flight
rf_QuiesceState wait for the array to quiesce (no graphs in flight)
TABLE 7. States of the RAIDframe state machine
State Function
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FIGURE 16 RAIDframe Control Flow Graph Execution Engine
The primary infrastructure module is the graph execution engine. This engine is responsible
only for fully exploiting the allowable concurrency within a DAG; that is, the
engine has no knowledge of the architecture embodied in the graph. Figure 15 illustrates
the structure of RAIDframe.
RAIDframe’s engine also incorporates a simple and uniform mechanism for handling
error conditions in the array. When any error condition occurs prior to the commit node,
the engine rolls back, undoing previous state changes. The engine then creates a new
graph and retries the operation. If an error occurs after the commit node, the engine rolls
forward and finishes executing the graph.
In this example, when a request arrives in the system, it is first sent to the mapping
module to compute the set of physical disk locations affected by the access. This
produces a data structure describing, for each stripe touched by the access, the mapping
of addresses in the RAID address space to physical disk units within each stripe. Next,
stripes containing parity information are locked to assure that concurrent writes to the
same stripe do not conflict in their parity updates. The access is then converted to a
graph and submitted for execution. If a failure occurs while a graph is processing,
recovery local to the failed graph leads to creating a graph appropriate for avoiding the
failure, if possible.
Map Addresses
Select DAG
Execute DAG
Reconfigure Array
User Request
Good Bad
Mapping Library
Graph Selection
Graph Library
Graph Primitives
Disk Models
Queueing Disciplines
Simulation only
Architectural Policies Mechanized Infrastructure
Internal Architecture
RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 63
Version 1.0 8/29/96 Disk Interface
The disk interface module organizes pending disk requests according to queuing disciplines
specified at the time of configuration; this allows users to optimize disk use as
needed. This is discussed further in Chapters 4 and 5.
3.2.2 Configurable RAIDframe Modules
The following sections describe the default implementations of RAIDframe’s configurable
modules. Please see Chapter 5, “Extending RAIDframe,” for more information
about reconfiguring the modules. Disk-Queue Module
In the current version, disk requests can be queued in RAIDframe or at the disk. The
number of requests allowed for queuing at the disk is configurable. Within RAIDframe,
multiple queueing policies are available, including FIFO, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN and
CVSCAN. FIFO is First In First Out—requests are serviced in arrival order. Shortest
Seek Time First (SSTF) queueing specifies that the next request dispatched is the one
closest geographically to the previous request. SCAN specifies that the disk arm
traverses the disk from one end to another and back (two-way elevator algorithm), while
CSCAN specifies one-way disk sweeps (one-way elevator algorithm). CVSCAN is a
discipline that uses two parameters to queue disk requests. With CVSCAN, adding new
queuing disciplines can be achieved simply by assigning new values to the two parameters.
New disciplines can also be added to the disk-queue switch by specifying new
function calls for create, enqueue, dequeue, promote, and peek.
*For more information about CVSCAN, please refer to [Geist87]. Disk-Geometry Database
This database contains disk specifications used by the simulator. These specifications
include layout parameters (tracks per cylinder, number of zones, etc.) as well as performance
parameters (rpm, seek times, etc.). Mapping
All accesses in RAIDframe go through a mapping module prior to locking the block
ranges in the disk array. The framework for the mapping is general to all architectures
and invokes architecture-specific mapping routines. The routines are typically short (for
example, 5 lines of C code). Each routine provides the ability for the mapping code to:
• map individual sectors and parity units for a given RAID address
TABLE 8. RAIDframe disk I/O queueing policies
Name Algorithm
fifo First In, First Out
cvscan CVSCAN*
sstf Shortest Seek Time First
scan Two-way Elevator
cscan One-way Elevator
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• identify a stripe for a given RAID address
• identify a parity-stripe ID for a given data-stripe ID
The mapping module maps an access in the RAID address space to the corresponding
set of physical disk addresses. The result is returned as a list of Access Stripe Map
(ASM) structures, one per stripe accessed. Each ASM structure contains a pointer to a
list of physical-disk-address structures which describe the physical locations touched by
the user access.
Note that this first-level mapping routine returns only static mapping information, that
is, the list of physical locations that will actually be read or written. Additional remapping
to physical location can be done at later stages of the access.
The mapping module also maps the parity. The physical-disk location returned always
indicates the entire parity unit, even when only a subset of it is being accessed. This is
because an access that is not stripe-unit aligned but spans a stripe-unit boundary may
require access to two distinct portions of the parity unit. At this point, however, the system
cannot determine which portion(s) of the parity unit will be needed. Instead, the
algorithm-selection code decides what subset of the parity unit to access. Graph Selection
A graph-selection algorithm is required for each architecture. This algorithm, implemented
as a C routine, determines which graph from the graph library is to be used to
execute a specific user request (type, layout map), given the current state of the array.
By default, RAIDframe attempts to create one graph for each ASM (i.e., parity stripe).
However, if this is not possible, graphs are then selected on a per data unit (or even per
sector) basis. Graph Library
The graph library contains the routines, such as CreateSmallWriteDAG(), that are
capable of creating graphs if called by graph selection. Each routine receives type and
physical mapping information and returns a pointer to a graph tailored for that request.
Adding new graphs requires installing new or extending existing creation functions.
The graphs that can be created by the graph-selection algorithm are shown in the
Appendix. Primitive-Operations Library
The primitive-operations library contains the functions that abstract single device operations
(for example, XOR, DISKRD, etc.) from which graphs are created. Primitives
delineate the failure domains that RAIDframe accommodates; that is, when a node fails,
the device associated with it is considered failed as well. Primitives are required to independently
detect and recover from soft errors.
Operation Function
DiskRead read from disk
DiskReadMirror issue disk read to disk with the shortest queue (RAID Level 1)
Reconstruction Architecture
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3.3 Reconstruction Architecture
In Chapter 2, we described the disk-oriented algorithm that Mark Holland implemented
and evaluated prior to RAIDframe’s development (See “Reconstructing Data On-line
When a Disk Fails” on page 51). We have incorporated this reconstruction algorithm
into the current RAIDframe package to allow RAID designers to simulate a disk failure
so that they can evaluate the performance of their systems while undergoing reconstruction.
In this section, we describe the reconstruction architecture currently implemented in
3.3.1 Reconstruction State Machine
The state machine in Section controls the processing of user-initiated disk
accesses. However, when a disk fails, a separate state machine responsible for reconstructing
the lost data initiates a reconstruction thread and then processes reconstruction
requests in parallel with the user workload. Reconstruction requests are lower priority
than user-initiated ones; the reconstruction thread simply dispatches disk accesses in
batches until all data on the failed disk has been restored. The disk-oriented algorithm
allows reconstruction to keep one low-priority disk request in the queue for each physical
disk at all times, maximizing the efficiency of reconstruction without significantly
penalizing response time for the system user.
3.3.2 Reconstruction States
When invoked, the reconstruction thread issues, through the locking and DAG layers, a
low-priority read request for the next unit on each disk required for reconstruction. As
each reconstruct read completes, its data is XORed into the accumulating “sum” for the
indicated stripe, and the next read request for that disk is issued. When the last unit associated
with a particular stripe has been read and summed, the reconstruction thread
issues a low-priority request for the now-reconstructed data to be written to a replacement
or spare disk.
DiskWrite write to disk
XOR compute bit-wise exclusive-or
NOP no operation
Q compute Reed-Solomon encoding
Q’ decode Reed-Solomon code
Operation Function
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FIGURE 17 RAIDframe Reconstruction Control Flow
3.4 Suite of Test Applications
In this section, we introduce the test suite we have included with the RAIDframe code
which will allow implementors to test their systems at the user level.
An important method for testing the operation of an array is by actually using it; however,
placing the system within a real workload environment in order to test it is obviously
not ideal. Therefore, the stand-alone application and simulator versions of
RAIDframe receive I/O requests from a workload file which can contain either 1) a
script that is interpreted by a synthetic workload generator, or 2) traces of actual disk
I/Os. For both of these versions of RAIDframe, the workload file is mandatory for oper-
Map Addresses
Lock Stripe(s)
Select DAG
Execute DAG
Unlock Stripe(s)
Reconfigure Array
User Request
Good Bad
User-Initiated Process
The reconstruction thread starts by quiescing the array. The thread sets up its internal
state, queues one access request per surviving disk, and then re-enables the user
workload. From this time on, reconstruction proceeds in parallel with the applied
user workload. A new request is submitted to a surviving disk after a previous read
request is completed. Reconstruction completes when the reconstruction read
requests associated with all surviving disks have completed (i.e., they have submitted
their last stripe unit to the buffer manager).
Reconstruction Process
Disk Failure
Quiesce Array
Re-enable User Workload
Select Stripe
Lock Stripe
Parallel Processing
Reconstruct Stripe
Unlock Stripe
Suite of Test Applications
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ating (the stand-alone application currently does not accept live user workloads,
although it can be tested against real disks). The script test runs the workload file.
Seven other tests—single-access, loop, degraded-mode read, random read or write, file
write-read, entire-array write, and reconstruction—verify the data and redundancy of
the array by accessing its disks in different ways. The layout test verifies that the mapping
of data and redundancy between the array software (that is, logical location) and
actual disk locations (that is, physical locations) is correct. We briefly describe how to
use these tests in Chapter 4.
TABLE 10. RAIDframe user-level tests
Test Operation
single-access test writes, reads, and verifies a single location in the
RAID address space
loop test writes, reads, and verifies multiple locations concurrently
in the array
degraded-mode read test tests read activity with the array in a faulted state
random read or write test allows a user to read and write to multiple locations
in the array in fault-free and degraded mode
file write-read test writes, reads, and verifies the contents of a file
write-array test writes data to the entire array in chunks of a userspecified
size, then verifies data and parity for the
entire array
reconstruction test runs the loop test while forcing reconstruction to
occur at the same time (validating data content of
array when complete)
*script test runs the workload file which contains either a script
for generating a synthetic workload or actual I/O
*layout test verifies the one-to-one mapping properties (that is,
RAID address to physical locations) of a given architecture
*Because it runs without threading, the simulator version runs only these two tests.
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CHAPTER 4 Installing, Configuring, and
Using RAIDframe
RAIDframe may be compiled as either a stand-alone application, a simulator, or a
device driver in the kernel. Compiled as a stand-alone application, RAIDframe runs
against real disks using either a synthetically generated workload or replaying traces of
actual workloads. As a simulator, RAIDframe uses a disk-geometry model to simulate
various configurations of hardware; the workload for the simulator, as with the standalone
application, can be either a synthetically generated one or traces of I/O from
actual workloads. In the kernel, RAIDframe runs as a device driver against real disks
and upon which a real file system can be mounted. All three versions currently run on
DEC Alphas running versions 2.0 and 3.2[c,d,e,f,g] of the Digital UNIX operating system.
We begin this chapter by describing the contents of the first RAIDframe code release,
then explain how to install and configure each version. Then we briefly describe how to
test RAIDframe’s operation by verifying data, redundancy, and mapping and how to
generate workloads for RAIDframe. Finally, we end this chapter by describing how to
access RAIDframe’s built-in performance tracing and by listing some of the options for
debugging implementations.
4.1 Installing RAIDframe
Before installing any of the RAIDframe versions, you will need to decompress and detar
the distribution file, raidframe.tar.
4.1.1 RAIDframe compilation environment
The RAIDframe distribution is designed to be compiled in a variety of configurations.
The compilation system uses imake. Your system most likely includes man pages and
other documentation for imake. It is not the intention of this document to discuss the
Installing, Configuring, and Using RAIDframe
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mechanics of imake; therefore, the following sections will focus exclusively on how
the RAIDframe compilation environment is set up and operates.
4.1.2 Editing the RAIDframe_site.def File
The first step in compiling RAIDframe is to edit the file RAIDframe_site.def,
which can be found in the config/ directory of the RAIDframe distribution. This file
contains switches that tell the compilation system which components of RAIDframe
should be built and how to build them. If you wish to compile the RAIDframe simulator,
RF_COMPILE_SIM should be defined to be 1 here (otherwise, it should be 0).
Likewise, if you wish to compile the user-level driver, RF_COMPILE_USER should be
set to 1, otherwise 0. Finally, RF_COMPILE_KERNEL controls the compilation of the
various kernel-support utilities (rf_ctrl, rf_setconfig, et cetera). If your system
requires special compiler flags or defines, they may also be set in this file at this time.
4.1.3 Generating Files Necessary for Compilation
Once RAIDframe_site.def has been correctly edited for the system on which
compilation is to take place, Makefiles should be generated for the entire tree. To do so,
make your current directory the top-level directory of the RAIDframe distribution, and
execute the commands:
make depend
The first command will recursively descend the RAIDframe tree, generating Makefiles
for each directory. The second will generate dependencies for each Makefile based on
the current sources. Any time the RAIDframe_site.def file is changed, itomf
should be executed again. Any time a change to the sources logically represents a
change in dependencies (such as a change to rf_archs.h, or adding a new
#include directive to an existing source file), make depend should be executed
again. Additionally, make depend should be executed again whenever a new Makefile
is generated, to create dependencies for it.
4.1.4 Compiling RAIDframe user-level binaries
After generating Makefiles for the source tree, simply executing:
at the top of the RAIDframe distribution should compile all options selected in
RAIDframe_site.def. All simulator binaries and libraries will be in the sim/
directory. All user-level driver binaries and libraries will be in the user/ directory.
Kernel-support utilities will be in the utils/ directory.
4.1.5 Compiling the Device Driver in a Digital Unix source tree
RAIDframe provides both block and character (UNIX “raw”) device interfaces. To configure
them into your kernel, you must add appropriate stanzas to the block and character
device switches. This will require selecting a major device number. We recommend
Installing RAIDframe
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choosing 51. For further discussion about assigning major device numbers, see DEC
OSF/1 Writing Device Drivers, Volume 1: Tutorial.
To compile RAIDframe in the kernel, you will need to take the following steps:
1. Add the RAIDframe option to your kernel’s configuration file (src/kernel/
conf/alpha/CONFIGNAME where CONFIGNAME is the name of your kernel
configuration file). This entry looks like:
pseudo-device raidframe <Number of arrays to support>
The number of arrays to support must be an integer greater than 0.
2. Add an entry for RAIDframe to the device switch tables found in src/kernel/
io/common/conf.c. To do this, type the following lines exactly:
#include <raidframe.h>
int rf_open(), rf_close(), rf_strategy(), rf_read();
int rf_write(), rf_ioctl(), rf_size();
#else /* NRAIDFRAME > 0 */
#define rf_open nodev
#define rf_close nodev
#define rf_strategy nodev
#define rf_read nodev
#define rf_write nodev
#define rf_ioctl nodev
#define rf_size nodev
#endif /*NRAIDFRAME > 0 */
3. Select the major number for the device. (Note: OSF/1 requires that the number in
the comment match the number in the entry table). To do this, first look for the block
device (bdevsw) table in the conf.c file; this is where you set the major number
for the RAIDframe pseudo device. Add these lines to it:
{rf_open, rf_close, rf_strategy, nodev, /*51*/
rf_size, 0, rf_ioctl, DEV_FUNNEL_NULL},
Next, look for the character device switch (cdevsw) table in the same file; this is
where you select the major number for RAIDframe. Add these lines to cdevsw:
{rf_open, rf_close, rf_read, rf_write, /*51*/
rf_ioctl, nodev, nulldev, 0,
asyncsel, nodev, DEV_FUNNEL_NULL, NULL, NULL},
4. Edit the top-level Makefile of your kernel source tree (src/kernel/Makefile).
Add the entry “raidframe/./du_data” to the SUBDIRS definition.
1. Removing this option disables in-kernel reconstruction but reduces code size.
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5. Copy or symlink the RAIDframe directory into the DU source tree. The top level of
the RAIDframe source distribution should appear as src/kernel/raidframe.
6. Update the files file with the new modules. You can do so by appending the contents
of the file etc/kfiles included in the RAIDframe distribution.
7. Rebuild the kernel (this will require a reconfiguration pass).
4.2 Configuring RAIDframe
While all three versions of RAIDframe share the same configuration file, the kernel version
is configured at the same time that it is compiled in the kernel. For those users who
want to configure a device driver after it has been installed, we have included two control
programs for doing so; we describe these control programs in Section 4.2.2 on
page 75.
4.2.1 RAIDframe’s Configuration File
The configuration file is divided into sections marked by START <section_name>.
Comments are supported in the configuration file; they must be preceded by a pound
sign (#). Of the six sections in the configuration file, four are mandatory: array, disks,
layout, and queue; these are denoted with an (m) in the following paragraphs. See
Figure 18 on page 75 for a sample configuration file.
Each of the following sections describes how to enter specifications for the stand-alone
application and the simulator. Array (m)
This section is used to specify in integers the number of rows, columns, and spare drives
in the array. Enter these specifications into the configuration file in this order:
<numRow> <numCol> <numSpare> Disks (m)
This section lists the pathnames to the device files corresponding to physical disks for
the kernel and user-level versions of RAIDframe; each item in the list is a string ending
with the device filename. Enter pathnames in this format:
The simulator, on the other hand, uses a set of disk names that it will instantiate from the
disk.db database file. Enter disk names as
<Disk name>
<Disk name>
where each item is a string containing the name of an actual disk drive.
Configuring RAIDframe
RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 73
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This section may include the device files of spare disks (if they exist). Pathnames are
entered in the same format as the Disk section.
For the simulator, the Disks and Spare sections must contain names of actual disk
drives instead of listing the pathnames to the device files (that is, /dev/...). If a
pathname is specified instead of an actual disk drive, the simulator version of RAIDframe
will default to the Hewlett-Packard HP2247 disk drive. Layout (m)
This section includes general layout parameters: sectors per stripe unit, stripe unit per
parity unit, and stripe units per reconstruction unit. It also contains a parity configuration
label (which is a single character) to specify the RAID architecture to use. The
parameters are detailed in the following table.
For the parity-configuration layout, there are nine single-character labels that correspond
to the RAID architectures currently implemented (see Table 6 on page 57 for a
complete list of architectures and their support levels).
TABLE 11. RAIDframe layout parameters
Parameter Explanation
numRow number of rows of disks, each row a distinct parity group
numCol number of columns of disks in each row
sectPerSU number of sectors in a stripe unit
parityConfig parity layout based on RAID level
SUsPerPU number of stripe units per parity unit
SUsPerRU number of stripe units per reconstruction unit
When specifiying SUsPerRU, set the number to 1 unless you are specifically
implementing reconstruction under party declustering; if so, you should
read through the reconstruction code first.
TABLE 12. Config file architecture specific data
parityConfig Architecture Must be followed by
0 RAID level 0
1 RAID level 1
4 RAID level 4
5 RAID level 5
E EvenOdd)
e Declustered EvenOdd blockdesign file
T Parity declustering blockdesign file
D Declustering + distributed sparing blockdesign file
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The details for specifying new parity-configuration parameters are given in Chapter 5,
“Extending RAIDframe.” Enter layout specifications into the configuration file in this
<sectPerSU> <SUsPerPU> <SUsPerRU> <parityConfig>
where the items are integers. Depending on the value of the parity configuration, you
can add a number of needed parameters that are specific to an architecture. In this event,
the pathname for layout-specific parameters will follow the general ones in the Layout
section (Table 12). Queue (m)
This section contains generic parameters for the queue of disk I/O requests: queue type
(FIFO, CVSCAN, etc.) and the number of concurrent requests that can be sent to disk.
Enter queue specifications into the configuration file in the format:
<queue type> <numConcurrentrequests>
where the queue type is a string and the number of concurrent requests is an integer.
Where necessary, queue-specific parameters will follow the general ones in the Queue
section (Figure 4.2). Debug
This section lists a number of user-configurable debug options. Enter these options into
the configuration file in the format:
<debug variable><value>
where the debug variable is a string and the value is an integer (a partial list of debug
options and their variables is given in Section 4.6 on page 84). Some debugging options
have only on/off settings—for these, zero is off, non-zero is on. Others can accept a
range of integral values.
R RAID level 5 + rotated sparing
C Chained declustering
I Interleaved declustering
TABLE 12. Config file architecture specific data
parityConfig Architecture Must be followed by
Configuring RAIDframe
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FIGURE 18 RAIDframe’s Configuration File
4.2.2 Configuring the Device Driver Using Control Programs
Once the RAIDframe device driver has been installed, you can configure it using either
the command-line options of rf_setconfig or the menu-driven rf_ctrl—an
OSF menu-driven program located in the RAIDframe directory. rf_ctrl is a simple
front end to a set of I/O controls (ioctls) which are listed in Table 13; in addition, these
ioctls can be used by other applications. Using both programs is explained in the following
RAIDframe’s configuration file has seven sections: array, disks, spare, layout,
queue, and debug; array, disks, layout, and queue must be specified. All sections
begin with START and all comments are denoted with a #.
START array
# parameters are: numRow numCol numSpare
1 4 1
START disks
# a list of device files corresponding to physical disks
START spare
# a list of device files corresponding to spare physical disks
# spare device goes here
START layout
# general layout parameters: sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit
64 1 1 T
# layout-type specific parameters for 'T' layout: bd_file_name
START queue
# generic queue parameters: queue type, number
# concurrent requests that can be sent to a disk
# queue-specific configuration lines:
# (none for FIFO)
START debug
accessDebug 1
mapDebug 1
dagDebug 1
testDebug 1
Installing, Configuring, and Using RAIDframe
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Version 1.0 8/29/96 rf_setconfig
To run rf_setconfig, type:
rf_setconfig configfilename [devname]
where configfilename is the name of the file containing configuration information
for the array. If devname is unspecfied, /dev/raidframe_c is used.
To unconfigure the device, type:
rf_setconfig -s [configfilename devname]
With no additional arguments, rf_setconfig -s will unconfigure /dev/
raidframe_c. If a configuration file and device name are specified, the array named
by devname will be unconfigured. rf_ctrl
To run rf_ctrl, type
rf_ctrl <device_file>
and select the desired ioctl from the menu.
TABLE 13 RAIDframe ioctls
Control Option Syntax
Configure the driver; takes a struct
Unconfigure the array; takes no arguments RAIDFRAME_SHUTDOWN
Takes a struct rf_test_acc RAIDFRAME_TEST_ACC
“Fail” a disk (for testing reconstruction); takes a
struct rf_recon_req
Get reconstruction percentage complete on a
row; takes and returns an integer
Copy reconstructed data back to replaced disk RAIDFRAME_COPYBACK
Start tracing accesses (DFStrace) RAIDFRAME_START_ATRACE
Stop tracing accesses (DFStrace) RAIDFRAME_STOP_ATRACE
Get the size of the device (number of sectors);
yields an integer
Get basic configuration information (not the
same as rf_configuration); yields
struct rf_device_config
Reset AccTrace totals on the device RAIDFRAME_RESET_ACCTOTALS
Retrieve AccTrace totals for a device; yields
Turn AccTrace on if integer argument is nonzero
(off otherwise); takes an int
Testing RAIDframe Operation
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4.3 Testing RAIDframe Operation
As we mentioned in Chapter 3, there are eight test applications for verifying the data,
redundancy and layout for RAIDframe implementations at the user level (that is, the
stand-alone application and the simulator). Because the simulator runs only against simulated
disks, only the script and layout tests are available in that mode.
4.3.1 Running the Test Applications
The following subsections demonstrate sample interactions with the menu-driven test
applications. In many cases, options and interactions are commented to clarify their use. Single-Access Test
Pick a test: s
enter -1 for the RAID address to quit
Starting RAID address [0-82176]? 4032
number of blocks? 219
Input row id of disk to mark failed (-1 for none): -1
Entering 0 for the input row id will cause the system to prompt you for the column
number of the disk to be failed. Loop Test
Pick a test: l
How many parallel threads? 2
How many I/Os per thread? 10
Same seed or different seeds in each thread [s/d]? d
Degraded mode? [n=none, c=constant, a=asynchronously,
r=async, init recon] n
TABLE 14. RAIDframe front-end test operations
Test Option
single-access test s
loop test l
degraded-mode read test d
random read or write test r
file write-read test f
reconstruction test R
write array test w
*script test S
*layout test L
* The simulator runs only these two test options.
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The mode option n is the fault-free test in which no disks are failed. Mode option c fails
a disk before beginning the loop test; you must specify which disk just as you would in
order to run the single-access test. Mode option a instructs RAIDframe to randomly fail
a disk during the run; option r is the same as option a but initiates reconstruction after
failing the specified disk. Random Read or Write Test
Pick a test: r
How many parallel threads? [0 is ok] 1
Reads or Writes [r/w]? r
Degraded mode: none, constant, constant double
degraded,async, async+init recon [n/c/2/a/r]? n
Random or sequential I/Os? [r/s] r
How many I/Os per thread? 2 File Write-Read Test
Pick a test: f
File name? foo
The only parameter RAIDframe requests is the file name. Reconstruction Test
Pick a test: R
How many parallel threads? [0 is ok] 1
Degraded-mode: none, const, async, async+recon, reconfig,
recon+copyback? [n/c/a/r/R/C] n
Perform the painful test? [y/n] n Write array test
Pick a test: w
How many sectors to write at a time? [64] 512
Writing 512 sectors at a time
Degraded mode? [n=none, c=constant, a=asynchronously,
r=async+recon, C=async+recon+copyback] n Script Test
Pick a test: S
Trace or script file name? foo
You must specify either a script or trace file. See Section 4.3.2 on setting up a workload
file. Layout Test
Pick a test: L
Testing RAIDframe Operation
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There are no parameters for this test. This test performs a set of checks to ensure that
multiple RAID addresses do not share physical data sector mappings, and that all physical
data sector mappings are valid.
4.3.2 Setting Up the Workload File For the Script Test
It may be necessary to test how the array operates under a simulated workload. In
RAIDframe, the stand-alone user application and simulator versions receive I/O
requests from a synthetic-workload generator or replay traces of actual disk I/Os. The
following sections describe how to create a script file for the workload generator and the
parameters for a trace file of actual disk I/Os. Synthetically Generated Workloads
The synthetic-workload generator conforms its load to a script containing a variable
number of access profiles with individual occurrence probabilities. Each profile defines
a deterministic or exponentially distributed access size with a given mean and alignment.
Access addresses are randomly generated throughout the entire address space, or
with a given probability, within a single locality specified with each profile. Access
types are either read, write or sequential (the same as the last access with its address
The script file contains a description of the workload that you want to run, including
probability, I/O request type, size, alignment, distribution, and local region (Table 15).
The lines are in the format:
TABLE 15 Workload description file parameters
Parameter What is Specified
<probability> the fraction of the total workload (given as an integer between
0-100) that this script describes
<reqType> the type of I/O request using an r or a w, for a read or write
<size> the access size in KB (given as an integer)
<align> the access alignment in KB (given as an integer)
<distr> a character describing the access-size distribution: d means
deterministic (this is always equal to <size>); e means
exponentially distributed with mean <size>
<lprob> the probability (given as an integer between 0-100) that this
access is within the local region
<lfrac> the fraction of the array’s data space (given as an integer
between 0-100) defining the local region
<loffs> the offset into the array of the start of the local region (given
as an integer between 0-100)
The <lfrac> and <loffs> parameters allow you to define the local region of the
disk array where you want to generate accesses.
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<probability> <reqType> <size> <align> [<distr> [<lprob>
<lfrac> <loffs>]]
where only the first four parameters, <probability> <reqType> <size>
<align>, are mandatory in the script file. Or, they can be in the format:
<probability> s
which means that with probability <probability> the next access selected by any
given process will be sequential with respect to the previous access, whatever it happened
to be. There can be only one such line in any given script file.
The following is an example of a script file that specifies running a 50/50 read/write
workload using random 8k accesses that are 8k aligned:
50 r 8 8
50 w 8 8 Trace-Driven Workloads
The trace file contains actual I/O traces that have been collected from another application
instead of synthetic traces that have been generated from a script. The trace file
must contain a header and trace records. The header contains the number of independent
processes in the trace, the number of traces for each process, and the file offsets for
each trace. Traces understood by RAIDframe must contain an explicit sequence of
tuples: (thread id, delay time before issuing this request, read or write, block address,
number of blocks, and a requester-waits/requester-does-not-wait flag). Table 16 shows
the parameters for trace records.
Each trace record has the following format:
<long blkno> <long size> <double delay> <short pid> <char
op> <char async_flag>
TABLE 16 Trace format
Parameters What is Specified
<int64 blkno> RAID address (given as an integer)
<int64 size> number of blocks (given as an integer)
<double delay> number of seconds (given as an integer)
<int16 pid> process identification number (given as an integer)
<char op> character operation with an r or w for a read or write
<int8 async_flag> character asynchronous flag; set to 1 if the I/O requests are
These traces are stored in binary format as opposed to ASCII. Integers are stored in
little-endian format, while floating-point values are in IEEE format.
Performance Analysis Tools
RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 81
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4.4 Performance Analysis Tools
Because it is valuable to compare how different RAID architectures perform relative to
one another when implemented in RAIDframe, we have included a front end for doing
so at the user level called rf_genplot. A key benefit of rf_genplot is that it
enables users to test throughput versus response time for various RAID architectures
and configurations. As we explained in Section 3.1.1 on page 56, rf_genplot runs
workload scripts from a work file against various RAID architectures and outputs
results into a file.
4.4.1 Preparing to Run the rf_genplot Front End
rf_genplot requires three arguments in order to run: configlistfile,
worklistfile, and outfilebase. It reads the files named configlistfile
and worklistfile and writes files named outfilebase.out, outfilebase.
ps, and outfilebase.mif.
The first four lines of configlistfile provide parameters for graphing the results
of the workload scripts. Specifically, the first line lists the graph title, the second is the
graph subtitle, the third defines x- and y-axis ranges, and the fourth defines major and
minor tick marks for both the x and y axes. After that, the configlistfile lists
configurations to use and names for them, separated by colons. The filename of the configuration
file must appear before the colon; after the colon is the name of the configuration
which will appear on the graph. Here is an example of a configlistfile:
Random 4KB Reads
RAID level 1 Vs. RAID level 5
0 900 10 60
200 100 5 2.5
/usr20/config/config1.user:Raid 1
/usr20/config/config5.user:Raid 5
The worklistfile simply lists scripts for rf_genplot to run; here is an example:
4.4.2 Running the rf_genplot Front End
rf_genplot runs each of the scripts listed in the worklistfile against each
RAID configuration given in the configlistfile and outputs the results to the
outfilebase.out file. Results are given as throughput and response time pairs for
each architecture, with blank lines between configurations.
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If given the -o option before the filenames, rf_genplot will generate the xmgr
batch file and run xmgr to produce and outfilebase.mif
files in addition to running the workload scripts against the RAID configurations. The and outfilebase.mif files contain graphs of throughput versus
response time for all the architectures listed in the configlistfile.
If given the -p option, rf_genplot will produce and outfilebase.
mif files using the outfilebase.out file created from a previous run.
This option allows rf_genplot to run first on a machine in single-user (standalone)
mode, then later in a fully-configured environment to generate graphs.
4.5 Accessing Built-in Performance Tracing
RAIDframe provides a mechanism for timing and tracing eleven predefined system
events (Table 17). The codepath for each event is delineated by a set of macros that
make calls to a built-in timer mechanism, which in turn relies on a cycle-counter register
of the DEC Alpha architecture [Digital92]. An assembly module in the timer reads
the cycle counter and evaluates the number of microseconds elapsed. Once the built-in
tracing mechanism is turned on, it gathers timer records and saves them in a file.
To turn on tracing at the user level, set accessTraceBufSize to a value greater
than 0 in the Debug section of the RAIDframe configuration file (see Section 4.2.1 for
more details); this determines the number of trace entries to accumulate in memory
before flushing them to disk where they are saved in the file trace.dat (an example
of a trace file is given in Figure 19 below). trace.dat is accessed using a utility
called rf_tracestats whose command line argument is in the form:
rf_tracestats [-v] [-p] trace.dat
TABLE 17 Timed codepaths
Event Timed Codepath
User I/O Average Access Time
Graph suspend Suspend Ovhd
Call to complete access stripe map (ASM) Mapping
Acquiring stripe-lock ranges Locking
Graph creation DAG Creations
Graph retry DAG Retry
Freeing graph structures and return to user Cleanup
Execute full graph DAG Execution
Request pending in disk queue Disk wait time
Reconstruction Reconstruction time
Exclusive-or computation Xor eval
Accessing Built-in Performance Tracing
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where -v is verbose mode and -p prints formatted trace records on-screen. If no filename
is given, rf_tracestats expects a trace on stdin.
Traces can also be extracted from the kernel with rf_tracestats by running it with
the -k argument and specifying the name of the device to extract traces from. For
rf_tracestats -k /dev/rraidframe_c
Chapter 5 explains how to extend built-in performance tracing by adding new codepaths.
FIGURE 19 Parity Logging Execution Profile
Average Access Time: 24652.32 us
Suspend Ovhd : 3.38 us ( 0.0 %)
Mapping : 55.70 us ( 0.2 %)
Locking : 46.03 us ( 0.2 %)
DAG Creation : 136.50 us ( 0.6 %)
DAG Retry : 0.00 us ( 0.0 %)
Cleanup : 10.47 us ( 0.0 %)
DAG Execution : 24342.59 us (98.7 %)
******** DAG Execution Profile********
Total Xor Time : 131.24 us ( 0.5 %)
Total Log Time : 169.22 us ( 0.7 %)
Total Disk Queue : 5227.00 us (21.2 %)
Total Disk Phys : 17840.21 us (72.4 %)
******* summary disk statistics*******
Avg num phys IOs : 1.50
Avg queueing time: 3461.59 us (14.0 %)
Avg physical time: 11814.71 us (47.9%)
Avg total time : 15276.30 us (62.0 %)
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4.6 Debugging RAIDframe Installations
Here is a partial list of the currently implemented debug options and their effects; we
have chosen to list the options that are most likely to be used frequently. A complete list
of debug options may be found in the source file rf_optnames.h.
TABLE 18. RAIDframe debugging options
Option Effect
accessdebug Prints out details of each user request.
accSizeKB n The “loop test” generates a synthetic workload of random
I/Os. This debug variable can force the sizes of
the I/Os to be n KB. If n=0, the sizes of the I/Os are
not fixed. Default is n=0.
accessTraceBufSize n Specifies the number of trace records that will be buffered
before writing to the file trace.dat. If n=0, tracing
(execution profiling) is disabled. Default is n=0.
alignAccesses n The “loop test” generates a synthetic workload of random
I/Os. This debug variable forces the I/Os to be
aligned if n=1. Default is n=0.
dagDebug This variable prints out the type of each DAG when
degDagDebug This variable prints additional information about
degraded-mode DAGs.
demoMode n This debug variable enables demo mode if n=1. In
demo mode, most data and redundancy verification is
disabled, and meters are generated to display response
time and throughput. Default is n=0.
diskDebug This variable prints information about each disk at
configuration time.
doDebug This variable prints each disk operation as it begins
and ends (user driver only).
dtDebug This variable prints disk-thread status (user driver
Debugging RAIDframe Installations
RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 85
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engineDebug This variable prints information about engine-thread
and node processing.
maxRandomSizeKB The “loop test” generates a synthetic workload of random
I/Os. This debug variable can force the size of
the I/Os to be no greater than n KB. If n=0, max size is
unlimited. Default is n=0.
maxTraceRunTimeSec n n = the amount of time in seconds a script file should
drive I/Os into RAIDframe. If n=0, max time is
unlimited. Default is n=0.
memDebug n This variable is useful for debugging memory leaks
and buffer overruns. Enabled when n=1. When n=2,
this debug variable also prints the address range of
every buffer as it is allocated and freed. Default is
n=0, for no debugging
printDagsDebug n If n=1, each DAG (graph) is printed after creation.
Default is n=0.
printStatesDebug n If n=1, the state machine prints state information.
Default is n=0.
queueDebug When non-zero, this causes information about diskqueue
operations as they happen (policy-independent
layer). Default is 0.
rewriteParityStripes n If n=1, parity is rewritten prior to start of test. This is
useful when tests that verify parity are run on an
uninitialized array. Default is n=0.
shutdownDebug When non-zero, information about shutdown activities
is printed as they occur. Default is 0.
TABLE 18. RAIDframe debugging options
Option Effect
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sizePercentage n n is an integer that represents what fraction of the total
available disk space will be used. Useful for limiting
the duration of reconstruction testing and array initialization.
If n=0, 100% of the array is used. Default is
validateDAGDebug n If n=1, integrity of each DAG (graph) is verified prior
to execution. Default is n=0.
TABLE 18. RAIDframe debugging options
Option Effect
RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 87
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CHAPTER 5 Extending RAIDframe
This chapter is intended to give you a head start in understanding how to enhance the
existing RAIDframe package; we expect that, in order to understand thoroughly how to
extend RAIDframe, you will first have to become familiar with the code itself. The following
sections briefly describe key RAIDframe subsystems, and provide a how-to
guide for certain common extensions.
5.1 RAIDframe fundamentals
5.1.1 Types and Conventions
Most RAIDframe types are defined in rf_types.h. These definitions are intended
both to make code more easily readable and more easily portable. For instance, a sector
number is of type RF_SectorNum_t. This is defined as type RF_uint64, which is
in turn the system-independent definition of a 64-bit unsigned integer. Thus, porting
RAIDframe to a new system type requires the correct definition of RF_uint64 on that
platform, but does not require redefinition of RF_SectorNum_t, much less changes
to the code using values of this type.
Here are some commonly used RAIDframe types and what they represent:
TABLE 19. Some common RAIDframe types
RAIDframe Type Type Representation
RF_SectorNum_t the number of an individual sector (e.g., sector #37 of
an array)
RF_SectorCount_t a number of sectors (e.g., read 100 sectors)
Extending RAIDframe
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When new type and structures are introduced, the header files in which they are defined
are given. It is often the case that a structure is defined in that header file, but the C language
typedef which is used to refer to it is defined in the file rf_types.h. The
convention is that a struct RF_SomeName_s will be defined in the appropriate
header file, where RF_SomeName_t is defined in rf_types.h as:
typedef struct RF_SomeName_s RF_SomeName_t;
In the future, this document will refer to “RF_SomeName_t, defined in
some_file.h” even though the actual typedef of RF_SomeName_t is in
rf_types.h, and some_file.h contains the definition of struct
Appendix B has a more detailed list of RAIDframe types and their use.
5.1.2 Return Codes
Most RAIDframe operations return type int. This is a descriptive error code with 0
being defined as success and a non-zero value being a value defined in sys/errno.h,
which is appropriate for providing to a calling process to identify the nature of a failure.
5.1.3 Memory Allocation
Memory allocation is different for different systems, and vastly different inside and outside
the kernel. For this reason, RAIDframe provides an internal abstraction of memory
allocation operations to avoid cluttering code with special cases for various environments
and platforms. The following macros, which are defined in rf_debugMem.h,
should suffice for most simple memory allocation and deallocation operations:
In the user environment, these perform the following operations, respectively:
ptr = cast malloc(size)
ptr = cast calloc(nelements, element_size)
RF_StripeNum_t the number of an individual stripe (e.g., stripe number
RF_StripeCount_t a number of stripes (e.g., 30 stripes)
RF_IoType_t kind of I/O (RF_IO_TYPE_READ,
RF_Raid_t entire in-core state of an array
TABLE 19. Some common RAIDframe types
RAIDframe Type Type Representation
RAIDframe fundamentals
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Thus, to allocate an array of five integers, you might:
int *i;
RF_Malloc(i,5*sizeof(int),(int *));
RF_Calloc(i,5,sizeof(int),(int *));
And deallocate it with:
While the size argument to RF_Free is not used at the user level, it should be set correctly,
because in-kernel memory deallocation does require this field.
5.1.4 Memory Allocation Lists
Tracking memory allocations can be difficult. In addition, most allocation should be
done at start-of-day and deallocated at end-of-day. To ease the programmer burden of
tracking allocations, RAIDframe provides allocation lists (of type
RF_AllocListElem_t, defined in rf_alloclist.h). In addition, two new
memory-allocation operations are defined in rf_debugMem.h:
These behave the same as RF_Malloc and RF_Calloc, respectively, with the additional
semantic that the operations are noted in the allocation list alloc_list. When
alloc_list is destroyed, the memory will be freed automatically. Allocation lists are
generally provided to start-of-day configuration routines to simplify cleanup and shutdown,
and are destroyed after all end-of-day activities are complete. In addition, individual
I/Os have associated allocation lists, which track memory allocated for the
purpose of creating and executing their DAGs.
5.1.5 Shutdown Lists
Another way in which RAIDframe simplifies the cleanup process is with the use of
shutdown lists (RF_ShutdownList_t, defined in rf_shutdown.h).
A shutdown list is a linked list of elements containing a void function pointer and an
argument to be passed to that function. When an item is added to a shutdown list, it is
prepended. When a shutdown list is invoked, the functions in it are called in order from
beginning to end and are passed their associated arguments. Thus, the last item added to
a shutdown list is the first item called when the shutdown list is invoked. This is to
ensure correctness when dealing with dependent modules where one module requires
another to be configured and operational to function correctly. (For instance, module B
must operate upon module A at creation and clean-up time; therefore, module A must
be configured before module B and must not be unconfigured before module B is
Extending RAIDframe
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Start-of-day configuration routines are provided as a pointer to the head of a shutdown
list, so they may add entries. The shutdown list is invoked to deconfigure and clean up
any configured systems. Entries are added to a shutdown list by calling
rf_ShutdownCreate, which is defined as:
int rf_ShutdownCreate(RF_ShutdownList_t **listp,
void (*func)(void *arg), void *arg)
When the shutdown list pointed to by listp is executed, the function func will be
called, and the argument arg will be passed to it. If rf_ShutdownCreate()
returns non-zero, it was unable to add an entry to the shutdown list, and the caller should
behave accordingly (and is guaranteed that func() has not been called, nor will it be
called when the contents of listp are invoked).
It is a RAIDframe convention that a failing configuration operation must provide for
complete cleanup at its point of failure. That is, if a configuration operation returns
unsuccessfully (see above), any memory it has allocated must be listed in an allocation
list, or must be already freed. Likewise, any necessary cleanup operations must be
entered into the shutdown list provided or must be invoked before the error is returned.
To simplify the coding of such creation and configuration operations, a programmer
may wish to add multiple entries to a shutdown list for a single configuration operation.
5.1.6 Threads
Thread support is provided by a variety of macros and functions found in
rf_threadstuff.[ch]. These macros hide various porting issues, as well as user/
kernel/simulator differences. Thread Types
Threads in RAIDframe are represented by handles, which are of type RF_Thread_t.
When a thread is created, it is passed a single pointer-sized argument of type
RF_ThreadArg_t. Pointers may be explicitly cast to and from this type. Because
synchronization primitives must be declared very differently in the kernel than at the
user-level, and they do not exist at all in the simulator, there are no explicit mutex and
condition types. Instead, several macros exist to declare mutexes and conditions.
TABLE 20 Mutex and Condition Declaration Macros
Macro name Declaration type
RF_DECLARE_MUTEX Declare a mutex with no special keywords
RF_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX Declare a mutex with the static C keyword
RF_DECLARE_EXTERN_MUTEX Declare a mutex with the extern C keyword
RF_DECLARE_COND Declare a condition variable with no special
RF_DECLARE_STATIC_COND Declare a condition variable with the static
C keyword
RF_DECLARE_EXTERN_COND Declare a condition variable with the extern
C keyword
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These macros are invoked with a single argument, which is the name of the mutex or
condition variable to declare. For example:
declares a global mutex named rf_new_lock. Note the lack of trailing semicolon on
the line above; the declaration macros add semicolons as necessary. Using mutex variables
Before they may be used, mutexes must be initialized with the function
rf_mutex_init(). After they are no longer needed, they must be destroyed with
the function rf_mutex_destroy(). Each of these functions takes a pointer to a
mutex variable, and returns a value of type int. A zero-valued return indicates success;
anything else indicates an error of some sort. To initialize and destroy rf_new_lock,
from our example above:
int rc;
/* ... */
rc = rf_mutex_init(&rf_new_lock);
if (rc) {
printf(“ERROR: cannot initialize rf_new_lock\n”);
/* ... */
rc = rf_mutex_destroy(&rf_new_lock);
if (rc) {
printf(“ERROR: cannot destroy rf_new_lock\n”);
To simplify the destruction of mutexes when necessary, an entry can be automatically
added to a shutdown list to destroy a mutex. Rather than initializing a mutex with
rf_mutex_init(), the function rf_create_managed_mutex() may be used
instead. The first argument to this function is of type RF_ShutdownList_t **, and
the second is a pointer to the mutex, just like rf_mutex_init(). This also returns
an int, with a value of 0 indicating success. In this case, success indicates that not only
was the mutex initialized correctly, but an entry has been added to the shutdown list
which will destroy the mutex when necessary.
As their names imply, the macros RF_LOCK_MUTEX and RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX
respectively lock and unlock mutexes. These macros each take a single argument, which
is the name of the mutex to operate upon. Previously, we gave an example defining a
mutex named rf_new_lock. Now we shall lock and unlock it, to provide a critical
section for some new code:
/* Your critical section here. */
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Before a condition variable may be used, it must be initialized with
rf_cond_init(). When a condition variable is no longer needed, it must be
destroyed with rf_cond_destroy(). Like the corresponding mutex operations,
these functions take as their only argument a pointer to the condition variable to be initialized,
and return an int, with 0 indicating success. Similarly,
rf_create_managed_cond() takes an RF_ShutdownList **, and a pointer
to a condition variable, and returns success to indicate that not only has the condition
variable been successfully initialized, but an entry has been added to the shutdown list
which will automatically destroy the condition variable.
RAIDframe provides simple macros for accessing the functionality of condition variables,
in the form of macros named RF_WAIT_COND, RF_SIGNAL_COND, and
RF_BROADCAST_COND. The wait operation takes two arguments, a conditon variable
to wait for an event on, and a mutex to atomically unlock before waiting and lock after
waiting. The signal and broadcast operations both take a condition variable upon which
to generate a wakeup event. The signal operation attempts to wake at most one thread,
while broadcast awakens all threads awaiting an event. For implementation reasons, it is
important that threads waiting for events re-check their wakeup conditions upon exiting
the wait operation to be sure that a bogus wakeup event has not been generated. Here is
an example of what a consumer thread in a standard producer-consumer might look
while (1) {
while (rf_new_wrkr_queue == NULL) {
RF_WAIT_COND(rf_new_wrkr_cond, rf_new_wrkr_mutex);
* rf_new_wrkr_shutdown is a variable that another
* thread will set to a non-zero value when we
* should abort and shut down
if (rf_new_wrkr_shutdown) {
/* something wants us to quit */
/* queue now locked and unempty, dequeue something */
/* queue now unlocked, dispatch op */
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The macro RF_CREATE_THREAD is used to create threads. This macro evaluates to a
return code of type int, with 0 indicating success, and nonzero indicating that an error
occurred (and the thread could not be created). For example:
static void showmyname_thread(arg)
RF_ThreadArg_t arg;
char *name = (char *)arg;
printf(“My name is \”%s\”\n”, name);
void run_name_threads()
RF_ThreadArg_t a;
RF_Thread_t th;
char name[100];
int i, rc;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
a = (RF_ThreadArg_t)name;
rc = RF_CREATE_THREAD(th, showmyname_thread, a);
if (rc) {
printf(“ERROR: could not create thread %d\n”, i);
The above example also uses the macro RF_EXIT_THREAD, which a thread calls
when it wishes to cease executing. This macro takes as an argument an integer exit status. Managing threads
One problem with the code in the above example is that the loop that creates the threads
does not know when the threads have been created or when they exit. In many cases,
threads will be created for the purpose of dispatching various events. In these cases, the
creator of the thread will want to know when the thread has begun execution and is
ready to accept events. Likewise, during a cleanup phase, end-of-day routines will want
to know when a thread has received notification of system teardown, so resources that
the thread might otherwise check or use in its normal operation (for instance, work
queues, mutex and condition variables, et cetera) can be deallocated. To address this
problem, RAIDframe provides “thread group” management, which can be used to deterExtending
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mine when one or a group of threads have been created and are ready to execute events,
and when they are no longer executing.
A thread group is of type RF_ThreadGroup_t. This must be initialized in one of two
ways. One is by calling rf_init_threadgroup(), which takes as its sole argument
a pointer to an RF_ThreadGroup_t to initialize. The other is to call
rf_init_managed_threadgroup(), which takes as its first argument an
RF_ShutdownList_t**, and an RF_ThreadGroup_t* as its second argument.
In the first case, the thread group must be deallocated when it is no longer needed by
calling rf_destroy_threadgroup() with a pointer to the thread group as its sole
argument (in the latter case, the deallocation action is queued on the shutdown list).
Several macros, described in the table below, are key to thread group operation:
TABLE 21 Thread Group Operations
Rewritten to use a thread group, the previous example might look like:
static RF_ThreadGroup_t group;
int threads_should_run = 0;
static void showmyname_thread(arg)
RF_ThreadArg_t arg;
char *name = (char *)arg;
printf(“My name is \”%s\”\n”, name);
/* other local initialization */
while(threads_should_run && (...)) {
/* dispatch loop */
Macro name Caller When called
RF_THREADGROUP_STARTED Creator After successfully
creating a member thread
Once running
When ready to exit
RF_THREADGROUP_WAIT_START Creator Waiting for member
threads to successfully
begin running
RF_THREADGROUP_WAIT_STOP Creator Waiting for member
threads to stop running
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void run_name_threads()
RF_ThreadArg_t a;
RF_Thread_t th;
char name[100];
int i, rc;
rc = rf_init_threadgroup(&group);
if (rc) {
printf(“ERROR: cannot create thread group\n”);
threads_should_run = 1;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
a = (RF_ThreadArg_t)name;
rc = RF_CREATE_THREAD(th, showmyname_thread, a);
if (rc) {
printf(“ERROR: could not create thread %d\n”, i);
else {
printf(“All threads running\n”);
/* potentially do something here */
threads_should_run = 0;
printf(“All threads done\n”);
rc = rf_destroy_threadgroup(&group);
if (rc) {
printf(“WARNING: error destroying thread group\n”);
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If RF_THREADGROUP_WAIT_STOP is called on a thread group before
RF_THREADGROUP_WAIT_START, the results may not be what is desired. Threads in the simulator
The simulator does not support threads. In this environment, all mutex and condition
operations become no-ops, and thread creation is disallowed. Architectures and modules
which require a separate stream of execution should instead maintain timed event
queues when compiled for simulation.
5.1.7 Creating New Debug Options
Debug options are of type long. To add a debug option, add an entry of the form:
to rf_optnames.h where the <Name> is the name of your debugging variable and
<Val> is the (long) value that it should default to. To use your debug variable, be sure
the line #include “rf_options.h” appears in your source file. You may reference
the new debug variable as rf_<Name>. For example, say you want to add a
debug variable named newDebugVar, with a default value of zero. The following line
would be added to rf_optnames.h:
RF_DBG_OPTION(newDebugVar,0) /* your new entry */
Note that it is important to preserve the lack of whitespace between the parenthesis
when adding new entries to rf_optnames.h. Code which uses this variable might
look like:
if (rf_newDebugVar) {
printf(“foo is now %d\n”, foo);
if (rf_newDebugVar > 1) {
/* print detailed info */
printf(“bar is now %d, baz is %lu\n”, bar,
Note that, though your new debug variable identifies itself in rf_optnames.h, you
must #include the file rf_options.h to use it.
5.1.8 Timing
RAIDframe provides a platform- and environment-independent timing mechanism that
can be used both for microbenchmarking individual codepaths and for collecting statistics
about how time is being spent in the system overall. This generic timing mechanism
is used, among other things, to generate the elements of RAIDframe trace records (see
Section 5.1.9, below).
A timer is of type RF_Etimer_t, which is defined in a platform-dependent manner in
rf_etimer.h. Timers require no special initialization to be used, and are fully copyRAIDframe
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able. The macro RF_ETIMER_START takes as its only argument the timer to start.
Likewise, RF_ETIMER_STOP also takes a timer as its sole argument. To find out how
long a timer has been running, the difference between the start time and the stop time
must be computed. Because this computation time might affect other timing results, it is
invoked separately with the macro RF_ETIMER_EVAL, which computes the time
elapsed between RF_ETIMER_START and RF_ETIMER_STOP for that timer. To
access this result, the macro RF_ETIMER_VAL_US takes as its argument a timer, and
returns the number of microseconds that RF_ETIMER_EVAL computed as the elapsed
time. RF_ETIMER_VAL_MS likewise returns the number of elapsed milliseconds.
This example demonstrates how timers can be used to compute the amount of time that
elapses between different points in a codepath. It takes advantage of the copyability of
timers to snapshot a running timer at different points to obtain intermediate timing
results. Evaluation of elapsed time is deferred until all events being timed have completed,
to avoid timing the computation of elapsed time.
RF_Etimer_t timer, t1, t2;
/* do some computation (A) here */
t1 = timer;
/* do some computation (B) here */
t2 = timer;
/* perform some set of operations (C) here */
printf(“Operation A took %lu microseconds\n”,
(unsigned long)RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(t1));
printf(“%lu ms elapsed before operation C started\n”,
(unsigned long)RF_ETIMER_VAL_MS(t2));
printf(“Together, A, B, and C took %d:%06d\n”,
5.1.9 Built-in Tracing of RAIDframe Performance
RAIDframe has several predefined codepaths that it will evaluate once the tracing
option is turned on in the Debug section of the RAIDframe configuration file. To turn
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on tracing, set accessTraceBufSize to a value greater than 0. Table 22 shows the
source files used in timing and tracing and what their functions are.
To add a trace record to the trace file, you must call rf_LogTracRec().The tracing
module accumulates records until it is shut down, or its tracing buffers fill (it uses the
number of buffers specified by accessTraceBufSize). At this time, the accumulated
buffers are flushed into the trace.dat file. rf_LogTraceRec() takes two
arguments. The first is a pointer to an RF_Raid_t, which is the array for which an
event has occurred. The second is a pointer to the trace record itself. Trace records are
of type RF_AccTraceEntry_t, which is defined in rf_acctrace.h.
To read trace.dat, use rf_tracestats. The command line argument is in the
rf_tracestats [-v] [-p] trace_dat
where -v is verbose mode and -p prints formatted trace records on-screen (without
arguments, rf_tracestats displays only summary information for an entire tracefile).
5.2 Installing a New RAID Architecture
A central switch table in the module rf_layout.c specifies the routines which each
array architecture relies on for functions such as graph selection, mapping, and reconstruction.
Each RAID architecture is represented by an entry in this table. The table is
mapsw, is defined in rf_layout.c, and has type RF_LayoutSW_t (defined in
rf_layout.h). To add a new architecture, you will first need to add your own entry
to this table, to describe your architecture, and define operations upon it.
This is the mapsw entry for RAID level 5. Note that portions of the table appear
within the RF_NK2 and RF_NU macros. These macros are used in mapsw entries to
remove unnecessary parts of the table in certain environments. (For instance, the in-kernel
portion of RAIDframe does not parse configuration files itself, but instead relies on a
utility program (rf_setconfig or rf_ctrl) to do so. Likewise, this utility program
has no need to actually perform RAID operations such as sector-mapping.)
TABLE 22. Source files for tracing and timing
Source File Function
rf_etimer.h Times codepaths
rf_readcc.s Platform-specific assistance for
rf_acctrace.[ch] Gathers timer records efficiently
rf_tracestats.c Processes the records
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/* RAID level 5 */
{‘5’, “RAID Level 5”,
RF_NK2(rf_MakeLayoutSpecificNULL, NULL)
rf_MapSectorRAID5, rf_MapParityRAID5, NULL,
5.2.1 parityConfig, configName
The first entry is of type RF_ParityConfig_t. This is a single-character identifier
of the RAID architecture. Every entry in this table should have a unique value for its
RF_ParityConfig_t. This is the character identifier used in the RAIDframe configuration
files to identify the RAID architecture. The second entry is of type char*, and
is a string identifying the RAID architecture. For instance, “RAID Level 5” above.
There is no limit on the length of this string, but it should be reasonably short and not
contain newlines, tabs, or any special characters.
5.2.2 MakeLayoutSpecific, makeLayoutSpecificArg
The next two entries are for parsing layout-specific information from the user’s RAIDframe
configuration file. The first is a function returning int, which is used to parse the
relevant portion of the configuration file. The second, makeLayoutSpecificArg,
is an extra argument to this function, to make it easier to use the same parsing function
with different parameters for different RAID architectures.
The function has a declaration of the form:
int MakeLayoutSpecific(FILE *fp, RF_Config_t *cfgPtr,
void *arg);
The first argument is a regular file pointer, which has advanced to the beginning of the
layout-specific section of the configuration file (note that this section may begin with
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one or more blank lines). The second argument is the configuration that is currently
being parsed (RF_Config_t is defined in rf_configure.h). The final argument,
arg, is the aforementioned makeLayoutSpecificArg.
The MakeLayoutSpecific function should perform all necessary parsing and computation,
and allocate memory to store its results (as necessary). The number of bytes
allocated for this purpose should be stored in cfgPtr->layoutSpecificSize,
and a pointer to this memory should be stored in cfgPtr->layoutSpecific. This
should be a single, contiguous block of memory that is fully copyable (that is, contains
no pointer to other regions of memory). This can later be retrieved by other layout-specific
Upon success, the MakeLayoutSpecific operation should return 0. Otherwise, it
should return a meaningful error value from sys/errno.h. If an array architecture
does not have any layout-specific information, it should specify
rf_MakeLayoutSpecificNULL for MakeLayoutSpecific, and NULL for
5.2.3 Configure
The Configure operation is called at start-of-day to initialize any layout- and arrayspecific
information, and to allocate any extra resources the RAID architecture may
require. It has the form:
int Configure(RF_ShutdownList_t **shutdownListp,
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_Config_t *cfgPtr);
The shutdown list is provided so that any necessary shutdown and cleanup activities
may be registered at this configuration time. In addition, raidPtr->cleanupList
is of type RF_ShutdownList_t*. The contents of raidPtr->cleanupList are
deallocated after the array is quiesced and shut down. The array that is being configured
is raidPtr, and the user’s configuration file is described fully by cfgPtr.
On success, the Configure routine should return 0. On failure, it should return a
descriptive, nonzero error code. Additionally, all memory that the Configure routine
allocated should either be deallocated or enqueued on raidPtr->cleanupList.
Likewise, any necessary cleanup activities should be performed immediately before
returning a failure, or enqueued on shutdownList.
The Configure routine may use the field
raidPtr->Layout.layoutSpecificInfo, which is of type void*, to store
any array-specific information that it desires. It should also initialize
raidPtr->totalSectors to the number of data sectors the array is capable of
storing (note that this does not include the number of sectors that have been allocated to
redundancy data). Additionally, there are several fields in the raidPtr->Layout
structure (of type RF_RaidLayout_t, defined in rf_layout.h), which this
routine is required to initialize. They are as follows:
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TABLE 23 RF_RaidLayout_t fields to be filled in by Configure
5.2.4 MapSector, MapParity, MapQ
The MapSector, MapParity, and MapQ routines provide basic array-layout information.
They are declared as:
void MapSector(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector, RF_RowCol_t *row,
RF_RowCol_t *col, RF_SectorNum_t *diskSector,
int remap);
void MapParity(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector, RF_RowCol_t *row,
RF_RowCol_t *col, RF_SectorNum_t *diskSector,
int remap);
void MapQ(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector,
RF_RowCol_t *row, RF_RowCol_t *col,
RF_SectorNum_t *diskSector, int remap);
Each of these functions is called to determine the location of a single sector in the array.
The array is indicated by raidPtr. The sector is indicated by raidSector, which is
the sector number of the array to be mapped. The function assigns *row and *col to
indicate which disk the sector resides on, and *diskSector is the sector number on
that disk that the mapping has yielded.
The MapSector routine is used to map data sectors to physical disk sectors. All array
architectures must provide this routine. This should yield a unique mapping for every
sector in the array.
The MapParity routine is like MapSector, except that the resulting sector is not the
corresponding physical data sector, but rather the corresponding physical parity sector.
In most architectures, many data sectors will map to the same parity sector. In non-faulttolerant
architectures, this routine may be NULL.
The MapQ routine is similar to MapParity, except it is used to map an additional
redundancy unit. This is provided by dual-fault-tolerant architectures, such as Even-
Odd and Raid Level 6.
Layout Field Contents
numStripe number of stripes in the array
dataSectorsPerStripe number of data sectors in each stripe
dataStripeUnitsPerDisk number of stripe units in a disk that contain data
bytesPerStripeUnit number of bytes in each stripe unit
numDataCol number of data columns in each stripe
numParityCol number of parity columns in each stripe
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If the remap argument has the value RF_REMAP, the mapping should be to the spare
sector corresponding to the sector to which the mapping function would otherwise
5.2.5 IdentifyStripe
The IdentifyStripe routine is used to determine which physical disks contain sectors
that share a stripe with a particular sector. This routine has the declaration:
void IdentifyStripe(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t addr, RF_RowCol_t **diskids,
RF_RowCol_t *outrow);
The first argument, raidPtr, is the array in which the mapping is to be performed.
The second argument, addr, is the sector in said array for which IdentifyStripe
is to determine the disks of its fellow stripe members. This function should assign to
*diskids an array of (raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol +
raidPtr->Layout.numParityCol) RF_RowCol_t elements. These are the
column numbers of the disks. The row of disks that the stripe occupies should be
assigned to *outrow.
When reading the extant RAIDframe code, one may note that some architectures actually
generate an ordered list of disks in the stripe. This is not necessary; rather, this is a
historic convention used to make debugging easier.
5.2.6 SelectionFunc
When an I/O request enters the system, it is passed through
rf_SelectAlgorithm() in rf_aselect.c. This routine uses the layout-specific
DAG selection routine to choose a DAG creation function for a particular access.
This routine SelectionFunc, is declared as:
void SelectionFunc(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_IoType_t type,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_VoidFuncPtr *createFunc);
This routine is used to determine what DAG creation function a particular access to the
array indicated by raidPtr should use. RF_IO_TYPE_READ and
RF_IO_TYPE_WRITE are the only legal values for the type argument, which indicates
the direction of the access. The asmap argument (of type
RF_AccessStripeMap_t, found in rf_layout.h) describes the access in its
entirety, including physical disk mappings for data and parity, ranges accessed, and the
presence of disk failures, which may affect the access. The SelectionFunc routine
should take these failures into account when determining the creation function to use,
potentially determining that an access should be performed in degraded mode, rather
than fault-free. If a unit to be accessed has failed, but is already reconstructed, the
SelectionFunc routine should also take this into account, and alter the physical
mappings in asmap to reflect the fact that the data has been reconstructed. This is especially
important when the access is a write, because without this remapping, a reconstructed
data or parity unit will not be updated to reflect the new contents of the stripe.
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A pointer to the DAG creation function should be assigned to *createFunc. A later
section details DAG creation operations, and how this function should behave. Assigning
a value of NULL to *createFunc indicates that a DAG cannot be created for this
access. rf_SelectAlgorithm() will initially attempt to create one graph for each
parity stripe in the access’s codeword. If this creation is unsuccessful,
rf_SelectAlgorithm() will then try to create a set of graphs for each stripe unit
within that parity stripe. If graphs cannot be generated for each stripe unit,
rf_SelectAlgorithm() will attempt to create a DAG for each sector in each
stripe unit in the codeword. Finally, if this fails, rf_SelectAlgorithm() declares
failure, and the access is failed.
5.2.7 MapSIDToPSID
The MapSIDToPSID routine is used by architectures for which the relationship
between data stripes and parity stripes is not an equivalence. For instance, parity declustering
allows multiple stripes to be packed into a single parity stripe, to increase the size
of the reconstruction unit without affecting the size of the stripe unit. This routine has
the declaration:
void MapSIDToPSID(RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr,
RF_StripeNum_t stripeID, RF_StripeNum_t *psID,
RF_ReconUnitNum_t *which_ru);
The layout of the array in which this mapping is to be performed is described by
layoutPtr. The stripe number of the stripe to be mapped is stripeID, and the
resulting parity stripe is stored by MapSIDToPSID in *psID. This routine also stores
the reconstruction unit of the stripe in *which_ru. The identity mapping is most
common here; that is:
*psID = stripeID;
*which_ru = 0;
This is performed automatically if the MapSIDToPSID routine for an architecture is
NULL, or if the number of stripe units per parity unit for a layout is 1.
5.2.8 GetDefaultHeadSepLimit
The disk-directed reconstruction code has the ability to keep disk arms synchronized
with one another when sweeping surviving columns. This is controlled by the head separation
limit for the array, which is assigned at start-of-day by calling the GetDefaultHeadSepLimit
routine, which is declared as:
RF_HeadSepLimit_t GetDefaultHeadSepLimit(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr);
This function takes as its sole argument the array in question, and returns how many
sectors ahead of the slowest disk the fastest disk is allowed to be. That is to say, it
returns the maximal difference in sector number between the lowest-numbered-sector
currently being read by the disk-directed reconstruction code, and the highest-numbered-
sector currently being read by the disk-directed reconstruction code (neglecting
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stripes being read for forced reconstruction). If this routine is NULL, a value of (-1) is
assumed. (-1) indicates that this separation is unlimited. Note that (-1) is the only
legal value less than 1.
5.2.9 GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers
The disk-directed reconstruction module maintains a pool of “floating” reconstruction
buffers, which are not assigned to any particular disk, but are instead used to store the
results of additional I/Os to disks which would otherwise be idle. An architecture may
specify a minimum number of these buffers to keep for each array by providing a
GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers routine, which has the following
int GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr);
This routine is called at start-of-day on the array, and should return the minimum number
of floating reconstruction buffers to maintain for the array.
5.2.10 GetNumSpareRUs
Architectures which support distributed sparing tell the system how many spare reconstruction
units there are on each disk with the GetNumSpareRUs routine, which has
the form:
RF_ReconUnitCount_t GetNumSpareRUs(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr);
Given an array raidPtr, this routine returns the number of spare reconstruction units
there are on each disk.
5.2.11 InstallSpareTable
Distributed-sparing architectures which have dynamic sparing mappings may need to
compute a new sparing table when reconstruction begins for a disk. To do so, these
architectures provide an InstallSpareTable routine with the following declaration
int InstallSpareTable(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RowCol_t frow, RF_RowCol_t fcol);
The arguments indicate the array to determine the mapping for (raidPtr), and the row
and column (frow and fcol, respectively) of the failed disk to be reconstructed to
spare space. On success, this routine returns 0. On failure, it returns a descriptive nonzero
error code.
5.2.12 SubmitReconBuffer
When the disk-directed reconstruction code finishes reading a buffer, it must either use
it to compute the contents of a failed unit, or save it until it has enough other information
from the stripe from which the buffer originated to do so. When a read of a buffer
Installing a New RAID Architecture
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from a surviving disk completes, an architecture’s SubmitReconBuffer routine is
called. This routine is declared as:
int SubmitReconBuffer(RF_ReconBuffer_t *rbuf,
int keep_it, int use_committed);
The buffer which has just been read is rbuf (the array from which it was read is
rbuf->raidPtr). If keep_it is nonzero, the SubmitReconBuffer routine
may hold the buffer, even if it cannot immediately use its contents. If keep_it is 0,
the SubmitReconBuffer routine must either immediately use or copy the contents
of rbuf. If use_committed is nonzero, this routine must consume a buffer off the
committedRbufs list of the row’s reconstruction control unit, even if such a buffer is
not needed (in the case where the buffer is not needed, it may immediately be released
with rf_ReleaseFloatingReconBuffer()). In turn, the
SubmitReconBuffer routine should call rf_CheckForFullRbuf() when a
target RF_ReconBuffer_t contains the reconstructed data for the failed unit in the
If the SubmitReconBuffer routine for an architecture is NULL, the architecture
cannot reconstruct failed units.
5.2.13 VerifyParity
RAIDframe has a built-in ECC verification and correction mechanism (which is also
used to format arrays with correct redundancy information, and can be used in various
tests for debugging purposes to determine that the redundancy information is correct for
an access). This relies on the VerifyParity routine, which an architecture must
provide to check and correct (if requested) the redundancy information for a stripe. This
routine has the form:
int VerifyParity(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t raidAddr, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *parityPDA,
int correct_it, RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags);
The array in which redundancy information is to be verified is raidPtr. The stripe for
which this information is to be checked is the one containing sector number
raidAddr. To improve performance and ease the coding of VerifyParity, the
parityPDA argument provides the already-complete mapping of the redundancy
information to physical addresses for this stripe. If correct_it is nonzero, and the
redundancy information is not correct, new redundancy information should be
computed and written for this stripe. Finally, any RAID accesses that must be performed
should use the flags given as the last parameter to the VerifyParity routine.
When reading existing data in the stripe, or writing new redundancy information, the
VerifyParity routine should create trivial DAGs to do so. The function
rf_MakeSimpleDAG() in rf_parityscan.c assists in this task.
The VerifyParity routine returns a status value indicating the current correctness
of the parity before and after execution. The following values, defined in
rf_parityscan.h, are the legal returns for this routine:
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TABLE 24 Return Values for the VerifyParity Operation
5.2.14 faultsTolerated
The faultsTolerated field of the mapsw entry for a RAID architecture indicates
the minimum number of faults that an array can tolerate without data loss. For example,
Raid Level 4 can tolerate exactly one disk failure, so its faultsTolerated is 1.
Raid Level 0 cannot tolerate any failures, so its faultsTolerated is 0. Raid Level 1
(mirroring) can potentially survive several faults; however, if both members of a mirror
pair fail, data is lost; thus, its faultsTolerated is 1, because that is the minimum
number of failures which it can guarantee surviving.
5.2.15 states
The states field lists the order in which an access to this array architecture passes
through the access state machine. This field is an array of elements of type
RF_AccessState_t. The last element in this array must be rf_LastState,
which indicates that the access is complete. Most architectures will wish to use the
value DefaultStates in this field, which is a standard ordering of states.
5.2.16 flags
The final field of a mapsw entry is flags, which are a set of flags ORd together to indicate
that the architecture has certain standard properties. Some architectures will wish to
provide a 0 in this field (indicating that none of these flags apply). Legal values include:
Value Meaning
RF_PARITY_OKAY redundancy information is correct
RF_PARITY_CORRECTED redundancy information was incorrect,
but correct_it was nonzero, and it
is now correct
RF_PARITY_BAD redundancy information is not correct,
and correct_it was 0
RF_PARITY_COULD_NOT_CORRECT redundancy information is not correct,
correct_it was nonzero, and
correct redundancy information could
not be computed or could not be written
RF_PARITY_COULD_NOT_VERIFY redundancy information could not be
verified, either current data or
redundancy could not be read, or
correct redundancy information could
not be computed
Implementing New RAID Operations
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TABLE 25 RF_LayoutSW_t Flag Values
5.3 Implementing New RAID Operations
5.3.1 DAG Creation
As discussed in Section 5.2.6 on page 102, RAIDframe graph-creation functions must
at least be able to create graphs for accessing single blocks at a time for accesses to be
successfully generated. RAIDframe will currrently never attempt to create graphs for an
access which spans more than a single parity stripe (such accesses are broken up into
sets of single-parity-stripe accesses, which are executed concurrently).
The appropriate graph creation routine for an access or portion of an access is determined
by an architecture's SelectionFunc. The SelectionFunc provides a
void function pointer. This function should have the form:
void DagCreationFunc(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap, RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp, RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList);
The array and parameterization of the access are described by raidPtr and asmap,
respectively. The DAG creation function should fill in the empty DAG header dag_h.
At the time the DAG creation function is called, dag_h is initialized as an enabled
DAG with no nodes. In the RAIDframe kernel environment, bp is a struct buf*
which represents the access’s target buffer (most DAG creation functions will not need
this information at all. Some may choose to operate differently for kernel-internal or
user accesses, so this information is available). Outside the kernel, bp is generally
ignored. The flags variable is a bitwise OR of values from rf_dagflags.h. Many
of these flags are not applicable to the DAG creation function, but again, they are provided
for those few cases where the DAG creation function wishes to do something different
as a result. Finally, a per-access memory allocation list, allocList, is provided
for any temporary storage that may need to be allocated. This not only includes extra
buffers for computing redundancy information before storing it, but also includes the
storage required to hold the actual nodes of the DAG themselves.
5.3.2 Creating New Primitive Operations
The most important rule to follow when creating primitive operations is that they must
be nonblocking. Primitives such as disk read employ call-back functions—the disk
read is scheduled, the primitive returns, and the call-back routine is later called when the
Value Meaning
RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE architecture supports distributed sparing
RF_BD_DECLUSTERED this is a declustered architecture which requires
externally generated block-design tables
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disk read actually completes. If a primitive is allowed to block, RAIDframe will not be
able to properly schedule its workload (and may deadlock).
In its current release, RAIDframe provides a variety of primitive operations that may be
reused by architectures that you later implement.
5.4 Adding a New Disk-Queueing Policy
RAIDframe supports multiple queueing disciplines for pending disk I/Os. The following
section explains how to add a new queueing policy.
A queueing policy must maintain a set of pending I/Os for a single disk. Although an
array may have many disks, a queueing policy is only aware of disks on an individual
basis. Therefore, it only needs to support a limited number of simple operations: create,
enqueue, dequeue, peek, and promote.
To add a queueing policy, you must register it with the disk queue manager. This is done
by modifying the diskqueuesw structure in rf_diskqueue.c. Entries in this
structure are of type RF_DiskQueueSW_t (defined in rf_diskqueue.h), and
look like:
{"fifo", /* FIFO */
The first entry is the queueType (RF_DiskQueueType_t) and is a string used to
identify the queueing discipline. RAIDframe configuration files will use this string to
request this queueing policy. The remainder of the entries are function entry points,
described in the sections below. You should add new policies to the end of the
diskqueuesw array. The first entry in this array (FIFO) is the default policy (which
is used when the configuration parser cannot recognize the requested queueing policy as
specified in the RAIDframe configuration file).
5.4.1 Create Operation
Your creation function should have a declaration of the form:
void *rf_PolicynameCreate(
RF_SectorCount_t sectors_per_disk,
RF_AllocListElem_t *cl_list,
RF_ShutdownList_t **listp)
This function is called to create and initialize a disk queue. It returns a generic (void*)
pointer, which will be used later to identify the individual queue to your queueing module.
(One disk queue will be created for each disk). The size of each disk in sectors is
Adding a New Disk-Queueing Policy
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passed by the value in sectors_per_disk. An allocation list is passed as
cl_list. Any memory which your queueing policy allocates should be registered
with this allocation list by using RF_CallocAndAdd or RF_MallocAndAdd to
allocate the memory. If any special operations need to be performed to shut down the
queue, these should be resgistered with the shutdown list listp.
5.4.2 Enqueue Operation
Your enqueue function should have a declaration of the form:
void rf_PolicynameEnqueue(void *qptr,
RF_DiskQueueData_t *req, int priority)
This function is called to add a request to the disk’s queue. The queue is uniquely identified
by qptr, which is the returned value from the queue creation function. The
request is pointed to by req and is of type RF_DiskQueueData_t (defined in
rf_diskqueue.h). The priority is either of type RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY or
RF_IO_LOW_PRIORITY. When dequeueing, you should always give preference to
dequeueing I/Os of NORMAL priority over I/Os of LOW priority. The
RF_DiskQueueData_t structure contains two pointers, next and prev, both of type
RF_DiskQueueData_t *, which may be used by this queueing code to maintain
lists of pending I/Os.
The Enqueue, Dequeue, Peek, and Promote operations need not be protected internally
with locks; the discipline-independent disk-queueing code in rf_diskqueue.c will
do this automatically.
5.4.3 Dequeue Operation
Your dequeue function should have a declaration of the form:
RF_DiskQueueData_t *rf_PolicynameDequeue(void *qptr)
This function is called to remove a request from the disk’s queue. The queue is uniquely
identified by qptr, which is the returned value from the queue creation function. If an
I/O of priority RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY is in the queue, it should be returned. If
there is more than one such I/O, the queueing module should select one and return it (for
instance, FIFO queueing will return the first such I/O to be enqueued). If no I/O of
NORMAL priority is awaiting dispatch in this queue, an I/O of priority
RF_IO_LOW_PRIORITY may be returned. If there are no I/Os of any priority in the
queue, this operation should return NULL. Before returning a valid pending I/O, it
should be removed from the queue.
5.4.4 Peek Operation
Your peek function should have a declaration of the form:
RF_DiskQueueData_t *rf_PolicynamePeek(void *qptr)
This function should behave identically to the dequeue function, except that it should
not remove the I/O from the list of pending I/Os for this disk. Additionally, if the Peek
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operation is called, and there are no subsequent Enqueue, Dequeue or Promote operations,
another Peek or Dequeue operation should return the same I/O (that is, a queue
should be deterministic for its contents at any given time, and its choice of which I/O to
execute next should be affected only by a change of its contents).
5.4.5 Promote Operation
Your promote function should have a declaration of the form:
int rf_PolicynamePromote(void *qptr,
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID,
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru)
This operation should search the queue for entries for which the parityStripeID
and which_ru fields of the RF_DiskQueueData_t structure match those which
are passed as arguments to this function, and which have a priority field valued at
RF_IO_LOW_PRIORITY. Each such I/O should be re-marked as having priority
RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, and any necessary rearrangements of the queueing policy’s
data should be performed at this time. This function should return the number of
such I/Os it has found and promoted to normal priority, or zero if none such were found.
5.5 Porting RAIDframe to Other Systems
Currently all three versions of RAIDframe—stand-alone user application, event-driven
simulator, and in-kernel device driver—run on DEC Alphas running pre-4.0 versions of
the Digital UNIX operating system. Additionally, the simulator runs on a variety of
operating systems and architectures. This section is intended as an aid in porting RAIDframe
to new platforms.
5.5.1 Basic Types
The first step is to define a set of basic types in rf_types.h. You must provide various
sizes of signed and unsigned integers for your system. Table 26 lists the types you
must define, and what they must be defined to.
TABLE 26 Basic RAIDframe integer types
RAIDframe type Meaning
RF_int8 signed 8-bit integer
RF_uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer
RF_int16 signed 16-bit integer
RF_uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer
RF_int32 signed 32-bit integer
RF_uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer
RF_int64 signed 64-bit integer
RF_uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer
Porting RAIDframe to Other Systems
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5.5.2 Byte Ordering
If the target platform is big-endian, the macro RF_IS_BIG_ENDIAN must be set to 1
in rf_types.h. If it is not, RF_IS_BIG_ENDIAN must be set to 0.
5.5.3 Word Size
Some optimized error correction code computations in RAIDframe take advantage of
the system’s natural word size. To support these optimized routines, RF_LONGSHIFT
should be defined to the log2(sizeof(long)) for your system (for example, on a
system with 64-bit longs, this would be 3, on a system with 32-bit longs, this would be
5.5.4 Timing
Section 5.1.8 describes various timing macros defined in rf_etimer.h that provide
precision timing. These are architecture-dependent. Ideally, these functions provide
microsecond-accurate timing with little or no overhead. When porting to a new platform,
the nature of the precision/overhead tradeoff must be characterized, and an appropriate
implementation provided. Some architectures need assembly-language
assistance; this should be added to rf_readcc.s.
5.5.5 SCSI Operations
SCSI operations are isolated within rf_camlayer.c. Ports of more than just the simulator
should provide code in this file for such operations as SCSI Read Capacity.
5.5.6 Threads
Section 5.1.6 details the thread operations defined in rf_threadstuff.c and
rf_threadstuff.h. Ports that provide user-level-driver or kernel functionality
must provide appropriate platform-dependent thread operations here. A Pthreads implementation
is already provided for the user-level driver; architectures for which a compliant
Pthreads implementation is available should be able to re-use this.
5.5.7 Random Numbers
Various tests used by the out-of-kernel front-ends generate random numbers for access
types, locations, and data buffers. The file rf_randmacros.h contains macros used
by this code in both the single-threaded simulator environment, and the multi-threaded
user-level driver environment.
5.5.8 CPU Utilization
The files rf_cpuutil.c and rf_cpuutil.h contain mechanisms for tracking
CPU utilization during certain operations (such as reconstruction) for the user-level and
kernel drivers. If you wish to measure CPU utilization on your platform, you should
provide appropriate code here for doing so.
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The graphs necessary for implementing the RAID architectures listed in Table 6 in
Chapter 3 are available for reuse in the graph library, and they are shown in the following
section. We have categorized the graphs implemented in RAIDframe by the particular
architecture for which they were designed; in some cases, graphs are reused among
several different RAID levels.
A.1 RAID Level 0
As we already explained in Chapter 1, RAID level 0 arrays do not encode data; therefore,
a RAID level 0 array is not fault-tolerant. Because of this, only nonredundant operations
are available for use. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of nonredundant read and
write operations. The NOP operations guarantee that each DAG has single source and
sink nodes. Each graph is capable of supporting one or more simultaneous primitive
operations, allowing the graph to scale with the size of the user request.
Appendix A: Graph Library
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FIGURE 1 Nonredundant Graphs
A.2 RAID Level 1, Chained Declustering, Interleaved
RAID level 1 arrays are fault tolerant and employ copy-based redundancy to survive
single disk faults without loss of service. This means that operations are defined to service
both fault-free and degraded read and write requests. Table 23 specifies which
operations are used to service a request given the state of the disks.
In addition to the nonredundant graphs described in Figure 1, RAID level 1 arrays
require an additional write operation, the mirrored write, which is responsible for maintaining
copy-based redundancy in a fault-free array. This operation, illustrated in
Figure 2, contains twice the number of write operations as a nonredundant write operation
because a copy of each symbol is written to both a primary and a secondary disk.
Request Disk Faults Graph
read none, single disk nonredundant read
write none mirrored write
write single disk nonredundant write
Nonredundant Read Nonredundant Write
Rd ••• Rd Wr ••• Wr
NOP Commit
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FIGURE 2 Mirrored-Write Graph
A.3 RAID Level 4, RAID Level 5, Parity Declustering
RAID levels 4 and 5 tolerate disk faults through the use of parity encoding. As
expected, the operations used to satisfy read and write requests are largely the same;
however, because it is possible to write only a fraction of a codeword, additional write
operations are required. Namely, the small write operation (Figure 3), which is used to
write data to less than half of a codeword, and the reconstruct write operation (Figure 4
on page 117), which is used to write data to more than half, but less than a full, codeword.
Table 24 breaks down graph selection for RAID level 4 and 5 arrays. Because
these two arrays differ only in mapping, the same table applies to both architectures.
Faults Graph
read none nonredundant read
read data disk degraded read
read parity disk nonredundant write
write < 50% of codeword none small write
write > 50% and < 100% none reconstruct write
write entire codeword none large write
write data disk reconstruct write
write parity disk nonredundant write
Wr ••• Wr Wr ••• Wr
RAID level 1 arrays use copy-based encoding to survive disk faults and require that
data be written to two independent disks. In this graph, the write operations on the
left represent writes to a primary disk(s) and write operations on the right represent
writes of data to secondary disk(s). The NOP source node of the nonredundant
write graph is replaced by a Commit node.
116 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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The small write operation, illustrated in Figure 3 on page 116, writes both data and parity
to disk. Parity is computed as:
(EQ 1)
The cluster of read operations on the left side of the graph represent the read of old data
and the single read operation on the right represents the read of old parity. Once parity
has been computed, the new data and parity symbols are written to the array.
FIGURE 3 Small-Write Graph
In the reconstruct write operation, illustrated in Figure 4, parity is computed from all
symbols in the codeword. The Rd operations collect data symbols that are not being
overwritten. Once all data symbols are collected, parity is computed and the new data
and parity symbols are written to disk.
Paritynew Parityold Dataold = Å ÅDatanew
Wr Wr
Rd Rd
Wr •••
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FIGURE 4 Reconstruct-Write Graph
A.4 RAID Level 6
In addition to parity, RAID level 6 arrays employ a second check symbol to allow them
to survive two simultaneous disk failures. We refer to this second symbol as “Q.” The
graphs used by this architecture are summarized in Table 25.
Request Disk Faults Graph
read none nonredundant read
read single data disk degraded read
read parity disk nonredundant read
read Q disk nonredundant read
read two data disks PQ double-degraded read
read data + parity disks PQ degraded-DP read
read data + Q disks degraded read
The Rd operations read the data symbols that are not being overwritten. The leftmost
Wr operations overwrite data symbols, and the Wr operation on the right overwrites
Wr Wr
118 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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Read operations to fault-free or single-fault arrays are handled in much the same manner
as RAID level 5. When an attempt is made to read a codeword with two missing
data symbols, a PQ double-degraded-read operation, illustrated in Figure 5, is used.
read parity + Q disks nonredundant read
write < 50% of codeword none PQ small write
write < 50% of codeword parity PQ small write, P omitted
write < 50% of codeword Q small write
write > 50% and < 100% none PQ reconstruct write
write > 50% and < 100% parity PQ reconstruct, P omitted
write > 50% and < 100% Q reconstruct write
write 100% none PQ large write
write 100% parity PQ large write, P omitted
write 100% Q large write
write one data disk PQ reconstruct write
write two data disks PQ double-degraded write
write data + parity disks PQ reconstruct, P omitted
write data + Q disks reconstruct write
write parity + Q disks nonredundant write
Request Disk Faults Graph
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FIGURE 5 PQ Double-Degraded-Read Graph
Reading data from a codeword in which both a data symbol and parity are missing
requires the use of the “Q” symbol to reconstruct the missing data. The operation to do
this, the PQ degraded-DP-read operation, is illustrated in Figure 6.
FIGURE 6 PQ Degraded-DP-Read Graph
Similar to RAID level 5 arrays, writing less than half of a codeword to a RAID level 6
array is best done using a read-modify-write algorithm. The PQ small write operation,
This operation is used when two data units are missing from the codeword. The leftmost
Rd operation reads the old value of parity, and the right-most operation reads the
old value of Q. The center Rd operations read all surviving data in the codeword. The Q
operation regenerates a single missing data symbol, and the XOR node regenerates the
other missing symbol.
Rd Rd
Rd Rd
Rd Rd
120 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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illustrated in Figure 7, writes new data symbols and computes new values of parity and
“Q” using Equation 1 on page 116. If either the parity or Q disks fail, this same graph is
used, but the chains that would normally update the now-failed check symbol are omitted.
FIGURE 7 PQ Small-Write Graph
Writing over half, but less than an entire, codeword is best done by a reconstruct write,
similar to the one used in RAID level 5. Illustrated in Figure 8, the PQ reconstruct-write
operation reads the data symbols not overwritten, meaning that the entire (new) codeword
is held in memory. Parity and Q are then computed, and the new data, parity, and
Q are then written to disk. This operation is also used when data is being written to an
array in which a single data disk has failed and a fault-free disk is being written.
This graph is similar to the small-write graph (Figure 3), but with an extra chain
added to update the “Q” disk. The Commit node blocks all writes from initiating
until all new symbols (data, parity, and Q) have been computed.
Wr Wr
Rd Rd
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FIGURE 8 PQ Reconstruct-WriteGraph
If two data disks have failed and data is written to at least one, but not both, of the failed
disks, the PQ double-degraded write operation, illustrated in Figure 9, is used. This
graph employs an algorithm similar to the one used in the PQ degraded write operation
but must reconstruct the failed data which is not overwritten.
This graph is similar to the reconstruct-write graph (Figure 4) but with an extra chain
added to update the “Q” disk. In this example, assume that D1 and D2 are to be written.
The Rd operations read old data (D0, D3 and D4). New values of P and Q are then computed
and the writes of D1, P, and Q are initiated. The Commit node blocks all Wr
nodes from executing until all new symbols have been computed.
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 P Q
Wr Wr
Wr •••
122 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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FIGURE 9 PQ Double-Degraded-Write Graph
Finally, writing data to the entire codeword is simply performed using the PQ largewrite
operation. Illustrated in Figure 10, the operation overwrites every symbol in the
Assume that D1 and D2 are to be overwritten. Because D4 is missing, the PQ reconstruct
operation cannot be used. This operation completes the requests by reconstructing
D4 and then using the reconstruct-write algorithm. First all surviving
symbols are read. The Rd actions in the center read the read of data (e.g., D0 D1 and
D3), the Rd operations on the ends read old P and Q. The Q operation reconstructs
D4. At this point, the entire codeword is known and the computation and writing of
parity, Q and data can begin. The Commit node was added to prevent Wr operations
from executing before the XOR and Q nodes have completed.
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 P Q
Wr Wr
Rd Rd
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FIGURE 10 PQ Large-Write Graph
Instead of allowing new data to be written concurrently while the parity overwrite
record is computed, the Commit node blocks the writes of new data until the XOR and
Q nodes have executed completely.
Wr Wr
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This section describes in more detail various types within RAIDframe.
TABLE 4 RAIDframe types
RF_AccessState_t enumerated set of states an access goes
through (defined in rf_types.h)
RF_AccessStripeMap_t structure describing all the physical accesses
required to complete a logical access,
separated into data and parity accesses
RF_AccessStripeMapFlags_t bitwise OR of flag values indicating the
status of an RF_AccessStripeMap_t,
including locks held, reconstruction attempts,
redirection, etc (flag values defined in
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t overhead information for an
RF_AccessStripeMap_t, also used to
make lists of RF_AccessStripeMap_ts
RF_AccTotals_t total accumulated access times for an array
broken down by operation type
RF_AccTraceEntry_t one record in a RAIDframe trace
RF_AllocListElem_t element in a memory allocation list, also
used as header of list
RF_AntecedentType_t identifies a dependency type between two
nodes in a DAG, values defined in
Appendix B: RAIDframe Types
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RF_ATEnt_t internal structure used by the pthreads
interface to debug mutex and condition
allocation and destruction
RF_CBParam_t generic parameter for a callback; this is a
union capable of holding a pointer in the p
field, and a 64-bit integer in the v field
RF_CallbackDesc_t entry in a callback list, contains operation to
perform and arguments
RF_ChaindeclusterConfigInfo_t layout-specific information for chained
RF_ChunkDesc_t bookkeeping list element used by buffer
allocation system
RF_ChunkHdr_t represents a list of RF_ChunkDesc_t
RF_CommonLogData_t parity log entry
RF_Config_t describes a RAIDframe configuration file
RF_CopybackDesc_t represents a request to copy one disk’s image
to another
RF_CumulativeStats_t simple array statistics as perceived by access
RF_CvscanArmDir_t identifies a disk arm direction (left or right),
values defined in rf_cvscan.h
RF_CvscanHeader_t queueing-policy specific information for
CVSCAN disk queueing
RF_DagHeader_t represents a DAG, contains information
about access associated with DAG, array
associated with DAG, memory allocation for
the DAG, etc
RF_DagList_t a set of DAGs associated with an access
RF_DagNode_t one node in a DAG
RF_DagNodeFlags_t bitwise OR of values indicating special
execution requirements for a DAG node,
values defined in rf_dag.h
RF_DAGParam_t generic parameter for a DAG operation; this
is a union capable of holding a pointer in the
p filed, and a 64-bit integer in the v field
RF_DagStatus_t execution status of a DAG, values defined in
RF_DDhandler_t simulator type which represents a function
implementing a disk event type
RF_DebugNames_t structure used by debug variable parser to
bind names of variables to the addresses
containing their values
RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 127
Version 1.0 8/29/96
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t layout-specific information for parity
RF_DeviceConfig_t describes basic array disk configuration
(queue depth, disks, spares), used by kernel
ioctl() interface
RF_DiskId_t logical binding between a disk, an array it is
configured in, and its queue
RF_DiskMap_t used by parity logging to associate a parity
record type with a physical disk access
RF_DiskOp_t generic representation of system-dependent
SCSI structures related to a single operation
RF_DiskQueue_t queue of requests for an individual disk
RF_DiskQueueData_t entry in request queue for a disk
RF_DiskQueueDataFlags_t bitwise OR of flags describing
RF_DiskQueueSW_t switch table entry for a disk queueing policy
(contains function pointers for disk queue
RF_DiskQueueType_t string identifying a disk queuing policy
RF_DiskState_t representation of a simulated disk (arm
position, queue, et cetera)
RF_DiskStats_t statistics maintained for a simulated disk
RF_DiskStatus_t represents the operational status of a disk,
values defined in rf_disks.h
RF_Etimer_t structure system-dependent information
needed by timing mechanism
RF_EventCreate_t used by the simulator front-end to associate
accesses with simulated threads
RF_EvenOddConfigInfo_t layout-specific information for even-odd
RF_FifoHeader_t queueing-policy specific information for
FIFO disk queueing
RF_FreeList_t structure used to maintain an arena of
unallocated objects (arena may have a
maximum size)
RF_FreeListStats_t used to keep usage statistics for a freelist
RF_Geometry_t simulator information about the behavior of a
paritcular kind of disk
RF_GeometryList_t list of RF_Geometry_ts
RF_HeadSepLimit_t distance that a reconstruction process is to
allow between accesses on different disks
((-1) represents infinity)
RF_Hist_t entry in a histogram (for statistics)
128 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
Version 1.0 8/29/96
RF_int8 8 bit signed integer
RF_int16 16 bit signed integer
RF_int32 32 bit signed integer
RF_int64 64 bit signed integer
RF_InterdeclusterConfigInfo_t layout-specific information for interleaved
RF_IoCount_t a number of I/O operations, used by
statistics-gathering modules
RF_IoType_t type of I/O operation
RF_IO_TYPE_NOP, defined in
RF_LayoutSW_t RAID architecture operations switch table
RF_LockReqDesc_t request for a lock (read or write) of an access
RF_LockTableEntry_t entry in a stripe lock hash table
RF_MCPair_t structure containing a mutex and a condition,
used for synchronization
RF_NodeStatus_t current execution status of a DAG node,
values defined in rf_dag.h
RF_Offset_t byte offset into a disk array
RF_Owner_t representation of a simulated thread
RF_OwnerInfo_t information about the state of a simulated
RF_ParityConfig_t single-character identifier of an array
RF_ParityLog_t list of regions in the array and their
associated parity log entries
RF_ParityLogData_t single entry in a parity log
RF_ParityLogDiskQueue_t queue of parity log entries to be written to a
disk or reintegrated
RF_ParityLogggingConfigInfo_t layout-specific information for parity logging
RF_ParityLogQueue_t list of RF_ParityLog_ts
RF_ParityLogRecord_t binding of a physical disk access to a parity
log record type
RF_ParityRecordType_t type of entry in a parity log, values defined in
129 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
Version 1.0 8/29/96
RF_PendingRecon_t reconstruction request that is not yet
executing, because a reconstruction is
already in-progress on that array
RF_PerDiskReconCtrl_t one disk’s information for disk-directed
reconstruction process
RF_PSSFlags_t flags for
values defined in rf_psstatus.h
RF_PSStatusHeader_t hash table of parity stripe status structures
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t representation of a single, contiguous range
of sectors on a single disk in an array
RF_PropHeader_t list of bindings of results of one DAG node
to parameters of another
RF_Raid_t a disk array and all its associated state
RF_Raid0ConfigInfo_t layout-specific informatino for RAID level 0
RF_Raid1ConfigInfo_t layout-specific informatino for RAID level 1
RF_Raid4ConfigInfo_t layout-specific informatino for RAID level 4
RF_Raid5ConfigInfo_t layout-specific informatino for RAID level 5
RF_Raid5RSConfigInfo_t layout-specific informatino for RAID level 5
with rotated sparing
RF_RaidAccessDesc_t information associated with a single array
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t bitwise OR of flags for
RF_RaidAccessDesc_t, defined in
RF_RaidAddr_t sector address of an access in a disk array
RF_RaidDisk_t representation of a disk device, and its
association with a disk array
RF_RaidLayout_t information about an array’s configuration
(stripe units in array, sectors in a stripe unit,
et cetera)
RF_RaidReconDesc_t description of a current or pending
RF_RbufType_t identifies what kind of reconstruction buffer
a buffer is (floating, forced, etc), values
defined in rf_types.h
RF_recon_acc_stats_t timing information for a reconstruction
access broken down by operational
RF_ReconBuffer_t memory buffer used to hold data from disks
for disk-directed reconstruction
130 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
Version 1.0 8/29/96
RF_ReconConfig_t configuration information for reconstruction
activity (head separation limit, buffer
RF_ReconCtrl_t primarty structure for reconstruction process;
tracks buffers, status tables, et cetera
RF_ReconDoneProc_t callback for when reconstruction is complete;
used primarily by simulator
RF_ReconEvent_t representation of reconstruction “event”-
such as disk read complete, disk write
complete, buffer available
RF_ReconMap_t map of reconstruction status for array regions
RF_ReconMapListElem_t single entry in a reconstruction map hash
RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t information about a single parity stripe’s
reconstruction status
RF_ReconUnitCount_t a number of reconstruction units
RF_ReconUnitNum_t number of a particular reconstruction unit
RF_RedFuncs_t logical set of ECC computation functions for
a particular parity type
RF_RegionBufferQueue_t queue of buffers for parity logs for a
particular array region
RF_RegionId_t identifier of a parity region (used by parity
RF_RegionInfo_t parity logging information for a paritcular
array region
RF_Revent_t a reconstruction event
RF_RowCol_t disk row or column number
RF_RowStatus_t operational status of a row of disks in an
RF_SectorCount_t a number of sectors
RF_SectorNum_t the number of a particular sector
RF_ShutdownList_t list of cleanup function to invoke, with their
RF_SpareTableEntry_t used to map a regular stripe unit to and from
a spare stripe unit
RF_SparetWait_t used by kerenl interface so user process can
provide a particular spare region mapping for
an array
RF_Sstf_t queueing-policy specific data for SSTF,
CSCAN, and SCAN disk queueing policies
RF_SstfQ_t internal datastructures used by SSTF,
CSCAN, and SCAN queueing disciplines
131 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
Version 1.0 8/29/96
RF_StripeCount_t a number of stripes
RF_StripeLockDesc_t an entry in the stripe lock hash table
RF_StripeNum_t the number of a particular stripe
RF_Thread_t generic representation of a thread handle
RF_ThreadArg_t generic (pointer-sized) thread argument
RF_ThreadAttr_t thread attribute representation used by the
Pthreads adaptation layer
RF_ThreadGroup_t a managed group of threads
RF_ThroughputStats_t statistics for array throughput
RF_TICS_t measurement of time used by simulator
RF_ua1024_t array of 1024 unsigned 8-bit integers
RF_ua32_t array of 32 unsigned 32-bit integers
RF_uint8 8 bit unsigned integer
RF_uint16 16 bit unsigned integer
RF_uint32 32 bit unsigned integer
RF_uint64 64 bit unsigned integer
RF_user_acc_stats_t timing information for an access broken
down by operational component
RF_VoidFuncPtr pointer to function returning void
(arguments unspecified)
RF_ZoneData_t information about a single zone on a disk,
used by simulator
RF_ZoneList_t simulator structure representing the list of
zones on a disk
132 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
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RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems 133
Version 1.0 8/29/96
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140 RAIDframe: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for RAID Systems
Version 1.0 8/29/96
adding a new RAID architecture 98
array operation
large write 28
read-modify-write 26
reconstruct write 27
atomic 39
average seek time 12
background reconstruction process 28
Byte Ordering 111
bytesPerStripeUnit 101
calloc 88
Chained declustering 58, 74
channel program 42
check-disk overhead 30
cleanupList 100
commit point 45
committedRbufs 105
compilation 69
Compiling RAIDframe user-level binaries 70
condition 126
condition variables 92
configlistfile 81
configName 99
Configure 100
control flow 62
control programs 75
copyback phase 32
correctness verification 46
cpu utilization 111
data dependence
anti 44
true 44
dataSectorsPerStripe 101
dataStripeUnitsPerDisk 101
debug options
creating new 96
DEC Alphas 69, 110
Declustered EvenOdd 73
Declustering + distributed sparing 73
DefaultStates 106
degraded-mode read test 67
dependencies 42
device driver 57
directed, acyclic graphs 43
actuator 15
cylinder 15
interface 63
mirroring 14
sector 15
track 15
disk array
layout 18
performance evaluation 34
disk-geometry model 57
disk-oriented algorithm 51
disk-queueing policy
adding new 108
diskqueuesw 108
distributed controllers 32
Distributed sparing 58
do action 47
error recovery
backward 39
forward 38
roll-away 39
error-control code
additive-3 code 30
full-n 30
N-dimensional parity 30
EvenOdd 58
EvenOdd (declustered) 58
EvenOdd) 73
event-driven simulator 56
executing DAGs 47
execution engine 62
extending built-in tracing of RAIDframe performance 97
faultsTolerated 106
file write-read test 67
file-dispersal matrix 30
flags 106
floating 30
floating reconstruction buffers 104
forward execution 49
free 88
GetDefaultHeadSepLimit 103
GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers 104
GetNumSpareRUs 104
graph selection 64
group size 30
high-bandwidth parallel buses 18
IdentifyStripe 102
imake 69, 70
installing a new architecture 98
Installing RAIDframe 69
InstallSpareTable 104
Interleaved declustering 74
Interleaved declustering + Distributed sparing 58
invariants 38
ioctl 127
itomf 70
latent sector failures 29
Layout 100, 102
fields 101
layout test 67
layoutSpecific 100
layoutSpecificInfo 100
layoutSpecificSize 100
left-symmetric organization 23
disk-geometry 63
disk-queue 63
graph 64
primitive operations 64
linear address space 18
Log-Structured File System (LFS) 31
loop test 67
MakeLayoutSpecific 99, 100
MakeLayoutSpecificArg 100
makeLayoutSpecificArg 99, 100
malloc 88
MapParity 101
mapping 63
MapQ 101
MapSector 101
mapsw 106
maximum-distance-separable (MDS) codes 30
mean-time-to-data-loss (MTTDL) 34
memory allocation 88
RF_Calloc 88, 89
RF_Free 88, 89
RF_Malloc 88, 89
memory allocation lists 89
RF_CallocAndAdd 89
RF_MallocAndAdd 89
distorted 35
doubly distorted 35
degraded 23
fault-free 23
model checking 46
mutex 126
mutex variables 91
network file systems based on RAID 35
NOP 44
predicate 48, 49
source 44
node state 47
numDataCol 101, 102
numParityCol 101, 102
numStripe 101
disk 20
encoding 14
stripe 22
Parity declustering 58, 73
Parity declustering + Distributed sparing 58
parityConfig 99
parity-update record 31
pass-fail devices 41
porting 110
porting RAIDframe 110
positioning 16
primitive operations 39
creating new 107
Pthreads 111, 126, 131
queueing operation
create 63, 108
dequeue 63, 109
enqueue 63, 109
peek 63, 109
promote 63, 110
queueing policies
adding new 108
RAID architecture operations
configName 99
Configure 100
GetDefaultHeadSepLimit 103
GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers 104
GetNumSparePUs 104
IdentifyStripe 102
InstallSpareTable 104
MakeLayoutSpecific 99
makeLayoutSpecificArg 99
MapParity 101
MapQ 101
MapSector 101
parityConfig 99
SelectionFunc 102
SubmitReconBuffer 104
VerifyParity 105
RAID Level
1 19
2 19
3 20
4 22
5 23
6 117
RAID level 0 57, 73
RAID level 1 57, 73
RAID level 4 57, 73
RAID level 5 58, 73
RAID level 5 + Distributed sparing 58
RAID level 5 + rotated sparing 74
RAID operations
implementing new 107
RAIDframe features 55
raidframe.tar 69 9
RAIDframe_site.def 70
RAIDframe_site.def. 70 9
random numbers 111
random read or write test 67
algorithm 28
states 65
reconstruction test 67
reliability modeling 34
return codes 88
RF_AccessState_t 106, 125
RF_AccessStripeMap_t 102, 107, 125
RF_AccessStripeMapFlags_t 125
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t 125
RF_AccTotals_t 125
RF_AccTraceEntry_t 125
RF_AllocListElem_t 89, 107, 108, 125
RF_AntecedentType_t 125
rf_archs.h 70
RF_ATEnt_t 126
RF_CallbackDesc_t 126
RF_Calloc 89
RF_CallocAndAdd 109
RF_CBParam_t 126
RF_ChaindeclusterConfigInfo_t 126
rf_CheckForFullRbuf 105
RF_ChunkDesc_t 126
RF_ChunkHdr_t 126
RF_CommonLogData_t 126
rf_cond_destroy 92
rf_cond_init 92
RF_Config_t 99, 100, 126
RF_CopybackDesc_t 126
rf_create_managed_cond 92
rf_create_managed_mutex 91
rf_ctrl 70, 76, 98
RF_CumulativeStats_t 126
RF_CvscanArmDir_t 126
RF_CvscanHeader_t 126
RF_DagHeader_t 107, 126
RF_DagList_t 126
RF_DagNode_t 126
RF_DagNodeFlags_t 126
RF_DAGParam_t 126
RF_DagStatus_t 126
RF_DDhandler_t 126
RF_DebugNames_t 126
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t 127
rf_destroy_threadgroup 94, 95
RF_DeviceConfig_t 127
RF_DiskId_t 127
RF_DiskMap_t 127
RF_DiskOp_t 127
RF_DiskQueue_t 127
RF_DiskQueueData_t 109, 110, 127
RF_DiskQueueDataFlags_t 127
RF_DiskQueueSW_t 108, 127
RF_DiskQueueType_t 108, 127
RF_DiskState_t 127
RF_DiskStats_t 127
RF_DiskStatus_t 127
RF_Etimer_t 96, 97, 127
RF_EvenOddConfigInfo_t 127
RF_EventCreate_t 127
RF_FifoHeader_t 127
RF_FreeList_t 127
RF_FreeListStats_t 127
rf_genplot 81, 82
RF_Geometry_t 127
RF_GeometryList_t 127
RF_HeadSepLimit_t 103, 127
RF_Hist_t 127
rf_init_managed_threadgroup 94
rf_init_threadgroup 94, 95
RF_int16 110, 128
RF_int32 110, 128
RF_int64 110, 128
RF_int8 110, 128
RF_InterdeclusterConfigInfo_t 128
RF_IO_TYPE_NOP 88, 128
RF_IO_TYPE_READ 88, 102, 128
RF_IO_TYPE_WRITE 88, 102, 128
RF_IoCount_t 128
RF_IoType_t 88, 102, 128
rf_LastState 106
RF_LayoutSW_t 128
Flag Values 107
RF_LockReqDesc_t 128
RF_LockTableEntry_t 128
rf_MakeLayoutSpecificNULL 100
rf_MakeSimpleDAG 105
RF_Malloc 89
RF_MallocAndAdd 109
RF_MCPair_t 128
rf_mutex_destroy 91
rf_mutex_init 91
RF_NodeStatus_t 128
RF_Offset_t 128
RF_Owner_t 128
RF_OwnerInfo_t 128
RF_ParityConfig_t 99, 128
RF_ParityLog_t 128
RF_ParityLog_ts 128
RF_ParityLogData_t 128
RF_ParityLogDiskQueue_t 128
RF_ParityLogggingConfigInfo_t 128
RF_ParityLogQueue_t 128
RF_ParityLogRecord_t 128
RF_ParityRecordType_t 128
RF_PendingRecon_t 129
RF_PerDiskReconCtrl_t 129
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t 105, 129
RF_PropHeader_t 129
RF_PSSFlags_t 129
RF_PSStatusHeader_t 129
RF_Raid_t 88, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 129
RF_Raid0ConfigInfo_t 129
RF_Raid1ConfigInfo_t 129
RF_Raid4ConfigInfo_t 129
RF_Raid5ConfigInfo_t 129
RF_Raid5RSConfigInfo_t 129
RF_RaidAccessDesc_t 129
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t 105, 107, 129
RF_RaidAddr_t 101, 102, 105, 129
RF_RaidDisk_t 129
RF_RaidLayout_t 100, 103, 129
RF_RaidReconDesc_t 129
RF_RbufType_t 129
RF_recon_acc_stats_t 129
RF_ReconBuffer_t 105, 129
RF_ReconConfig_t 130
RF_ReconCtrl_t 130
RF_ReconDoneProc_t 130
RF_ReconEvent_t 130
RF_ReconMap_t 130
RF_ReconMapListElem_t 130
RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t 129, 130
RF_ReconUnitCount_t 104, 130
RF_ReconUnitNum_t 103, 110, 130
RF_RedFuncs_t 130
RF_RegionBufferQueue_t 130
RF_RegionId_t 130
RF_RegionInfo_t 130
rf_ReleaseFloatingReconBuffer 105
RF_Revent_t 130
RF_RowCol_t 101, 102, 104, 130
RF_RowStatus_t 130
RF_SectorCount_t 87, 108, 130
RF_SectorNum_t 87, 101, 130
rf_SelectAlgorithm 103
rf_setconfig 70, 76, 98
rf_ShutdownCreate 90
RF_ShutdownList 92
RF_ShutdownList_t 89, 91, 94, 100, 108, 130
RF_SpareTableEntry_t 130
RF_SparetWait_t 130
RF_Sstf_t 130
RF_SstfQ_t 130
RF_StripeCount_t 88, 131
RF_StripeLockDesc_t 131
RF_StripeNum_t 88, 103, 110, 131
RF_Thread_t 93, 95, 131
RF_ThreadArg_t 93, 94, 95, 131
RF_ThreadAttr_t 131
RF_ThreadGroup_t 94, 131
RF_ThroughputStats_t 131
RF_TICS_t 131
RF_ua1024_t 131
RF_ua32_t 131
RF_uint16 110, 131
RF_uint32 110, 131
RF_uint64 87, 110, 131
RF_uint8 110, 131
RF_user_acc_stats_t 131
RF_VoidFuncPtr 102, 131
RF_ZoneData_t 131
RF_ZoneList_t 131
rooted graphs 44
rotational latency 12
SCAN 130
scientific visualization 13
script test 67
SCSI Operations 111
seeking 16
SelectionFunc 102, 107
shortest-seek optimization 24
shutdown lists 89
simple reliability calculation 14
single-access test 67
single-user mode 82
cylinder 17
track 17
small-form-factor drives 12
dedicated 32
distributed 32
parity 32
SSTF 130
stand-alone user application 56
state machine 60
states 106
stripe unit 18
striping studies 32
SubmitReconBuffer 104, 105
synthetic workload 56
synthetic workload generator 66
thread groups 93
thread macros
thread types 90
RF_Thread_t 90
RF_ThreadArg_t 90
threads 90, 111
creation 93
managing threads 93
thread groups 93
thread types 90
TickerTAIP 42
timer 96
timing 96, 111
RF_Etimer_t 96
totalSectors 100
trace file 56
Types 110
basic types for porting RAIDframe 110
types and conventions 87
undo action 47
user-level front ends 56
driver 56
rf_genplot 56
VerifyParity 105
return values 106
video-on-demand 13
W Word Size 111
worklistfile 81
workload file 66
write-array test 67
write-only disk cache 35
zero-latency operation 16
zoned bit recording (ZBR) 16

Our Laboratories : UniRecovery Guarantees :


As a single speck of dust entering a hard disk could cause fatal results. It is larger than the distance between the read/write heads and the platter in a hard disk (40 microns, a human hair being 100 microns thick) and its collision with the Hard Disk head would be extremely detrimental.

Our advanced laboratories are equipped with Clean Rooms rated as ‘Class 1000, 100 & 10 ’ where there exists no more than 1000 particles; and ‘Class 100’ where there exists no more than 100 particles whereas with "Class 10", less than 10 particles of 0,5 µm found in our Cabim-Flow which is of "Class 10".

The air quality of the Clean Rooms complies with the applicable standards BS 5295, ISO 14644-4 and Federal Standard 209. Hard disk fabrication requires a ‘Class 100’ Clean Room and UniRecovery undertake all laptop hard drive recovery work in Clean Rooms ‘Class 10’. Commonly established, recovery from “Clicking” hard disk drives, can also be achieved under these specialised Clean Room conditions.

  1. NO FIX, NO FEE : no charge if your data cannot be recovered!
  2. to charge Fixed Rates for the recovery of your data irrespective of the cost & time it takes to recover.
  3. Door to Door collection & delivery all included in our fixed rates.
  4. To recover all recoverable data.
  5. Rapid Respond : in order to get you back up and running with the shortest possible delay.
  6. To maintain the highest standard of work environment with the use of Clean rooms within all our laboratories, in which air quality complies with the applicable standards BS 5295, ISO 14644-4 and Federal Standard 209.
  7. Extensive experience and expertise in recovering data from ‘inaccessible’ hard drives.
  8. Data recovery from SCSI, RAID s, SANs or NASs servers, Mirrored and Striped Volume, Exchange Servers, RAID or NAS servers, backup tapes, floppy diskettes, Zip, Optical Media.
  9. Complete discretion with regards to client data protection.
  10. A specialist team of RAID server qualified data recovery engineers.
  11. Free post-recovery customer services: providing you with measures to prevent similar losses in the future.
  12. Recovery (if the data is recoverable) solutions for data loss caused by power surges, software or system malfunction, lightening, fires, floods, sabotage, user errors, accidental format, deletion, repartitioning.
  13. A specialist team of forensic data recovery experts for litigation cases.